Harris and Walz ignoring tough questions… Like him or not Trump did not do that

Putin didn't invade Ukraine until both Obama and then Biden were in power... check you memory...
So? You fools seem to think this means something. All it means is that Putin seriously underestimated Biden and NATO.

I'm sure Putin expected Trump to win re-election since only a handful of losers have not. If Trump had been re-elected, Ukraine would already be lost by now.

Trump has adored Putin for decades. He has never, not once, ever said a harsh word about Putin. In fact, he has done nothing but compliment Putin whenever asked.

A minor celebrity hurts his fragile feelings and he rage tweets for weeks about that person.

There is a growing coterie of Republicans in the House who want to throw Ukraine to the wolves. These people are Trump's most ardent lickspittles.

Wake the fuck up, man.
If Trump wins the election, my very first post will be, "Bye-bye Ukraine."
Putin didn't invade Ukraine until both Obama and then Biden were in power... check you memory...
And then there is the question of "invasion". Did Putin invade Ukraine? As I recall Putin only stepped inside of the ethnic-Russian Donbas to lend a hand against the NAZIS. And anyway, doesn't Putin's assistance help the Ukrainian government against those NAZIS? People keep telling me that Zoolinsky is a Jew. I expect him to be grateful to Putin.
So? You fools seem to think this means something. All it means is that Putin seriously underestimated Biden and NATO.

I'm sure Putin expected Trump to win re-election since only a handful of losers have not. If Trump had been re-elected, Ukraine would already be lost by now.

Trump has adored Putin for decades. He has never, not once, ever said a harsh word about Putin. In fact, he has done nothing but compliment Putin whenever asked.

A minor celebrity hurts his fragile feelings and he rage tweets for weeks about that person.

There is a growing coterie of Republicans in the House who want to throw Ukraine to the wolves. These people are Trump's most ardent lickspittles.

Wake the fuck up, man.
Results... Trump always wants to bring our enemies into his fold... bad things happen when no dialog is taking place... Trump was the first President since the Korean war to step foot in NK and he gets zero credit for it by our media... building relationships with our adversaries is wise...
Results... Trump always wants to bring our enemies into his fold... bad things happen when no dialog is taking place... Trump was the first President since the Korean war to step foot in NK and he gets zero credit for it by our media... building relationships with our adversaries is wise...
YUGE mistake to give Kim equal footing and credibility, you moron. YUGE mistake.

And how'd that work out? Trump fell in love with a fucking mass murdering commie dictator just because he sent Trump a nicely worded letter.

What an unbelievably shallow dipshit Trump is. What an unbelievably easily compromised fucktard he is.
no substance post. Ranting about Trump.

Your own candidate has given one interview. Compared to Trump doing dozens of interviews at numerous press conferences. And you can’t really provide a response to it other than talking about Trump…Harris annd Walz are a disgrace to the great Democrats of the 20th century. Just own it …. Trump is more open to the American people compared to Harris. Own it. You can support Harris if you want, but be honest about it.

Waving a BLM flag outside your house?

Your candidates support racist
and ridiculous ideas on sex and gender.
This is notabout Trump. It is about brainsead lemmings that facilitate him.

Fascist Movement – To Fascinate Fools and Muzzle the Intelligent.​

MAGA are the fools.

Tim Walz accused of massive pandemic funds fraud, subpoenaed by US Workforce Committee​

Some partisan hack playing election year bullshit politics is what that is.

The case has already been investigated, and not one government employee was found to have been involved in the fraud which took place FOUR YEARS AGO, dumbass.

"Accused" my ass. This is such a transparent bullshit move. Only the dumbest of rubes who are already in the cult will fall for it. In fact, that headline it is downright libel.
I always have to cackle every time I hear someone from MAGA world tell Harris how to run her campaign.

It just shows how terrified they are of her.

Trump bloviates. He lies. He brags about things which are untrue. He makes claims he can't fulfill or prove. He makes shit up as he goes.

It's the easiest thing in the world to do. That doesn't take courage. It takes a total lack of a conscience.

Telling the truth or solving real problems just aren't in Trump's wheelhouse.
No substance …almost all the post is an anti trump rant. Poster is ok with Harris doing one interview while Trump has done dozens.

Harris supports are cucks, weak and feminine

You don’t know what the policies of Kamala Harris are. She has to read off of a Teleprompter and give word salads constantly.
Trump would surrender all of Ukraine to Putin. You can take that to the bank.
Trolling and making things up. …

I know you are radical supporter of Ukraine. And you don’t give a darn about the wars in Sudan or Myanmar. You’re woefully misinformed my friend.
Trolling and making things up. …

I know you are radical supporter of Ukraine. And you don’t give a shit about the wars in Sudan or Myanmar. You’re woefully misinformed my friend.
I earnestly pray you never live to see just how right I am.
So? You fools seem to think this means something. All it means is that Putin seriously underestimated Biden and NATO.

I'm sure Putin expected Trump to win re-election since only a handful of losers have not. If Trump had been re-elected, Ukraine would already be lost by now.

Trump has adored Putin for decades. He has never, not once, ever said a harsh word about Putin. In fact, he has done nothing but compliment Putin whenever asked.

A minor celebrity hurts his fragile feelings and he rage tweets for weeks about that person.

There is a growing coterie of Republicans in the House who want to throw Ukraine to the wolves. These people are Trump's most ardent lickspittles.

Wake the fuck up, man.
All these harris supporters do is make things up and assume things. There’s not any proof to back up what you guys say.

There was no full scale invasion of Ukraine or an Israeli invasion of Gaza during Trump’s presidency. That’s it.. Now go ahead and start trolling and making things up.

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