14-Year old kills 4 in Mass Shooting. Hate in this country continues to grow!

Wait a minute, are you saying all of us are of American Indian descent? That Italians, Germans, French, South Africans, Japanese, Chinese, Latin Americans are not the ancestors of 99% of us?

White America, eh? Now we know where your thoughts are!

Great experiment failed miserably? You mean the United States of America that was founded by 99% diversity has failed from day one?

How can you say that? Are you a descendant of a White American Indian?
If America has always been diverse, there is no need to even consider diversity as a goal.
Bottom line is that these cases were stimulated by hate generated by Trump. It really does not matter what the percentage is given that without Trump, these cases would not have occurred. In addition, these are the "known" cases where Trump had some effect on. How many cases are there where it might have been Trump hate but it was not shown or proven. In addition, how many cases can you come up with where the killers were stimulated by anyone particular on the left. For example, how many cases were found where the killers were using Biden's name.

You are ignoring what this means and doing it on purpose

We HATE all of to the rotten center of your core since you back 2020 Election Fraud and the Police State. Its a war now pansy mouth. We want you eliminated for killing our Country.
We HATE all of to the rotten center of your core since you back 2020 Election Fraud and the Police State. Its a war now pansy mouth. We want you eliminated for killing our Country.
There was no massive voter fraud.

If it is a “war”, all you’re doing is posting on a message board. The only threat you pose is to your mattress springs.
What would ‘gun violence’ look like on the spreadsheets if we weren’t so DIVERSE?
Asking for a friend?
So why do we have so many DIVERSITY lovers?
LOL.... you don’t have any friends.

Diversity is beautiful.

As for gun violence, its mostly right wing nut jobs which is a proven fact. Almost all are gun nuts. That is a proven fact too.

Would be a great idea to solve a problem here that the entire free world has already solved decades ago. LOL

What would that look like? Asking for a friend.
When 14-yearolds are the perpetrators of a Mass Shooting at a high school, you know that hate has to be part of problem and in that kind of a situation, it more likely means that the parents were involved in some way, whether stimulating the hate or not seeing it and doing something about it. In addition, how can a 14-year old get a gun? Most likely, it was the father's gun.

Nonetheless, this OP is not about the mass shooting as mass shooting have gotten to be the norm for our country

View attachment 1006489 with

This OP is about the hate that is tearing this country apart,

Lets begin with this recent statistic about campaign ads

According to data from AdImpact, the Trump campaign and its affiliated super PACS shelled out 57 percent of the their television spending to anti-Harris campaigns, compared to the 8 percent dedicated to anti-Trump ads by the Democratic ticket, from Aug. 23 to Aug. 29.

This is not about the issues but about the nominees themselves, in an effort to generate hate against the opponent!

It all started with the Republican party in 2009 when a Black man (Obama) was elected president, Republicans hated that and showed it clearly from the get go.

Then came Trump with hate against Hillary, hate against Mexicans, hate against Muslims, hate against the system, hate against the FBI, hate against the Judicial system, hate against Abortion, and so on and so forth,

Now both sides are hating each other and especially hating Trump, but then what could have been expected to happen? By nature, if someone slaps you, you slap back and that trend will grow (not stop) until the first guilty party stops doing it. Republicans and then Trump were the original stimulators of hate.

What the Republican party created and what Trump took to the nth degree is creating disunity and hate and that is one of the reasons why mass shooting in the U.S. are 10 times higher than the next nation.

Hey, Trump has even caused hate to occur withing his own party. There are the Republican anti-Trumpers, there are Republicans with the Lincoln Project, and there are at least 23 people that worked and were loyal to Trump that quit and left him.

Here is a sample of the Hate that Trump brings to the table to everyone that does not agree with him

View attachment 1006534

We need to stop this "hate train" and to do that, we need to get rid of the root of the problem, the Republican Far Right.
The hate started way before Trump.

Remember the Clinton years? The impeachment over a blowjob? There are people today, including my wife, who can't stand the very sight of Bill Clinton.

Remember the Bush years? A lot of hate was heaped on Bush, including by Trump who wanted Bush prosecuted for war crimes.

Trump just jumped on the hate bandwagon and turned the volume up to 11.
You said hate started with the far right, it is on you to prove it.

Do you think democrats didn't hate Reagan or Bush?

Everyone loved Reagan. That's why he won 49 states in 1984.

Only the useful idiots hated Reagan. They said he was going to start WWIII by standing up to Russia. Sound familiar?
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If America has always been diverse, there is no need to even consider diversity as a goal.
Wow. Way to demonstrate how clueless you are as to what diversity means.

Sure, back when blacks were slaves we were diverse, amiright? Mission accomplished!

No wonder you ignoramuses are so easy to lead around by the rings in your noses.
Most other first world countries don’t religiously trans their kids. …Well, that and the blacks.

Textbook confirmation bias.

Gee, you found SIX out of HUNDREDS. Do you think you are clever? Do you actually think it means something?

What do the voices planted in your head tell you?
The FBI was aware that this kid made threats but did nothing but warn local agencies which in turn did nothing. You can kick a kid out of school for using the "N" word or wearing a Crucifix or carrying a bible but you can't kick him out, pending therapy, for threatening to kill his classmates. WTF?
Georgia does not have universal background checks for gun purchases, does not have safe storage laws, nor does Georgia have a red-flag law.

So there you go.

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