500,000 Condoms distributed to Paris Olympic Athletes: Beyond Despicable.

Mashy is prone to following people around on these forums. He did it with me for a bit.

He wants the gov't to be based on the Bible and Xtianity.
It's the other way, ace. I start the threads, and you chime in on them. I don't think I've ever responded to a thread of yours? Have you ever even started one?
Somebody has to be the adults. It clearly isn't the leftwing atheists.

Adults do not feel the need to control everyone and make everyone act and think just like them.

Those are the actions and desires of a child
500,000 condoms are being distributed among the 10,500 at the Paris Olympics, and that’s just for starters. That’s beyond despicable. But it reflects the level of societal immorality in the world today. For those who have forgotten or never knew, sex outside marriage in the most prevalent and destructive sin in the world today. It is responsible for 90% of the world’s problems. It will send more people to Hell than perhaps anything. And yet the Olympic Committee not only sanctions it, but encourages it. The Olympic Village is like a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Were there not a few Christians there, I could well see an attack from above that would wipe out the entire Village. New information has revealed the orginal Gomorrah was probably destroyed by an exploding meteorite, which produces temperatures as high as the sun itself. The ancient explosion so poisoned the ground, it rendered it infertile for 600 years. God was clearly very angry.

As mentioned, the Olympics has developed into a 19-day orgy, such that the village scene draws many celebrities. The action is so prevalent, one Olympian estimated 75% of the athletes participate. So that’s 7700 lives that will be irrevocably damaged by sin. Yes, they can repent, but they are still forever damaged psychologically.

I encourage folks to read my well-received earlier thread Zone1 - Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

It should be understood the US Government partially subsidizes our Olympics team. There is no way we should be allowing this immorality to take place, much less encourage it. But asking atheist leftwing governments to be moral is like asking a goldfish to put on sneakers. The Marxists have worked hard to erode the moral code. Sex outside marriage has become so passe, nobody even mentions it. Likely many dimbulbs would praise this distribution of condoms like this leftwing media article has done. 500,000 condoms works about to about 47 per athlete. That’s almost three per day for the 19 days. People should be outraged.
Ask me if I care that someone in the Paris Olympics is getting laid using condoms that can ptevent STD's.

Actually, I don't give a damn one bit about the Olympics which is nothing but one big cash machine for the networks etc. Like the Super Bowl & legalized sports betting, it's nothing but one big money grab for sucker's.
I don't like my tax dollars to go for ungodly destructive orgies.
How do you know that's going to happen? You just assume everyone but yourself is immoral? We've had tons upon tons of immorality since 1776. You are free to do as you please so it's all a mute point. Nobody is forcing you to be immoral so it's therefore not really anybody business.
can you please link to the sources that says our tax dollars paid for these condoms.

I will be happy to wait.
It's not brain surgery. Taxpayers fund the US government. The US government subsidizes the US Olympic Committee. The US Olympic Committee buys and hands out condoms. Ergo taxpayers are having to pay for these wicked devices.
It's not brain surgery. Taxpayers fund the US government. The US government subsidizes the US Olympic Committee. The US Olympic Committee buys and hands out condoms. Ergo taxpayers are having to pay for these wicked devices.

The US Olympic Committee did not buy and hand out condoms, that was done by the organizers of the games in Paris.
He knows that, but he has a hard on for me. I have called out his BS too many times and now he follows me around like a puppy dog making these kinds of stupid post
That's a pretty weird creepy thing to say. And as for who is following whom, this is my thread, and you joined it.
Sex outside marriage damages the participants emotionally. Often people don't realize it unless they're pretty damaged. Some don't ever realize it's why they're messed up.
very wise point there, esp the last thing. And yet, for anyone who has a shred of a conscience, it is shown by nature itself how wrong the act is.. It's just that some people think they can make a wrong a right.

Thanks for fighting the Good Fight
The US Olympic Committee did not buy and hand out condoms, that was done by the organizers of the games in Paris.
OK. Throw in a couple of more layers. The organizers of the games are subsidized the IOC, which is funded by countries, the US being the biggest sponsor.

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