14-Year old kills 4 in Mass Shooting. Hate in this country continues to grow!

You know where this doesn't happen? EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD COUNTRY.

Most other first world countries don’t religiously trans their kids. …Well, that and the blacks.

The FBI was aware that this kid made threats but did nothing but warn local agencies which in turn did nothing. You can kick a kid out of school for using the "N" word or wearing a Crucifix or carrying a bible but you can't kick him out, pending therapy, for threatening to kill his classmates. WTF?
It's correlation .. not causation. It's like saying there were a zillion COVID deaths, and those deaths were counted because of COVID and because the deceased had COVID. So yes, we can ignore the subjective data and the fact that we don't know why so-called hate crimes were committed, nor who committed them and who the victims were.
Really? Then explain this:

No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.

So .. the 41 cases out of 54 invoking Trump .. out of how many cases total? What's the % of cases linked to Trump, like .00000000009%? You're really trying to make something out of nothing. Especially with 'alleged assaults,' and 'threats'. What else you got?
Bottom line is that these cases were stimulated by hate generated by Trump. It really does not matter what the percentage is given that without Trump, these cases would not have occurred. In addition, these are the "known" cases where Trump had some effect on. How many cases are there where it might have been Trump hate but it was not shown or proven. In addition, how many cases can you come up with where the killers were stimulated by anyone particular on the left. For example, how many cases were found where the killers were using Biden's name.

You are ignoring what this means and doing it on purpose
Bottom line is that these cases were stimulated by hate generated by Trump. It really does not matter what the percentage is given that without Trump, these cases would not have occurred. In addition, these are the "known" cases where Trump had some effect on. How many cases are there where it might have been Trump hate but it was not shown or proven. In addition, how many cases can you come up with where the killers were stimulated by anyone particular on the left. For example, how many cases were found where the killers were using Biden's name.

You are ignoring what this means and doing it on purpose
I'm ignoring it because it's not significant, and represents a fraction of a fraction of outcomes. There are probably as many cases where people responded to democrat rhetoric, like it in riots, the palestinian protests/outbreaks etc.

Try finding something meaningful next time instead of useless data. When you have 350M+ people, you get a few crazies.
I'm ignoring it because it's not significant, and represents a fraction of a fraction of outcomes. There are probably as many cases where people responded to democrat rhetoric, like it in riots, the palestinian protests/outbreaks etc.

Try finding something meaningful next time instead of useless data. When you have 350M+ people, you get a few crazies.
Evidently it does means something as it is a story making headlines.

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