At what point does a thread get kicked down to Badlands?

Explain to me why Jews cannot charge interest on loans to other Jews; Today. Jesus didn't have a beef with capitalism because it hadn't been invented yet.
Oh it had been invented and was in wide use. It just wasn't called capitalism then. And it is true that orthodox Jewish law prohibits charging interest to other Jews but there is no prohibition to borrowing/charging to or from non Jews and paying or charging interest. But it was not interest perse' but rather cheating the worshipers at the Temple involved in that story.
Oh it had been invented and was in wide use. It just wasn't called capitalism then. And it is true that orthodox Jewish law prohibits charging interest to other Jews but there is no prohibition to borrowing/charging to or from non Jews and paying or charging interest. But it was not interest perse' but rather cheating the worshipers at the Temple involved in that story.
I have been recently enlightened by an expert, that those Jewish interest laws were 1,000 years ago. Jewish people pay interest just like everyone else.
I have been recently enlightened by an expert, that those Jewish interest laws were 1,000 years ago. Jewish people pay interest just like everyone else.
All Jewish people are not orthodox. But post clearly stated that Jewish people can pay interest or charge interest with no problem. They have always been able to. The orthodox do not charge interest to other Jews though.
The antisemites - with their talk of “Jew supremacy,” “Zionist tentacles,” and other atrocious terms - are descending on threads that have opened to discuss the horrible treatment of innocent American Jews, and seem to enjoy harassing Jewish posters.

Is it now the policy of USMB, given there is no more Zone 1 protections, to just allow the Jew-haters to turn threads into antisemitic propaganda tools? (I imagine some of the worst of the worst are paid by HAMAS-related organizations to spread the hate.)

Short of just advising Jews to ignore the antisemites, is there anything that can be done to make it more difficult for the Jew-haters to spread antisemitic attitudes? It’s bad enough on the streets, and liberal college campuses, but they’re invading here too.
Grandma lisa

Is he Jewish faith better than christianty since you support it sooooooo much.

Are you converting to it?

They claim to be chosen by god before your christianty…how does that work for you?
Jesus trashed the temple tables of the money lenders. That was his beef, and his crime. Should he return, he'd best not come here, or go to any other capitalist nation. Our whole system relies upon lending money, and charging interest.

Oddly, today Jews can only lend money to non-Jews. Muslims aren't supposed to at all, but apparently there are loopholes aplenty. Our whole economy is based upon usury. Jesus would not like that at all.
That is so not true. Jews lend money to whoever they want.
I have been recently enlightened by an expert, that those Jewish interest laws were 1,000 years ago. Jewish people pay interest just like everyone else.
correction: I said I THOUGHT so, as I have never known a Jew to get a loan from anywhere other than a bank for a house, a car, whatever, and I’ve known a lot of Jews.

If there were some way for me to have borrowed money for condo #1, then the townhouse, and quite a few cars interest-free, I’m sure I would have been told about it, as would have my family members, and all my Jewish friends.

I think it’s a myth.
All Jewish people are not orthodox. But post clearly stated that Jewish people can pay interest or charge interest with no problem. They have always been able to. The orthodox do not charge interest to other Jews though.
This is news to me, but maybe for private arrangements. I’m sure Orthodox Jews working for a bank charge the same interest rate regardless of whether their customers are Jewish or not.
Jesus trashed the temple tables of the money lenders. That was his beef, and his crime. Should he return, he'd best not come here, or go to any other capitalist nation. Our whole system relies upon lending money, and charging interest.

Oddly, today Jews can only lend money to non-Jews. Muslims aren't supposed to at all, but apparently there are loopholes aplenty. Our whole economy is based upon usury. Jesus would not like that at all.
That's NOT why He did what He did

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