Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

Because no one really cared all that much.

Now that party that is running a guy who used fake bone spurs to avoid Vietnam wants to make a big deal about this.
You supported Biden and his "I have asthma real bad, sorry, can't go to Nam, but I'll go ahead and have a college football career with my debilitating asthma" nonsense.
Biden was 24 when they started drafting... they weren't drafting people his age at that point.

Trump, on the other hand, used a fake deferment to avoid service.
When I enlisted, the doc at Memphis MEPS almost turned me down. My feet were almost too flat. He hesitated a bit, then passed me on down the line.

Deferments for college and bone spurs were not uncommon.

And given your hatred for the Imperialist US Military, you should be proud of Trump for not serving.
Yes, you keep saying that, but it just keeps on not being true.

Why do you want people defenseless against criminals? More importantly, why do you want people defenseless against tyranny?

Actually, we've alredy established that in the the FBI says that only 200 gun homicides a year by civilians are "justified" as "self-defense".

Your gun isn't going to stop the government when it goes bad. The government has tanks, and when they take you out, your neighbors will be cheering because you were frightening the children.

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