Hezbollah hits Israel with deadliest attack in months-long conflict, IDF says, raising fears of escalation

Its been widely reported by the world news media

Lies, propaganda.

Israel has repeatedly refused to admit experienced UN sexual crime investigators into the country. If there were any truth to these allegations they'd not be thwarting the investigation would they?

Israel’s obstruction of investigation into 7 October rape allegations risks truth never being found

According to The Times newspaper, Israeli advocates for the female survivors of the alleged sexual assault are now warning that the government’s obstruction of a full and legal investigation risks the possibility of ever reaching the truth about the allegations and the events.
Don't shout "look, look, rape!" and then stop people from actually looking.
Of course they had a choice
Not really, for example nobody can leave Gaza without special permission. I don't mean there's a formality like showing a passport to an immigration officer, there really is no right to movement without formal permission and it takes ages to get and can be denied. That means people are - to all intents and purposes - imprisoned.

I mean you should know all this, it's well known, not controversial at all.
And in 1948 they would have had much more than they have now
They had no choice for self determination. The UN carved out a huge region and set it aside for a non-elected Arab-hostile government to rule once the movers and shakers (the former colonizing powers) settled the details. That's undermining democracy, and they had to do that because most Jews didn't want Zionism, that ideology was embraced mostly by foreigners (who claimed to be Jews but genetically aren't) in a free and fair election the Zionists would have been a tiny minority, it was only because of their reliance on terrorism that they got any attention.

Israel is a colonial power, mainly foreign Jews, Europeans imposed upon millions of non-Jews. Once people see things from this perspective and blow away the lies it's all quite easy to understand and everything snaps into place. Israelis often whine about being "surrounded by hostile Arabs" but that's because the Zionists are unwelcome, they are Jew-supremacists, foreigners and ally themselves with powers traditionally hostile to Arabs.
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Not really, for example nobody can leave Gaza without special permission.
Many arabs left Gaza every day for regular jobs in Israel

Also Gaza borders Egypt where there are no travel restrictions

So its not the concentration camp you imagine
While the Israeli government issues warnings to civilians to leave the area before they attack HAMAS.......


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Many arabs left Gaza every day for regular jobs in Israel
Also Gaza borders Egypt where there are no travel restrictions
Not much use when wanting to visit family or friends in the West Bank.

You are indoctrinated, you see this as you've been taught to see it, Jews=victims, morally superior, never do wrong and non-Jews=enemies, the morals of a cockroach, criminals from birth.

Without the lies about people, the whole sham falls apart, you have been told what to believe, you've been used by Zionism, lied to and so far gone now that you'll cling to absurdities like rape claims.
Are you saying Jews preferred to live in a muslim caliphate instead of a Jewish state?
Jews have ALWAYS lived under other governments, rarely assimilating, that's been their way of life for thousands of years in London, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Russia that's how they have lived. They never wanted a Jewish state, no Jews in the Levant sought a "Jewish" state.

The whole idea for that is FOREIGN to Jewry and the Middle East, it is a EUROPEAN idea, it came from EUROPEAN intellectual life, the cafes where Philosophy, Marxism, Communism and all that stuff were openly discussed by secular progressive Jews, not Judaism.

Jews already lived in Palestine and leaved in relative peace and safety with Muslims and Christians. The Zionists are a mutation, they have done great harm to Arabs and Jews.

The Israeli settlements are illegal, they have to be destroyed. Typical too, Nazinyahu is schmoozing it up with the US elites while his countrymen are being attacked by missiles, he was effectively absent, useless on Oct 7th and he's absent, useless again today July 27th.

To not expect some kind of attack while he's visiting the US is utter incompetence too.

It's occupied Syria, however Hezbollah have denied they were responsible which is unusual, they say it was probably a Israeli AA missile that missed it's target.

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