Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified

Let her whip up the low brow kids to go in and vote. There is a tsunami building for November and the only way the Left will win is to steal it again and THAT will spell the end for America. You lot can point to your media voices and repeat to each other that you won but that doesn't mean you can compel the rest of us to obey a government we see as illegitimate.
Taylor Sluft. " Hey everybody check out my pussy!....Ok....now go register to vote! "
I. Our concern is that if a person isn’t interested enough to go register to vote in their own, they probably are not educated, informed or invested enough to VOTE CORRECTLY.
The same people will find everything they need including birth certificates, proof of citizenship and any other piece of paper that is required for them to receive food stamps, medicaid or housing vouchers.
Again. I took my proof to the Court House in 1980. They gave me a voters registration card. People argue today that is not good enough.
Don't know why it wouldn't be good enough. But good on you.
You were willing to put out the effort which means it's important to you.
Don't know why it wouldn't be good enough. But good on you.
You were willing to put out the effort which means it's important to you.

I don't understand why it's not good enough either but many insist on me getting a voters ID with my picture on it.

Or in other words, jumping through additional hoops because they have been suckered by a poor loser.
I don't understand why it's not good enough either but many insist on me getting a voters ID with my picture on it.

Or in other words, jumping through additional hoops because they have been suckered by a poor loser.
Yeah.... Courthouse visit should have been good enough. I commend you for putting in the effort.
I don't understand why it's not good enough either but many insist on me getting a voters ID with my picture on it.

Or in other words, jumping through additional hoops because they have been suckered by a poor loser.
I can print registration cards with stuff from Staples. There's no guarantee the person with the card is the person on the card without ID.

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