Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

" Nothing New Under The Sun "

* Contempt For Call It Fate Dhimmi Status *

The general rule of fictional ishmaelism is to kill anyone until they abdicate to the pretentious sectarian supremacy of its dominion .

It would not be wise to presume that fictional ishmaelism is absolved of genocide when it was found purposeful by its leaders .

The difference between germany and assertions of history is whether it can be proven .
all those medial eastern countries have always been a problem
your intimation that "antisemitism" was invented in Europe which is actually an islamo-
nazi meme. For insight--read the koran

Ahh, at last, some specificity, but I did not intimate the claim, I say is most assuredly and stand by that willing and able to provide reputable sources.

Britannica: anti-Semitism

The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns underway in central Europe at that time.

As Christianity spread in the first centuries ce, most Jews continued to reject that religion. As a consequence, by the 4th century, Christians tended to regard Jews as an alien people who, because of their repudiation of Christ and his church, were condemned to perpetual migration (a belief best illustrated in the legend of the Wandering Jew). When the Christian church became dominant in the Roman Empire, its leaders inspired many laws by Roman emperors designed to segregate Jews and curtail their freedoms when they appeared to threaten Christian religious domination. As a consequence, Jews were increasingly forced to the margins of European society.

Religious attitudes were reflected in the economic, social, and political life of medieval Europe. In much of Europe during the Middle Ages, Jews were denied citizenship and its rights, barred from holding posts in government and the military, and excluded from membership in guilds and the professions.

The idea that the Jews were evil persisted during the Protestant Reformation. Although Martin Luther expressed positive feelings about Jews, especially earlier in his life, and relied on Jewish scholars for his translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into German, he became furious with Jews over their rejection of Jesus. “We are at fault for not slaying them,” he wrote. “Rather we allow them to live freely in our midst despite their murder, cursing, blaspheming, lying and defaming.” Such views were emphasized by the Nazis. They were renounced by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod in 1983 and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1994.

Islam plays no part in this other than Jews at various times have lived under Islamic rule just as they lived under European monarchies.

Antisemitism was thus clearly prevalent in Europe centuries BEFORE Islam existed.

You say "an islamo-nazi meme" But the Nazis WERE Europeans as I have been explaining to you. As for Islam, that ideology has its own flaws but a fanatical desire to exterminate an entire race of people has never been one of them and it is simply wrong to say otherwise. Any hatred we see today among Arabs, toward Israel is something that can easily be traced back to WW1, about a century ago, and the rise of Jewish nationalism and later militant Zionism.

That Islam and Arabs were never an existential threat to Jews is also very obvious by the fact the Zionists chose to plop their new state right in the middle of large Arab populations, why would any Jew want to do that if there was a long standing hatred from Arabs and Muslims? Why did thousands of Jews eagerly migrate into Palestine BEFORE any Holocaust, before any talk of a "state of Israel" if what you allege is true?
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"armed and trained by the SS " I have to admit that's a new one-----I read the islamo nazi filth that Grau parrots way back in the 1950s---but back then none of her fellow nazi war criminals
who wrote that stuff in egypt and syria made the claim that the SS armed and trained DA JOOOOS to kill arabs. VERY CREATIVE-----expect to read it again and again-----in compliance with the JOSEF GOEBBELS PRINCIPLE. ------seems like surada SHARED

I don't doubt that most honest historical realities are "...a new one" for Netanyahu's gaggle of genocidal Zionist shills.

True to form, your hysterical tantrum does nothing to refute anything I wrote and supported showing that the ZIONISTS (not "DA JOOOOS" ) cooperated extensively with Germany's National Socialist party.

Try reading up on the Haavara Agreement, the Ankara Document, the 25 German Jewish Generals in Hitler's military.

After that, I'll give you some more examples of how Zionists and National Socialists worked so closely together.
Ahh, at last, some specificity, but I did not intimate the claim, I say is most assuredly and stand by that willing and able to provide reputable sources.

Britannica: anti-Semitism

Islam plays no part in this other than Jews at various times have lived under Islamic rule just as they lived under European monarchies.

Antisemitism was thus clearly prevalent in Europe centuries BEFORE Islam existed.

You say "an islamo-nazi meme" But the Nazis WERE Europeans as I have been explaining to you. As for Islam, that ideology has its own flaws but a fanatical desire to exterminate an entire race of people has never been one of them and it is simply wrong to say otherwise. Any hatred we see today among Arabs, toward Israel is something that can easily be traced back to WW1, about a century ago, and the rise of Jewish nationalism and later militant Zionism.

