To those of you that support communism/socialism explain this

maybe they can use windmills , to blow the stench away. damn things cause cancer aynway.
I think that Trump is ideally right on message for those who are in favour of eliminating all traces of socialism from government in America.

This could be the first and only time it's been attempted in any country!

Wouldn't you agree?

The title of this thread indicates that they have bought into the idea and so the opportunity to experiment with it is there and it could be another hundred years before the chance comes again.

Maybe the OP will have something to add? LOL
I think that Trump is ideally right on message for those who are in favour of eliminating all traces of socialism from government in America.

This could be the first and only time it's been attempted in any country!

Wouldn't you agree?

The title of this thread indicates that they have bought into the idea and so the opportunity to experiment with it is there and it could be another hundred years before the chance comes again.

Maybe the OP will have something to add? LOL
there may have been governments without socialism of some form, but they would be quite barbaric places to live, and "keeping the lid" on peasant revolts and such would be an oppressive job.

many society's might "farm out" their support systems, primarily to religion. that appears to be inadequate in the modern age.
Hey OP

Look up “mixed economy “

And fuck your strawman

There are no communists here and very few if any socialists
there may have been governments without socialism of some form, but they would be quite barbaric places to live, and "keeping the lid" on peasant revolts and such would be an oppressive job.
I appreciated your reply and so won't disagree, but just pursue the question a bit further in case anybody actually understands what we're on about.
many society's might "farm out" their support systems, primarily to religion. that appears to be inadequate in the modern age.
In times when a society had no government as such that would govern, the members of the society would have imposed their own governing on what social imperatives would need to be imposed on themselves.

I wonder if there's any chance of getting the point into thick heads that think in tune with their knees jerking? The experiment needs to be tested in America.

But of course it's impossible to truly test it on account of no country could survive without that to which we refer.

It can only be tested to a point at which the hurt becomes unbearable and so the experiment will be discontinued again.
Definition of communism:
Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a sociopolitical, philosophical, a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of
  • production,
  • distribution, and
  • exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.
OK.. now for socialism:
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of
  • production,
  • distribution, and exchange
  • should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Curious though about the two definitions.... Both say all production, distribution and exchange owned by the "community".

If that is the case, who makes decisions? Simple decisions like
1) are the people that make decisions paid the same as the people that make the fewest and least important decisions.
How much does the person who makes Decisions like how much will a janitor make versus the person who runs a machine make?
2) Or the person who decides what the quantity of goods like nails, for example sell for?
Or how much electricity will cost what will they make for their time spent in making those decisions?

How are what the janitors, to the machinist, to the pricing specialist make?

Finally will the person that makes the decisions to hire the above people, make the same as the janitor, the machinist, etc.?

Bub...all that classical commie crap has evolved with the times. Our American commies are all about redistribution of wealth. If you want to see classical communism in action, get a nature video on ants or bees. They are classical commies.

commie russia china.jpg

...that shit don't work with humans.

But kids have lost hope or are lazy or are crazy, so they want some free government cheese!

commie free healthcare comrade.jpg
No one says that, dude. Nice straw man. :rolleyes:

What do you think all of those bailouts to Wall Street and the auto industry were? Those are all privately owned corporations, but every time Republicans crash the economy, the rich corporate guys get bailed out first, and their employees not at all.

Private profits, public losses. When a big bank or big auto company goes under, they get a government bailout, but all of their profits go to the shareholders.

The PPP loans made to private companies during covid required no repayment, but student loan debt? No fucking way those can be forgiven. What about the people who didn't go to school or paid their own way?
So you are in favor of an economy totally regulated by the government. And all capitalism be shared by everyone. With taxes going to pay federal rules and regulations (now costing small businesses nearly $100k to increase right including unclaimed capital gains that would eventually as the government paying $25,000 more per new home buyer who will eventually have to under “rules and regulations “ expanded to recover the $25,000 loaned them to buy their first home. Right?

The economy IS totally regulated by the government, fool. Who issues incorporation certificates? Who negotiates your trade deals? Who codifies labour, environment, and transportation laws? Who issues patents and trade marks? Who protects private property, and maintains the property records.

You can't start a business without conforming to government laws for that business, and getting a business license.
So I take it that you are in favor of all workers being paid the same as the lowest paid job? As that’s what a communist/socialist wants?

All workers are not paid the same as the lowest paid jobs.

But management isn't paid 400 times what their lowest paid employee is paid, on average.


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This entire forum is mostly about Americans complaining about their hurting. Both sides appear to be responsible and so another election is needed to reassure everybody of the American way surviving.

But no matter the election results, with each social platform and policy (socialism) stripped away by government that cedes to popular demand, the more 'new' hurts will fall on their backs!

eg. They all anxiously await the abolishment of the ACA being replaced again by a friendly insurance company!

Name your socialist/communist poison! Some politician will turn your dreams into reality! How about:

Being forced to wear seatbelts?
Melt down speed limit signs and turn them into AR-15's?
Prevent the commies from forcing car makers to include sound mufflers.

See folks, communism is already working within the capitalist system to hurt you!
The economy IS totally regulated by the government, fool. Who issues incorporation certificates? Who negotiates your trade deals? Who codifies labour, environment, and transportation laws? Who issues patents and trade marks? Who protects private property, and maintains the property records.

You can't start a business without conforming to government laws for that business, and getting a business license.
Business licenses forced on Americans is communism. What does your money buy you other than a piece of worthless paper, dictating business practices?

Business licenses forced on Americans is communism. What does your money buy you other than a piece of worthless paper, dictating business practices?


Business licenses aren't communism. They're well regulated capitalism at it's finest. The new business gets inspected for health and safety issues, and taxing authorities now have the business on their records for sales and income taxes, and workers compensation.

If it's a restaurant, they will be running Health Department inspections. Manufacturing companies have to comply with workplace safety regulations. Retail outlets are registered for the collection of VAT's.

Your money buys you permission to operate. Your business is certified as valid and operating within the law. And the public has some assurance of its legitimacy. Just look at the number of injuries caused by people do unlicensed cosmetic surgery and injections.

There are record of worker injuries at unlicensed businesses. I guess caring about worker safety, or protecting consumers from injury is "communism" to you.

When I go to a new restaurant, I'm always looking for the Green Inspection Certificate in the window.
Business licenses aren't communism. They're well regulated capitalism at it's finest. The new business gets inspected for health and safety issues, and taxing authorities now have the business on their records for sales and income taxes, and workers compensation.
Health and safety issues are communism imposed on a capitalist system! As is workers' comp. In fact, the term is no longer in use in Canada.

You sound a lot like a capitalist trying to own 'socialist demands' on the system. Our American friends don't believe injured workers should be demanding that employers should be penalized for careless workers asking for the dole while they heal. Just ask them!

Or ask them if a working man getting dead at work should expect the system to pay to keep his widow living the life of luxury at the boss's expense. Fukin commies!
I dont understand why Americans want govt intervention in the market. They are the reasons its so fucked up right now.
We are corporatist because of the govt. Govt fucked up education. Govt fucked up healthcare.
And yet people still want the govt to control everything. It blows my mind how stupid and lazy people can be.
I think that Trump is ideally right on message for those who are in favour of eliminating all traces of socialism from government in America.

This could be the first and only time it's been attempted in any country!

Wouldn't you agree?

The title of this thread indicates that they have bought into the idea and so the opportunity to experiment with it is there and it could be another hundred years before the chance comes again.

Maybe the OP will have something to add? LOL
Tell you what Donald. You go “experiment” in your country

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