Harris is resorting to provable lies now.. :(

She is going to beat Trump. You talk about cLimate crazies while your government is woring on reducing cimate change. I suppose you oppose ObamaCare in America while your country has nationalized health care.

With >85% turnout again and +10% head start using bogus mail in ballots, yes she will win enough EV. 10% fraudulent is nearly 20 million votes. The corpse only had 61 million legal votes.

If they will keep drop boxes open, counting open as long as it takes. The cackling dummy will win enough States.
Living up to your user name with a crazy answer. Your post reads like you're the only nation in the world which dealt with covid. You have 3% of the world's populaltion and 16% of the deaths. Compare this with Obama's swine flu pandemic response: 15% of the world's population, 1% of the world's deaths.

Faucci didn't "lead" your response. Donald Trump and the White House lead the response. Faucci's advice was ignored and downplayed. Notices being issued by the CDC were diluted and watered down BEFORE the White House issued them You didn't use masks nationwide and you didn't lock down nationwide,, and unless ALL of you do it, it doesn't work.

The states which REFUSED to lock down or mask - Texas and Florida, had the highest rates of death and disease. Try sorting the list by "deaths per million" of inhabitants and watch all of the red states go to the top of the chart. But you consider them a "success" because their economies didn't shut down. Property before people with Republicans, always.

The states that DID lock down, had lower rates of death and illnes than those who refused. In fact COUNTIES which masked and locked down had lower rates of disease and death than counties that didn't, but you continue to ignore the eviden.

The origination of the virus is irrelevant to the American outcome. Masks and lockdowns worked in every other first world nation - all of which had much lower rates of disease and death than the USA.

Well, Bless your blackened Heart ❤️. You work so hard shilling for the Deep State Party. One has to wonder why?.
The Young Turks aren't lying all of the time. In fact Democrats aren't lying all of the time because the truth is on their side.
The same could be said about Fox News and Republicans .. really a useless point.

The difference is Fox News is a professional news organization whereas The Young Turks is commentary. often with hyperbole, disinformation and angst.
while watching Fox News this morning, it became apparent that Kamala Harris is now resorting to provable lies to further her campaign.

statements she made only less than 5 years ago, she now refutes, and then goes accusing Trump of lying when he points that out.
for instance the one about her desire to ban fracking.
or about the state of the economy!
or about Biden's mental capabilities.

what's up with that, Dems?
she should be great enough of a leader by now to at least admit when she's changed her mind about something.

Harris has to present as a moderate in some areas. Harris is redefining herself and the MSM is assisting by erasing her past. They're doing this for the debate with TRUMP, so Harris can say "that's a lie" and will tell people don't be fooled by "cheep fakes".
Harris has to present as a moderate in some areas. Harris is redefining herself and the MSM is assisting by erasing her past. They're doing this for the debate with TRUMP, so Harris can say "that's a lie" and will tell people don't be fooled by "cheep fakes".
I almost fully agree with this, as Harris isn't redefining herself, she's putting on the facade to appeal to the emotional side for the upcoming election, yet the evidence through her history demonstrates she can't pretend to be a moderate. Her views and her message are extreme, and her performance in the last three and half years with the border crisis, lack of any accomplishments, socialistic views, equitable outcomes, defunding police and safety of our citizens, and being in the same administration that failed is where the Republicans will focus. She'll use cheap shots, and all Republicans have to do is focus on her actions and outcomes.

The honeymoon period will soon be over, and then she'll have to start high-profile interviews and press conferences, which will highlight her inability to articulate thoughts and knowledge effectively.
The same could be said about Fox News and Republicans .. really a useless point.

The difference is Fox News is a professional news organization whereas The Young Turks is commentary. often with hyperbole, disinformation and angst.
The Young Turks aren't lying all of the time. In fact Democrats aren't lying all of the time because the truth is on their side.

Republicans lie because NOBODY would vote for them if they told the truth. We're going to cut taxes, crash the economy, and give all of the money to our billionaire donors. Fuck working people.

Republicans lie because their policies don't work, their leadership are all criminals, and they hate women.
why yes,the 'twoof' is on the side of the Dems/ Socialists:

''the border is secure'',

''Joe is at the top of his game''

Lying is a pathology shared by the Dems / Socialists.

Go pray at the altar of Trudaeau in blackface.
I almost fully agree with this, as Harris isn't redefining herself, she's putting on the facade to appeal to the emotional side for the upcoming election, yet the evidence through her history demonstrates she can't pretend to be a moderate. Her views and her message are extreme, and her performance in the last three and half years with the border crisis, lack of any accomplishments, socialistic views, equitable outcomes, defunding police and safety of our citizens, and being in the same administration that failed is where the Republicans will focus. She'll use cheap shots, and all Republicans have to do is focus on her actions and outcomes.

The honeymoon period will soon be over, and then she'll have to start high-profile interviews and press conferences, which will highlight her inability to articulate thoughts and knowledge effectively.

Don't be surprised at how much cover the MSM can give Kamala.
She has given any type of press conference or held open rallies.
The DNC is in a few weeks, which the MSM will praise. To cover time until debate and distract people from researching Kamala look out for some kind of false flag.
Don't be surprised at how much cover the MSM can give Kamala.
She has given any type of press conference or held open rallies.
The DNC is in a few weeks, which the MSM will praise. To cover time until debate and distract people from researching Kamala look out for some kind of false flag.
She can't communicate effectively. They can't fix that over the next 3 months. The honey moon will be over soon, and initial polling really hasn't changed that much.
She was never the border czar. Now let me know when the VP can make law.
Yes she was .. she was put in charge of diplomatic relations with Mexico and Central American countries, as well as securing the border. Hell, even Axios posted an article specifically using the term "Border Czar" in 2021. You can't erase history, which you, the media, and Democrats are attempting to do.

You've been watching too much too much The Young Turks.
“I, Kamal Harris, senior Democrat candidate for President because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility of debate. Thanks, Joe.

I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire. I’m both a woman and a person of color. So if you criticize anything I say, you’re both sexist and racist.

I may not know the first thing about running the country, but remember, that’s a good thing if you’re a deep state puppet. I had four years under the tutelage of the ultimate deep state puppet, a wonderful mentor, Joe Joe taught me rule number one, carefully hide your total incompetence.
I take insignificant things and I discuss them as if they’re significant. And I believe that exploring the significance of the insignificant is in itself significant. Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. “So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time.”
And Another trick is trying to sound black. I pretend to celebrate Kwanza, and in my speeches, I always do my best Barack Obama impression. “So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”

And okay, look, maybe my work addressing the root causes of the border crisis were catastrophic, but my knowledge of international politics is truly shocking. “The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea. It is an alliance that is strong and enduring.”
Just remember, when voting this November, it is important to see what can be unburdened by what has been. And by what has been… I mean, Joe Biden. Do you think the country went to over the past four years? You ain’t seen nothing yet. (Cackle).”

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