Why Don’t Battered Women Get Guns?

How would you know. You have no kids.

My daughter is well trained with swords, knives and guns.
You're against shooting rapists? Why did you give my previous post a thumbs down? I said it would be great if women getting raped had guns at the time to kill the perp. OMG no high cost of prison, no worrying about them getting out. Problem solved. Seems like the solution to rape is more women carrying guns.
You're against shooting rapists? Why did you give my previous post a thumbs down? I said it would be great if women getting raped had guns at the time to kill the perp. OMG no high cost of prison, no worrying about them getting out. Problem solved. Seems like the solution to rape is more women carrying guns.
Oh, I pity the poor dumb mother fucker that tries to rape my girl.

She will geld him at best.

Pretty hard to be a rapist after that.

I disagreed with your post because your stats are crap.

25% of American women own a gun

40% for men.

Me thinks you don't want to get your dick blown off. No Means No. Stand your ground.

1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed, 2.8% attempted).

Imagine all the dead scumbags if they were armed at the time they experienced it.

And every time a woman double taps some scumbag trying to rape her, I get a chubby.

Where did you get that rape number? I think it's more related to sexual harassment.
They can wait. Do you think a woman won't buy a gun because it can't handle an extended clip? Training regulations? Burdensome? So you are against people being properly trained?

In Michigan, now, you have to go through a DNR class to get your first license. I think it's a great idea. You can buy the gun without the class but to get a hunting license, you have to prove you aren't stupid.

AND, you have to spend 8 hours with DNR agents. They'll know if you're a nut and report you to police. Got a problem with that? Weirdo.

Like I said, the reason a lot of women are killed by their domestic partners is because people like you prevent them from defending themselves.

This is your fault.
Kind of true in a way. We all raise our daughters to be pussies. They play with dolls we buy our sons their first bb gun or 22. So you are actually right. If I had a daughter, she'd know how to shoot. She'd hunt.
Speak for yourself. :p The Daughter was blasting away with a rifle and Beretta 9mm at 8. :cool:
Oh, I pity the poor dumb mother fucker that tries to rape my girl.

She will geld him at best.

Pretty hard to be a rapist after that.

I disagreed with your post because your stats are crap.
No you just like to argue. Even when we should be agreeing you can't help but be disagreeable.

I did my own personal survey first and realized women are scared of guns. Don't like them. Then I look up and see only 25% of women own guns compared to men 40%.

I would have thought the number of women would be lower than that and the number of men higher.

You mean only 40% of men own guns?

According to a June 2023 Pew Research Center survey, 40% of men in the U.S. say they own a gun, compared to 25% of women. This is a gender gap in gun ownership that has been present since 2007. Other demographics that are more likely to own guns include:
  • Rural residents: 47% of adults living in rural areas own a gun
  • White men: 48% of white men own a gun, compared to 24% of nonwhite men
  • Republicans: 50% of Republicans own a gun
  • Self-identified conservatives: 45% of self-identified conservatives own a gun

  • Southerners: 40% of Southerners own a gun

No you just like to argue. Even when we should be agreeing you can't help but be disagreeable.

I did my own personal survey first and realized women are scared of guns. Don't like them. Then I look up and see only 25% of women own guns compared to men 40%.

I would have thought the number of women would be lower than that and the number of men higher.

You mean only 40% of men own guns?

According to a June 2023 Pew Research Center survey, 40% of men in the U.S. say they own a gun, compared to 25% of women. This is a gender gap in gun ownership that has been present since 2007. Other demographics that are more likely to own guns include:
  • Rural residents: 47% of adults living in rural areas own a gun
  • White men: 48% of white men own a gun, compared to 24% of nonwhite men
  • Republicans: 50% of Republicans own a gun
  • Self-identified conservatives: 45% of self-identified conservatives own a gun

  • Southerners: 40% of Southerners own a gun

Yeah, those numbers are BS. The progressives have been trying to claim that US gun ownership is limited to a very few. The reality is there are north of 500,000,000 firearms, in private hands, in the USA.

