NY Times Title of Article.The Constitution is Sacred, but is it also DANGEROUS?

It did matter. Why bring more in? Is the solution to your infestation problem at your house to go ahead and let more bugs in because some are already there? Only an idiot would think like that. The first thing you do with a world wide virus is stop bringing more of it into your country. What a logical and sound decision that would be.
It didn't matter because Trump was not willing to take real steps to control the virus, like limiting public gatherings.
The best education there is… common sense. You apparently have none.
Voting for a traitor like Trump who tried to kill his Vice President on Jan 6 is "common sense"?

Voting for a dementia-addled imbecile who constantly talks nonsense about Hannibal Lector and getting eaten by sharks is "common sense"?
No, you don't.

I can tell by your vapid "arguments" that you are not highly educated.
The problem for you is nobody here thinks your smart or educated and you sorely lack common sense.

Whatever degrees you have hanging on your wall is devalued by your lack of the ability to apply it in any meaningful sense.

On the one hand you claim to be the smartest person in this thread, but on the other you think elected officials are smarter than you. That makes you stupid.

Anyway, you just aren’t very impressive.
The problem for you is nobody here thinks your smart or educated and you sorely lack common sense.
That's not a "problem"....since all of you are racist Trump supporters.

Whatever degrees you have hanging on your wall is devalued by your lack of the ability to apply it in any meaningful sense.
This means nothing coming from anyone stupid enough to vote for Trump, especially after Jan 6. That's just a fact.

On the one hand you claim to be the smartest person in this thread, but on the other you think elected officials are smarter than you. That makes you stupid.
Claiming to be the smartest person in this thread isn't saying much. You Trump traitors provide no competition.

Anyway, you just aren’t very impressive.
Never said I was. But I am smarter and more decent than you racist Trump supporters.
It didn't matter because Trump was not willing to take real steps to control the virus, like limiting public gatherings.
Limit public gatherings, but keep the airports open bringing in plane loads of sick people. That makes sense to you somehow?

Also stop outdoor church gatherings but allow protests in massive groups. You don’t seem to think very clearly. It’s almost as if you’re just a democrat retard.
That's not a "problem"....since all of you are racist Trump supporters.

This means nothing coming from anyone stupid enough to vote for Trump, especially after Jan 6. That's just a fact.

Claiming to be the smartest person in this thread isn't saying much. You Trump traitors provide no competition.

Never said I was. But I am smarter and more decent than you racist Trump supporters.
There it is. The calling card of the retarded left winger pretending to be intelligent.

You’re racist!

That’s pretty much the end of any argument about your intellect. You’re retarded. I’m actually surprised you didn’t work in some kind of Nazi reference here. Fucking lazy on your end. A can of DR Pepper holds more actual intelligence than you.
Limit public gatherings, but keep the airports open bringing in plane loads of sick people. That makes sense to you somehow?

The truth, which you don't care about. --

President Donald Trump’s “ban” on travel from China is his go-to point when defending his response to the coronavirus pandemic. The problem with his core argument starts with the fact that he did not ban travel from China. He imposed porous restrictions.

The U.S. restrictions that took effect Feb. 2 continued to allow travel to the U.S. from China’s Hong Kong and Macao territories over the past five months. The Associated Press reported that more than 8,000 Chinese and foreign nationals based in those territories entered the U.S. in the first three months after the travel restrictions were imposed.

Also stop outdoor church gatherings but allow protests in massive groups. You don’t seem to think very clearly. It’s almost as if you’re just a democrat retard.
Trump killed Herman Cain...and you still want to vote for this crazy man.

LOL, the only retard is you.
There it is. The calling card of the retarded left winger pretending to be intelligent.

You’re racist!

That’s pretty much the end of any argument about your intellect. You’re retarded. I’m actually surprised you didn’t work in some kind of Nazi reference here. Fucking lazy on your end. A can of DR Pepper holds more actual intelligence than you.
It's just the truth.

Whether it's "lazy" or not does not change the fundamental truth that you and the vast majority of Trump supporters are proud, unapologetic racists.

This is the #1 reason why you vote for Trump!
Nope, you don't. Sorry.

Yes, I do. I'll go up against that fraud any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

That asshole hasn't seen the inside of a lab in 40 years.

Whereas my last lab experience was 7 days ago today.

Fauci is a FRAUD. He should be behind bars.

MAGA bumpkins don't know more than Dr. Fauci. Simply impossible from an anthropology perspective, since Trumptards are no smarter than Neanderthals.

Stupid troll. ^^^
No, you don't.

I can tell by your vapid "arguments" that you are not highly educated.
What an idiot.

Strike one.

Three strikes earns you a permanent ignore.

You dumbass loudmouth leftards have NOTHING.

Nothing anyone wants, that's for sure.

Thanks for the inflation, asshole.
It's just the truth.

Whether it's "lazy" or not does not change the fundamental truth that you and the vast majority of Trump supporters are proud, unapologetic racists.

This is the #1 reason why you vote for Trump!
The race card?

Stupid leftard troll.

Strike two.

8000 in 3 months?

That's one TENTH of the illegal immigrants you assholes let in, with NO medical vetting whatsoever.

No terrorist vetting either. You dumb cocksuckers let in 50,000 terrorists, and if anything happens it'll be YOUR fault.

Happy now, stupid leftard?
It's just the truth.

Whether it's "lazy" or not does not change the fundamental truth that you and the vast majority of Trump supporters are proud, unapologetic racists.

This is the #1 reason why you vote for Trump!
Careful, leftard.

You won't get paid if everyone ignores you.

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