Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

Try answering the actual question:

Do you think it would be better to have allowed South Africa to continue apartheid or do you think it's better that it was ended?

What's so hard about it?
It had to end

But Israel is not an apartheid state so there is no connection
Noam Chomsky and many many Jews taught me that reality, it was from Jews that I learned about Israel being Jew supremacist. Your problem is YOU want to TELL ME which Jews I MUST listen to, but I won't let you do my thinking for me, you're not getting your Zionist tentacles into my brain.
^^^ “Zionist tentacles!” says the poster who insists he’s not an antisemite.
It had to end

But Israel is not an apartheid state so there is no connection
As soon as these a-holes start throwing around words like “Zionist tentacles,” apartheid, genocide, etc., etc., they’ve told you who they are.
As soon as these a-holes start throwing around words like “Zionist tentacles,” apartheid, genocide, etc., etc., they’ve told you who they are.
As soon as Zionists deny Israel is a Jew supremacist state they've told you who they are.
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No, I was addressing a normal poster, and antisemites are not welcome to interject.
I show you no deference madam, anyone is free to reply to anyone else's posts, that just the way it is, your sense of entitlement does not apply here nor is your incessant ultrasemitic abuse appreciated.
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Oh, are blacks being forbidden to walk to class at all these liberal universities, or beaten up on the way there?
How many Jewish students have experienced that? 3. Let me know when they need police or National Guard escorts to go to class.
[Quoye]And don’t give me that blacks aren’t getting in. They are getting in ahead of whites with better scores and grades - and sometimes by a substantial margin. I worked in admissions, and know what goes on. Blacks get letters to APPLY, while whites with the same metrics are laughed out of the place.
Black students make up 4-6% of the student body at major universities and colleges, how many unqualified white students ate getting in since you worked in admissions. How Manu unqualified legacy white students are getting in?
Any black who doesn’t get into these Ivy League schools - after standards are lowered for them - has no business attending them in the first place. They’d struggle all the way through to keep up, and require extensive tutoring.
How many Ivy League colleges have you been in or worked at? Or are you going to give us another story of one of your friends who didn't get in because someone black got in.
So cry me a river that blacks can’t get into the schools. The case that finally convinced me to quit was when they rejected a white boy whose mother died of cancer when he was a child, and despite that had an 3.8 in favor of a black kid with two parents who had a 3.5 - and why? BECAUSE THE BLACK KID WAS BLACK.
It wouldn't have been a problem if he played basketball or football, see I never hear folks like you bitch about those kids. How about the more qualified black kid who was denied for a less qualified white kid, were you ready to quit when that happened?
how do you define BLACK? "PERSON OF COLOR"? don't tell a Moroccan that he is
"BLACK" Even Kamala is less than half "black" but is so defined in your tiny mind. Read the koran----muhummad is very PARTICULARLY
described as white----for la la la SOCIETY AND
Black folks know who is black and who is not.
" Challenging Accountability For Causation And Consequence "

* Universalism Of Qurayshism Genetic Religion Outside Of Hejaz Is Debase *

Are you actually disputing something I said or do you agree with what I said? I'm not clear at all.
Most understand " live by the sword , then die by the sword " and if a peoples aspires to live by the sword as aggressors , and living by the sword as aggressors cannot be extricated from the doctrine of fictional ishmaelism , then what is one expected to do when those same peoples are under the sword ?

As soon as you can explain whether the palestinians are pandering to fictional ishmaelism then my answers will be clear .

oh? so is Kamala black? What are the criteria
for being "A MEMBER OF THE CLUB"?
Hell, there was a time when you said a drop of black blood made you black.


Her father looks black too me.

Come to think of it, why is it folks didn't start calling themselves white until Europeans came to America.
White is an english world----check out the
history of the english language. English was
just BARELY the english we know today when
Europeans FIRST hit the americas
" Challenging Accountability For Causation And Consequence "

* Universalism Of Qurayshism Genetic Religion Outside Of Hejaz Is Debase *

Most understand " live by the sword , then die by the sword " and if a peoples aspires to live by the sword as aggressors , and living by the sword as aggressors cannot be extricated from the doctrine of fictional ishmaelism , then what is one expected to do when those same peoples are under the sword ?

As soon as you can explain whether the palestinians are pandering to fictional ishmaelism then my answers will be clear .

Nope, still making absolutely no sense, again are you actually disputing something I said or do you agree with what I said? I'm not clear at all.
Yes, Trump was asking the same question recently, its fine to show contempt for other races, ethnicities and cultures so long as it's not Jewish.

where do you imagine CONTEMPT? and do you throw in JOOOOOISH because your catechism bitch was a nazi whore?
Tell us when Caucasians started labeling themselves as white.
the delineation of races in use today was invented by ANTHROPOLOGISTS but informally
goes back to the 16 th century. HOWEVER color of skin was notable to many peoples who left records thereof. Color of skin is not "race" but naive people imagine it is. Your comment "He looks black to me" is about as idiotic
as if the first car you saw was red so you mistook an apple for a HONDA. HOWEVER---
color of skin was a huge issue in the literature
of the muslims and catholics because SOCIALLY---black skin was associated with slavery. The people of MYSORE INDIA---usually have darker skin than the people of
New Dehli India---or Kashmir but based on
race criteria developed by anthropologists---they are CAUCASIAN---race is a very nebulous and vague concept in the human SPECIES----it is a subset of species that is relevant in dog and horse breeding. The darkest color skin I have seen on a human is DRAVIDIAN (indian)---they are caucasian too-----if you want to be technical

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