A more honest estimate would place gun owning households at over 80%.

In my part of northern Nevada I can only think of a handful of people who don't own a gun of some sort. And I know hundreds.

So, as usual, the leftists lie about pretty much everything.
Yeah, those numbers are BS. The progressives have been trying to claim that US gun ownership is limited to a very few. The reality is there are north of 500,000,000 firearms, in private hands, in the USA.

A more honest estimate would place gun owning households at over 80%.

In my part of northern Nevada I can only think of a handful of people who don't own a gun of some sort. And I know hundreds.

So, as usual, the leftists lie about pretty much everything.

Three-in-ten American adults say they currently own a gun.

That includes women. I know a lot of single women who don't own guns. Like I said, I'm surprised 25% own guns. Must be in red states.

So you are saying a lot of people don't report that they have guns? You think the numbers are wrong? You could be right. That's valid. But why lie to Pew? 1. The demographics of gun ownership

Two-thirds of gun owners say they own more than one gun, including 29% who own five or more guns. About seven-in-ten say they own a handgun or pistol (72%), while 62% own a rifle and 54% own a shotgun. Among those who own a single gun, most (62%) say that gun is a handgun or pistol, while far fewer say they own a rifle (22%) or a shotgun (16%).

The share of American households owning at least one firearm has remained relatively steady since 1972, hovering between 37 percent and 47 percent. In 2023, about 42 percent of U.S. households had at least one gun in their possession.

Don't forget about all the liberals who would never have a gun in their home. Don't forget not all Americans are gun nuts like us. I have multiple guns. Sadly, none of them are designed to help me win the 2nd Revolution. I guess I could be a sniper with my Ruger 450 bushmaster. And 45's are a popular gun with the military. And my small deringer would be undetectable in southern airports because they're too cheap to use those machines. FREEDOM!
Furthermore, the United States has fallen victim to a number of mass shootings in the last two decades most of which have raised questions over the ease at which a person can obtain a firearm. Although this movement holds a significant position in the public political discourse of the United States, meaningful change in regards to the legislation dictating the ownership of firearms has not occurred. Critics have pointed to the influence possessed by the National Rifle Association through their lobbying of public officials. The National Rifle Association also lobby for the interests of firearm manufacturing in the United States which has continued to rise since a fall in the early 2000s.
Hey, if you convinced your daughters the number would be higher than 25%. It's 40% for men. Don't you think it should be the other way around?

Sorry, we all know women naturally just don't like guns. Christi Noem is an exception. Boebert is an exception. Sarah Palen doesn't even really like guns despite her photo shoots

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That's not Palin, but you're definitely dumb enough to believe it.

Three-in-ten American adults say they currently own a gun.

That includes women. I know a lot of single women who don't own guns. Like I said, I'm surprised 25% own guns. Must be in red states.

So you are saying a lot of people don't report that they have guns? You think the numbers are wrong? You could be right. That's valid. But why lie to Pew? 1. The demographics of gun ownership

Two-thirds of gun owners say they own more than one gun, including 29% who own five or more guns. About seven-in-ten say they own a handgun or pistol (72%), while 62% own a rifle and 54% own a shotgun. Among those who own a single gun, most (62%) say that gun is a handgun or pistol, while far fewer say they own a rifle (22%) or a shotgun (16%).

The share of American households owning at least one firearm has remained relatively steady since 1972, hovering between 37 percent and 47 percent. In 2023, about 42 percent of U.S. households had at least one gun in their possession.

Don't forget about all the liberals who would never have a gun in their home. Don't forget not all Americans are gun nuts like us. I have multiple guns. Sadly, none of them are designed to help me win the 2nd Revolution. I guess I could be a sniper with my Ruger 450 bushmaster. And 45's are a popular gun with the military. And my small deringer would be undetectable in southern airports because they're too cheap to use those machines. FREEDOM!
Yeah, guess what. Most people don't answer truthfully. Poll takers are lied to all of the time.

Morons, like you, lap it up though.

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