Kamala Harris, The Border Czar

Or.... just because you give someone the title of border czar doesn't mean they can snap their fingers and fix the border.
Or leave it wide open without doing jack shit about it

I like that the media's and the useful leftarded idiots defense of Kamala has become "she actually wasn't in charge of anything"

I find it amusing beyond belief
Determining and dealing with the root cause of immigration is a distinctly separate thing than border security. Harris was charged with dealing with south American countries to help prevent the need for their citizens to migrate north. Border security is a totally different thing.
/----/ Stop playing stupid. She was given BOTH jobs as I cited in the NBC report you never read.
/----/ You'll note that CNN and aligned left-wing sources were the ones who never questioned it until Biden was kicked to the curb and Harris anointed without a single vote.
Doesn't matter. Facts are facts. She was never appointed border czar. Of course, I will change my mind in a second if you can show an official, or even an unofficial act where Biden appointed anybody as Border Czar.
/----/ Stop playing stupid. She was given BOTH jobs as I cited in the NBC report you never read.
here's a quote from that link. You'll note that border security wasn't mentioned in that article.

Biden said during an immigration meeting at the White House that he had asked Harris to lead the administration's efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, countries that will "need help stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border."

A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration. Cabinet members, including the secretary of state, are expected to work closely with Harris on these issues.
They also reported trump's claim that the election was stolen.
So? The Border Czar is a callback to the Obama administration. When the tea party started coining "Obamacare," the media ran with that too. Now we never call it by its real name anymore. If you don't want someone being called a Border Czar, don't start echoing it on national television. Condemn it and move on.
So? The Border Czar is a callback to the Obama administration. When the tea party started coining "Obamacare," the media ran with that too. Now we never call it by its real name anymore. If you don't want someone being called a Border Czar, don't start echoing it on national television. Condemn it and move on.
As I said earlier, just another bit of MAGA propaganda that was effective. Facts and reality show the claim to be bullshit.
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It's so funny.

Hindenburg Harris says she "knows how to deal with people like Donald Trump".

Yeah....she'll let Trump rob Fort Knox and only hit him with a misdemeanor.

You're going to learn.
If you and the socks in this thread say so.

Media made the mistake of picking it up, they made the mistake of lending it any credence.
And it was still a mistake and untrue, no matter who might have repeated it. Facts and reality prove that.
I'll make this short and sweet. As the media and the left try to sweep her record on the border under the rug, they are all trying to claim she was never made the Border Czar. But a House Proclamation on March 24, 2023, on the very same day she was appointed by Biden to the same, called for her removal as Border Czar.

That is H. RES. 253 of the 118th Congress

Don't fall for the lies. Do your research.
Where does i say “Czar”?


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