Trump Rambling On Again at His Montana Rally

During Trump's term in office I thought he was excellent at delivering a prepared written speech. When left on his own however his thoughts were often rambling. These days I prefer a less effective president over one that's clear minded in her all too liberal objectives.
You prefer An Authoritarian loon just because you think somebody is liberal.

The electoral vote matters so much that in 51 out of 56 presidential elections the person who won the popular vote has won the election.
Yet we got stuck with xiden and lied to for years about his fitness. I want to know, who's really doing the job? Trump is more fit to do the job than xiden was 10 years ago.

Who would really be in charge if Dementia Donald wins? He’s clearly rapidly declining.

Shove your propaganda commie. Trump's capabilities are head and shoulders above kneepads. And the country will reject her kamunism.

Trump and Kamala should both agree to an independently conducted cognitive test. The American people deserve to know what their mental capabilities are before they vote.

I’m sure Kamala would agree to this. Do you think Trump would?

Trump and Kamala should both agree to an independently conducted cognitive test. The American people deserve to know what their mental capabilities are before they vote.

I’m sure Kamala would agree to this. Do you think Trump would?


Don't bet on it, she doesn't do well when questioned. Especially when she's not given the questions in advance or given multiple choice answers. Her interview with bash proves that. The debates will give the American people all the information they need. If she doesn't chicken out.

Why should we elect a weird, creepy 80-year-old?
Better question,why would any patriotic American in their right mind want to elect a creepy babbling idiot that’s a child molester who can’t even walk up a flight of stairs or speak one coherent sentence,has dementia and can’t even find the bathroom and had gasoline prices skyrocket after the 2020 election? :uhoh3: :rofl:
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What is this man talking about? We keep seeing this more and more. He seems to be wanting to discuss illegal immigration, but what follows is completely incoherent. Then he makes a "joke" about Harris that makes no sense at all.

Trump is 80 years old. He's having a lot of senior moments. I'm not sure we can trust someone like this in the White House.

Yet we never heard you complain about having a potus who could never utter one coherent sentence together and had dementia,you never wanted to talk about Biden’s hundreds of senior moments that were ten times more often than anything trump had, :uhoh3: :rofl:
and was a child molester and used the fbi to go after opponents .thanks for proving to the entire board taz your low character you some else already mentioned,us people that are not sick minded,prefer having a president who does not molest kids. :uhoh3:
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You prefer An Authoritarian loon just because you think somebody is liberal.

Squeals the bootlicker who supports a fucking goon who had his officers shoot people on their own porches with paintball guns.

Every day you demonstrate just what a complete, and utter buffoon you truly are.
Don't bet on it, she doesn't do well when questioned. Especially when she's not given the questions in advance or given multiple choice answers. Her interview with bash proves that. The debates will give the American people all the information they need. If she doesn't chicken out.

So do you think Trump would actually agree to an independent cognitive test?


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