That Islam and Arabs were never an existential threat to Jews is also very obvious by the fact the Zionists chose to plop their new state right in the middle of large Arab populations, why would any Jew want to do that if there was a long standing hatred from Arabs and Muslims? Why did thousands of Jews eagerly migrate into Palestine BEFORE any Holocaust, if what you allege is true?
you are entirely wrong and it is easy to see why---you never read the koran, you know
nothing about the LEGAL system of islam and
you never met a survivor thereof. Muslim societies have been, in the past, at time JUST as genocidal as christian societies and at times
far more. They were and are genocidal of Jews and very efficiently of ZOROASTRIANS, Hindus and christians by virtually the same laws used by christians. The law that rendered the INQUISITION legal was Justinian law which IS CANON LAW. The laws that rendered the COMPREHENSIVE genocide of jews of arabia legal was actually ALSO Justinian law which muhummad adopted. The same system forms the basis for the NUREMBURG GENOCIDE CODE of 1933 An encyclopedia is not a source. The word ANTISEMITISM does not DESCRIBE OR CIRCUMSCRIBE its history
I don't doubt that most honest historical realities are "...a new one" for Netanyahu's gaggle of genocidal Zionist shills.

True to form, your hysterical tantrum does nothing to refute anything I wrote and supported showing that the ZIONISTS (not "DA JOOOOS" ) cooperated extensively with Germany's National Socialist party.

Try reading up on the Haavara Agreement, the Ankara Document, the 25 German Jewish Generals in Hitler's military.

After that, I'll give you some more examples of how Zionists and National Socialists worked so closely together.
I have read it all. I lived in an area of the US known to harbor NAZI ENCLAVES and people like you. My reading of your literature happened because it was strewn helter skelter all over my hometown. Keep repeating it---you remind me of my childhood---way back in the 1950s. There is nothing new under the sun----King Solomon

PS---"refute anything ""I"" wrote"? ROFLMAO
you didn't write it---it was all written by nazi
war criminals who has escaped to Egypt, Syria
and Argentina
you are entirely wrong and it is easy to see why---you never read the koran, you know
nothing about the LEGAL system of islam and
you never met a survivor thereof.
I'm not even remotely interested in your interpretation of a religious text.
Muslim societies have been, in the past, at time JUST as genocidal as christian societies and at times
far more. They were and are genocidal of Jews and very efficiently of ZOROASTRIANS, Hindus and christians by virtually the same laws used by christians. The law that rendered the INQUISITION legal was Justinian law which IS CANON LAW. The laws that rendered the COMPREHENSIVE genocide of jews of arabia legal was actually ALSO Justinian law which muhummad adopted. The same system forms the basis for the NUREMBURG GENOCIDE CODE of 1933 An encyclopedia is not a source. The word ANTISEMITISM does not DESCRIBE OR CIRCUMSCRIBE its history
Please provide a source for the claim there was a "genocide of Jews of Arabia" when was that? do you have dates? places? names?

Yes there has been genocide under Islam, the Armenian genocide is a case in point, but that's incidental here. The Belgian Congo saw genocide by a Belgian king, the British initiated genocide in Australia and America, but nobody argues that the Belgian people have a hatred of Africans or the British people have a hatred of Aborigines.

YOU have been arguing that Muslims, Arabs have a deep hatred of Jews, that they have always wanted to kill Jews, that's your thesis but it's wrong, without merit.

In fact the most fanatical population in any country is the Israelis, most of the population support the Gaza genocide, support the theft of Arab land, support the policies of discrimination and racism - that's rare, usually governments that advocate these things do so largely in the face of a passive public, in Israel they want death, they want mass murder of Arabs, that's one deranged country.
irosie91 - Do you support the policy advocated by this man, taken from an Israeli evening TV show from four years ago, it's just a few minutes, I'm interested in your reaction. Enough hypotheticals, lets talk about stuff actually going on in Israel now, difficulties that face Arab people in Israel now:

I'm not even remotely interested in your interpretation of a religious text.

Please provide a source for the claim there was a "genocide of Jews of Arabia" when was that? do you have dates? places? names?

Yes there has been genocide under Islam, the Armenian genocide is a case in point, but that's incidental here. The Belgian Congo saw genocide by a Belgian king, the British initiated genocide in Australia and America, but nobody argues that the Belgian people have a hatred of Africans or the British people have a hatred of Aborigines.

YOU have been arguing that Muslims, Arabs have a deep hatred of Jews, that they have always wanted to kill Jews, that's your thesis but it's wrong, without merit.

In fact the most fanatical population in any country is the Israelis, most of the population support the Gaza genocide, support the theft of Arab land, support the policies of discrimination and racism - that's rare, usually governments that advocate these things do so largely in the face of a passive public, in Israel they want death, they want mass murder of Arabs, that's one deranged country.
you know lots of Israelis? You certainly know nothing about islam or the history of
its societies. Have you ever interacted closely
with muslims? I have. Have you ever read the Koran? I have. Have you ever been in a
mosque? I have. You might just as well have lived under a rock and been educated on sunday mornings in the church basement by
an illiterate. I have been there too.
you know lots of Israelis? You certainly know nothing about islam or the history of
its societies. Have you ever interacted closely
with muslims? I have. Have you ever read the Koran? I have. Have you ever been in a
mosque? I have. You might just as well have lived under a rock and been educated on sunday mornings in the church basement by
an illiterate. I have been there too.
Please provide a source for the claim there was a "genocide of Jews of Arabia" when was that? do you have dates? places? names?

