NY Times Title of Article.The Constitution is Sacred, but is it also DANGEROUS?

So why did Trump lose in 2020?

Hey look, 5 simultaneous F curves!

The probability of that happening is 1 in 10^-7.

Oh, that's right....because Trump did exactly jack and shit during Covid and destroyed the economy. And he told idiotic fairy tales about Covid magically disappearing.

Blame yourself. Trump had a travel ban in 3 days and you called him a racist for doing it. You made your own bed, son.

What a fucking idiot Trump is.

Smart enough to drive leftards nuts.
About the border crisis that Lankford spent months studying and writing a bill with Democrats? Yeah, he does.

And Lankford knows a helluva lot more about border protection than you do, too.
Obviously not. I don’t need a massive new law to fix it. Shut down all immigration, nobody crosses the border until their court date. A wall keeps them out.
Hey look, 5 simultaneous F curves!

The probability of that happening is 1 in 10^-7.

Blame yourself. Trump had a travel ban in 3 days and you called him a racist for doing it. You made your own bed, son.

Smart enough to drive leftards nuts.
If Trump knew his thumb from his dick and didn't handle Covid so poorly, then he would still be president. It's that simple.

Just believe your MAGA lies. I don't give a shit.

All I know is that your tears will be delicious in November. Just like they were delicious in 2020.
If Trump knew his thumb from his dick and didn't handle Covid so poorly, then he would still be president. It's that simple.

Just believe your MAGA lies. I don't give a shit.

All I know is that your tears will be delicious in November. Just like they were delicious in 2020.
Hey look, 5 simultaneous F curves!

The probability of that happening is 1 in 10^-7.

Blame yourself. Trump had a travel ban in 3 days and you called him a racist for doing it. You made your own bed, son.

Smart enough to drive leftards nuts.
It’s amazing how Trumps first response was protecting the US from more sick people. The democrats first reaction was to call him racist and demand they be let in.
Obviously not. I don’t need a massive new law to fix it. Shut down all immigration, nobody crosses the border until their court date. A wall keeps them out.
Yep....because dipshit MAGA bumpkins know more than people in Congress who actually study and research the issues.




How deranged are our modern libturds (including The NY Slimes) to believe that our amazing Constitution can, itself, also be dangerous?

Fucking morons. Ingrates. Selfish fucks.
If Trump knew his thumb from his dick and didn't handle Covid so poorly, then he would still be president. It's that simple.

Just believe your MAGA lies. I don't give a shit.

All I know is that your tears will be delicious in November. Just like they were delicious in 2020.
Every bad decision made during Covid was because of democrats.
It’s amazing how Trumps first response was protecting the US from more sick people. The democrats first reaction was to call him racist and demand they be let in.
The virus was already in the country, slow-learner. It wouldn't have mattered at that point.

That's what smart Democrats were telling imbeciles like Trump.
And that's the problem. Republican candidates can no longer win the popular vote....because Repug policies are fucking crazy and nobody but racists and fascists want them.

You all hate government and don't believe it can do anything good. Therefore, why do you all want to run the government? Just get out of the way and let people who believe in government do the job.

The only reason you all want power is to "own the libs".
Get an amendment and stop whining. That all you folks have to do. All your other silliness is totally pointless.
Yep....because dipshit MAGA bumpkins know more than people in Congress who actually study and research the issues.

You could be as smart as us if you actually studied and researched the issues. Instead you remain stupid and think some idiot in government was doing that when in reality he was out drinking with his donors picking up checks.

Only a fucking retard actually thinks these elected officials are smart and have the answers.
You could be as smart as us if you actually studied and researched the issues. Instead you remain stupid and think some idiot in government was doing that when in reality he was out drinking with his donors picking up checks.

Only a fucking retard actually thinks these elected officials are smart and have the answers.
Only bigger fucking retards think uneducated MAGA bumpkins such as yourself have the answers.
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It is insane. Radical Democrat party are about as un-American as it gets. It started with removing statues and of course the ultimate transformation would be "reimagining" the founding documents this country was built on.

Trump believes the Constitution is a danger to himself.

How quickly his cult has forgotten that.
The virus was already in the country, slow-learner. It wouldn't have mattered at that point.

That's what smart Democrats were telling imbeciles like Trump.
It did matter. Why bring more in? Is the solution to your infestation problem at your house to go ahead and let more bugs in because some are already there? Only an idiot would think like that. The first thing you do with a world wide virus is stop bringing more of it into your country. What a logical and sound decision that would be.
More than Fraudci?

Even I know more than Fraudci.

That asshole should be behind bars
Nope, you don't. Sorry.

MAGA bumpkins don't know more than Dr. Fauci. Simply impossible from an anthropology perspective, since Trumptards are no smarter than Neanderthals.

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