Hezbollah hits Israel with deadliest attack in months-long conflict, IDF says, raising fears of escalation

Jews have ALWAYS lived under other governments, rarely assimilating, that's been their way of life for thousands of years in London, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Russia that's how they have lived. They never wanted a Jewish state, no Jews in the Levant sought a "Jewish" state.

The whole idea for that is FOREIGN to Jewry and the Middle East, it is a EUROPEAN idea, it came from EUROPEAN intellectual life, the cafes where Philosophy, Marxism, Communism and all that stuff were openly discussed by secular progressive Jews, not Judaism.

Jews already lived in Palestine and leaved in relative peace and safety with Muslims and Christians. The Zionists are a mutation, they have done great harm to Arabs and Jews.
So you are telling is that most Jews wanted to be ruled by muslim clerics such as in iran?
Correct you are

Living in a tent inside a refugee camp is far more fun than having a real house
They weren't living in tents in refugee camps in 1948. They lived in houses, houses their families had lived in for centuries. You really are confused about all this.
Not much use when wanting to visit family or friends in the West Bank.
You misrepresent the restriction. The restriction is not travelling TO Areas A and B. The restriction is on travelling INTO and THROUGH Israel. It is no different than Americans travelling from Washington State to Alaska, especially those with guns. The issue is not preventing them from Alaska, it is restricting them from travel IN Canada. Because guns.

The CAUSE of the restrictions on travel INTO and THROUGH Israel is continued violence by the people of Gaza upon the people of Israel. If the people of Gaza want a relatively open border with Israel, they have to prove the end of their hostility.
You misrepresent the restriction. The restriction is not travelling TO Areas A and B. The restriction is on travelling INTO and THROUGH Israel. It is no different than Americans travelling from Washington State to Alaska, especially those with guns. The issue is not preventing them from Alaska, it is restricting them from travel IN Canada. Because guns.

The CAUSE of the restrictions on travel INTO and THROUGH Israel is continued violence by the people of Gaza upon the people of Israel. If the people of Gaza want a relatively open border with Israel, they have to prove the end of their hostility.
No it isn't it's the same as it was in Apartheid South Africa probably even worse.
No it isn't it's the same as it was in Apartheid South Africa probably even worse.
It can't be both occupied and apartheid. Those terms are mutually exclusive. Either the Gaza strip is part of Israel, or it is not. You can't have it both ways.

Someone being that much of a retard is one thing, but when 50% of the people want him as their leader, then yes, Americans are dumb, no hopers, doomed as a culture.

This dunce would be a minority, fringe voice in any other democracy, but here in the US he's their most popular candidate!

The guy who loves commies and Hamas says Americans are dumb.

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