Is Taylor Swift Evil And A Threat To America?

The GOP needs to craft policies that appeal to young people.

Yeah, because they are so wise and policies that pacify them would certainly benefit the country as a whole, right?

PLEASE - free pizza Fridays would work to get their vote, especially if they are told that their parents(the rich) would be picking up the tab.
Yeah, because they are so wise and policies that pacify them would certainly benefit the country as a whole, right?

PLEASE - free pizza Fridays would work to get their vote, especially if they are told that their parents(the rich) would be picking up the tab.
You make a straw man to hide the fact that the right has no policies.
USMB rule #13: The answer to any original post posed as a question is always "NO".

That rule never fails and applies here.
Yeah, because they are so wise and policies that pacify them would certainly benefit the country as a whole, right?

PLEASE - free pizza Fridays would work to get their vote, especially if they are told that their parents(the rich) would be picking up the tab.
I think they care more about their bosses, who already pay income tax at a lower effective rate, getting income tax cuts, while being told to handle massive education loans without help!
There isn't a democrat today that can fill a Starbucks with supporters.

Saying you're a democrat in America today is like admitting you're a pedo


Democrats = WEF
As we can see here this is what the GOP want...

Here we can see how they have successfully convinced one of there supporters to equate Democrats to Pedophiles... Now they can justify not talking to them.. Goobles did the same with Jews in Nazi Germany..

This is done to dehumanise the opposition and stop their supporters listening to the opposition. It now doesn't matter that Democrats would be a center right party in ally countries in Europe.. You can't talk to pedophiles and anyone caught talking to them are just as guilty in their minds.

Reasonable people should not be angered but understand what these guys playbook is...

Descent is not tolerated, in the MAGA world...
Swift is the only rival in America in star power to Trump, other than Obama.

If she would openly ask women to become informed on issues, register, and vote, MAGA would wet its pants in horror.
Yeah, because they are so wise and policies that pacify them would certainly benefit the country as a whole, right?

PLEASE - free pizza Fridays would work to get their vote, especially if they are told that their parents(the rich) would be picking up the tab.
Well the young have skin in the game...

They know that if the older generation destroys the climate, they pay...

They know the older generation go free or low cost education from the previous generation and they want the this generation to pay for there own education through loans...

They know the older generation votes for a guy that stated last week that he wants America to be pure blood and immigrants poison it..

The youth know this is wrong and know America has to be protected from these elements..
There isn't a democrat today that can fill a Starbucks with supporters.

Saying you're a democrat in America today is like admitting you're a pedo


Democrats = WEF
Where can I find a Starbucks that seats 81 million people?

"When Taylor Swift encouraged her followers on Instagram to register to vote last week and directed them to the non-partisan group,, things exploded. "The hour that she posted, we saw over a 1000% spike. That momentum really continued through the day, and by the end of the day, we had over 38,000 registrations that came through," according to Andrea Hailey, CEO of But Hailey says what was particularly exciting was a 72% jump in the number of 18-year-olds registering more than a year ago and a general boost in young people registering overall. "In the 2022 midterms, we saw higher turnout on Pitt's campus than we did in the 2020 general election, for a midterm compared to a presidential year," Allison said. With the success of Taylor Swift in getting people to register, watch for more celebrities to do the same."

Now, I would normally parody right-wingers freaking out with the most over the top hyperbole and whining, but......they beat me to it...

"Audiences and elite tastemakers alike have decided Taylor Swift’s narcissistic lyrics and cliched music are a cultural triumph — but why would we celebrate this?"

So her being popular is the sign of societal decline? Bawahahaha The Federalist Society? The audacity you must have to clutch your pearls over someone being narcissistic while simping for Trump is far beyond any kind of parody I can give it. Also, it's kinda hard to claim someone is irrelevant while writing a whole entire column about them.

Some are even mad at Chiefs tight-end for allegedly dating Taylor Swift.......or mad at Taylor for dating him...who knows with these fragile minded morons....

Why do people get so triggered by a celebrity urging young people to vote? It isn't guaranteed they are going to vote Democratic anyway, there are plenty of young people who are conservative...and there are plenty of conservative super-stars like Charlie Kirk, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent who are far more popular with young people than Taylor Swift. In fact, Charlie Kirk has devoted his entire organization to getting young people to vote for why does this person suddenly get her panties in a bunch over Taylor Swift doing it?

High quality verbosity.

Next time, though, add a few more tens of thousands of words to really make your pointless. 👍

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