To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

Why do you hate white people so much? We have built a pretty good country for you to live in. You should be grateful and stop your whining. I graduated from college and worked all my life, the only privileges I received is because I'm an American. Your hatred makes no sense to me. You kind of make me feel ill
Your cry baby victimhood shtick makes me ill.
Dude, sad Elvis isn’t mean he is a cruel heartless piece of shit. He’s that drunk piece of crap that ruins the local bar.
I don't even know what that drivel was supposed to mean, Otto! Trump is the guy who was giving us record good economic numbers before Covid. He is the guy who had Arabs signing peace accords with Israel. He's the guy who was securing the border. He's the guy that had us energy independent. You may not like his mean Tweets...but he got the job done and MAN do we need that guy now!
I'm much, much more intelligent than you using just half my mind. You're not even an effort. :auiqs.jpg: But I'll never fault your miserable attempts. :itsok:

You're a stupid cock Asian crying 'racism' to other cock Asians. Pal, you're the epitome of stupidity.
Yeah that's why I shut your mouth earlier. All you could do was put little pictures in the blanks dumbass. I have evidence of your stupidity, you are a Democrat!
Obnoxious, cross, whatever words you want to use. Some of you are Republicans too. Let me just ask you guys a question. How would you feel if somebody tried to throw you in prison out of nowhere, kept claiming that you said things that you didn't, and tried to murder you?

Most likely you wouldn't want to send them flowers as you would be pretty ticked off. So I do believe that Trump has every reason in the world to be mister nasty.

He was an a-hole before any of those things happened, skippy!

He was an a-hole before any of those things happened, skippy!

There you have it, Konradv! You can either elect "Miss Congeniality" or you can elect a leader. You may hate Trump's personality but what he "says" really doesn't's what he DOES!
There you have it, Konradv! You can either elect "Miss Congeniality" or you can elect a leader. You may hate Trump's personality but what he "says" really doesn't's what he DOES!
He doesn’t do much of anything, but play golf and look out for his own interests, usually felonies!

He doesn’t do much of anything, but play golf and look out for his own interests, usually felonies!

You mean OTHER than giving us those historically good economic numbers...peace accords in the Middle wars in Europe...making us energy independent...getting rid of ridiculous regulations...and giving Americans tax cuts? Oh...and actually working to secure the border!

Heck, Konradv...after accomplishing all of that Trump DESERVED to go play some golf!
And yet, here I am, still talking. :rolleyes:

WTF are you babbling about? Post the message #, please and thank you.

I'm a independent. Let's see the 'evidence', fats. :rolleyes:
Yeah it figures you would deny being a Democrat, since you have to be really stupid to follow that ideology (everything you say on here is Democrat talking points!). You wouldn't admit to being stupid would you ? even if you are, hahaha what a fuck up , time for me do you a favor and shut you up again lol
I don't even know what that drivel was supposed to mean, Otto! Trump is the guy who was giving us record good economic numbers before Covid. He is the guy who had Arabs signing peace accords with Israel. He's the guy who was securing the border. He's the guy that had us energy independent. You may not like his mean Tweets...but he got the job done and MAN do we need that guy now!
You mean the guy who couldn't handle COVID and blames everyone else...
You mean the guy who couldn't handle COVID and blames everyone else...
What was Trump's job during Covid? He left the shut downs to individual Governors...which was the right call. He fast tracked the vaccines...getting them out in record time! He used the War Powers Act to get ventilators and personal protection items produced in such numbers that we were giving them out to other countries. His biggest mistake was trusting Anthony Fauci. That little weasel made money off the deaths of his fellow Americans.

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