You seem to be very light on sources...
irosie91 - Do you support the policy advocated by this man, taken from an Israeli evening TV show from four years ago, it's just a few minutes, I'm interested in your reaction. Enough hypotheticals, lets talk about stuff actually going on in Israel now, difficulties that face Arab people in Israel now:

what is your question---that was just a discussion over the EFFECTIVENESS of
confiscation of property used in crime---which BTW is also law in the USA. If a family owns a
store in the USA and someone uses it to deal
dope---that WHOLE PROPERTY can be confiscated in the USA---not just from the listed owner---but at the expense of the WHOLE FAMILY. THAT is also USA law
Please provide a source for the claim there was a "genocide of Jews of Arabia" when was that? do you have dates? places? names?

You seem to be very light on sources...
You are quite a joke. You have just admitted that you never read the koran----its easy---not a long book and not complex. I suggest the
PICKTHAL translation. You aren't aware of the fact that the city called MEDINA was once a jewish city name YATHRIB ----its entire jewish population WIPED OUT. If I said Joshua fought the battle of Jericho you would demand a SOURCE? how about COLUMBUS SAILED THE OCEAN BLUE......? BTW Muslims stole the entire jewish city of Medina/Yathrib
paid not a dime and jews cannot set foot on that land in which thousands of jews were murdered ---they left cemateries, synagogues and most important COUNTLESS MANUSCRIPTS BURIED IN THE SAND
what is your question---that was just a discussion over the EFFECTIVENESS of
confiscation of property used in crime---which BTW is also law in the USA. If a family owns a
store in the USA and someone uses it to deal
dope---that WHOLE PROPERTY can be confiscated in the USA---not just from the listed owner---but at the expense of the WHOLE FAMILY. THAT is also USA law
Good Lord woman, the subject was DEMOLITION of family residences. But never mind, if White people demolished Black people's homes like this you'd likely be onboard with that too because you are able to normalize such crimes, you have no idea how close you are to Nazi ideology.

You do not disapprove, fine, well do not wonder why many Arabs read the ramblings of people like you and become enraged at the hypocrisy.
You are quite a joke. You have just admitted that you never read the koran----its easy---not a long book and not complex. I suggest the
PICKTHAL translation. You aren't aware of the fact that the city called MEDINA was once a jewish city name YATHRIB ----its entire jewish population WIPED OUT. If I said Joshua fought the battle of Jericho you would demand a SOURCE? how about COLUMBUS SAILED THE OCEAN BLUE......? BTW Muslims stole the entire jewish city of Medina/Yathrib
paid not a dime and jews cannot set foot on that land in which thousands of jews were murdered ---they left cemateries, synagogues and most important COUNTLESS MANUSCRIPTS BURIED IN THE SAND
Please provide a source for the claim there was a "genocide of Jews of Arabia" when was that? do you have dates? places? names? No more strawman arguments, enough of this juvenility woman, your becoming a bore in fact, I'm done trying to have a rational conversation with you.
Good Lord woman, the subject was DEMOLITION of family residences. But never mind, if White people demolished Black people's homes like this you'd likely be onboard with that too because you are able to normalize such crimes, you have no idea how close you are to Nazi ideology.
I am nowhere near nazi ideology and you are utterly ignorant of islamic society. Try to meet
some muslims, read the koran and talk to christian,zoroastrian, hindu, jewish survivors
of muslim societies. You may not know---a short cut to JANNAH (islamic heaven) is---slit the throat of a christian, zoroastrian, hindu, jewish infant. Its like christian "salvation" ALSO a social ELEVATION for the entire family is achieved that same way as well as a MONEY WINDFALL. The throat slitter of the infants becomes a FAMILY HERO (the day dream of ever reject teen) AND gets ETERNAL ORGASM in Jannah (the most prized reward)
I am nowhere near nazi ideology and you are utterly ignorant of islamic society. Try to meet
some muslims, read the koran and talk to christian,zoroastrian, hindu, jewish survivors
of muslim societies. You may not know---a short cut to JANNAH (islamic heaven) is---slit the throat of a christian, zoroastrian, hindu, jewish infant. Its like christian "salvation" ALSO a social ELEVATION for the entire family is achieved that same way as well as a MONEY WINDFALL. The throat slitter of the infants becomes a FAMILY HERO (the day dream of ever reject teen) AND gets ETERNAL ORGASM in Jannah (the most prized reward)
You are quite a joke. You have just admitted that you never read the koran----its easy---not a long book and not complex. I suggest the
PICKTHAL translation. You aren't aware of the fact that the city called MEDINA was once a jewish city name YATHRIB ----its entire jewish population WIPED OUT. If I said Joshua fought the battle of Jericho you would demand a SOURCE? how about COLUMBUS SAILED THE OCEAN BLUE......? BTW Muslims stole the entire jewish city of Medina/Yathrib
paid not a dime and jews cannot set foot on that land in which thousands of jews were murdered ---they left cemateries, synagogues and most important COUNTLESS MANUSCRIPTS BURIED IN THE SAND
PS---the SOURCE is the KORAN----you do believe that the koran is divine---don't you? it beats Wikki

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