To those of you that support communism/socialism explain this


People in America that want this though are the janitors.

The issue is every single American that wants this kind of setup are the bottom of the barrel. They are soft, weak, lazy, lack will, and have no ambition. They were raised to be useless. They serve no purpose to society and have no value to anyone.

So they want communism and socialism because they want everyone drug down to their level. They want to be equal to everyone by dragging them down instead of fighting their way up. If they can't find satisfaction and fulfillment in their lives then they want it by taking away everyone else's.

And politicians will do it to win votes because why not? It won't effect them anyway, they will remain above the common man.
Unpaid Education Is an Insult to Intelligence

Will Hunting was a janitor. Don't believe it was his own fault just because the movie made it seem like it was.

Communism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Capitalism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his greed."

Meritocracy: "To each according to his ability."
Health and safety issues are communism imposed on a capitalist system! As is workers' comp. In fact, the term is no longer in use in Canada.

You sound a lot like a capitalist trying to own 'socialist demands' on the system. Our American friends don't believe injured workers should be demanding that employers should be penalized for careless workers asking for the dole while they heal. Just ask them!

Or ask them if a working man getting dead at work should expect the system to pay to keep his widow living the life of luxury at the boss's expense. Fukin commies!
Would you like for government to regulate prices, profits and wages?
What do you think all of those bailouts to Wall Street and the auto industry were? Those are all privately owned corporations, but every time Republicans crash the economy, the rich corporate guys get bailed out first, and their employees not at all.

Private profits, public losses. When a big bank or big auto company goes under, they get a government bailout, but all of their profits go to the shareholders.

The PPP loans made to private companies during covid required no repayment, but student loan debt? No fucking way those can be forgiven. What about the people who didn't go to school or paid their own way?
Dude, Bailouts are supported by the two main parties. A loan not repaid is not a loan. And Corona was mostly politics.
Dude, Bailouts are supported by the two main parties. A loan not repaid is not a loan. And Corona was mostly politics.

No one said they aren't supported by both parties. But Democrats wanted funds to go the American people as well as the corporations, and Republicans flat out refused. Just like Republicans flat out refuse to vote for raises to the minimum wage, or Child Tax Credits, or any "free shit" going to working class voters. Mitch McConnell wanted to cancel unemployment insurance payments during the Great Recession to FORCE workers to find jobs.

Payroll Protection Plan "loans" did not require repayment if certain criteria were met. PPP loans also did NOTHING for workers who had already been fired or laid off.

Conspiracy theories are not facts. You subscribe to a LOT of bullshit which is proveably false. Dude.
Would you like for government to regulate prices, profits and wages?
Socially responsible capitalist governments allow their citizens to regulate through popular democratic demand.

America doesn't (didn't) and that resulted in an attempted coup. One failed attempt so far?
Socially responsible capitalist governments allow their citizens to regulate through popular democratic demand.

America doesn't (didn't) and that resulted in an attempted coup. One failed attempt so far?
So that's a no? You don't want the government to regulate wages, prices and profits?
There is simply no point in talking to you. You're a complete fucking idiot. And I am not and have never been a "dude".
You just said conspiracies theories aren't facts and immediately said they can be proven false. And I'm the idiot? :laughing0301:

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