Right-Wing Influencer Network Tenet Media Spread PUTIN Disinformation

Since the reset never happened, how would you know? Clinton would not have been bamboozled by Putin the way Trump was. If she could stand 11 hours of Congressional questioning, she’d be able to suss out Puty’s BS.

Prior to the reset, U.S.-Russia relations had been hurt by the 2008 Russo-Georgian diplomatic crisis in Ossetia and the Moscow -Georgian War, leading to Immediate Response 2008 by the Bush administration.

This 🇷🇺empire is beyond saving...

"The Bible prohibits a killing, but not an execution”
~ Vladimir Solovyov 🇷🇺 -Shapiro

Sweet? Right.
Donald Trump just announced if he wins, he will lift sanctions on Moscow and Iran. This is why Putin was paying millions to far - right /left radical influencers


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