What would the West do if the head of Russian Military Forces Shoigu would show the photo on the background of a portrait of Hitler?

So Jews aren't Russian, even those born in Russia? What about Stalin, was he Russian? Did he have anything to do with Holodomor?

The communist terror 1917-2022 in Russia is carried out by anyone except ethnically Russians
Even 'priests' of Putin's 'Church' are to 80% Ukrainians or another non-Russians
The Russian People is the biggest victim of the Regime of Putin now and the Lenin/Stalin then
Stalin was a commie, all commies are demons
what do you think about Moscow- stalin´s NKVD "church " ?

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax was plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature.[1] It was first published in Russia in 1903

Say it your pals in Lviv and Kiev
There is nothing more easy to purchase in Ukraine as the Protocols
what do you think about Moscow- stalin´s NKVD "church " ?


Russia had only one True Church - Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia
After its forced 'reunification' with the KGB 'Church' Russia doesn't have a True Canonical Church
The KGB 'Church' was created by KGB in 1927 and still exists until now
The last true Russian Head of the Church was Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) (1910-2006) who died in 2006
Tellingly he was murdered because he fought against the Reunification of two churches


From the Rothschilds to Soros (both your favorites )

What sustains the influence of the Protocols among cranks and extremists is not the language of the text itself – which few of them are likely to have fully read in its various versions – but what this forgery purports to underscore, which is the astonishingly cunning influence of Jews in modern history.

The Protocols thus have no importance in themselves; they are spurious. But they do bestow precision upon apocalyptic fears, which could not survive without some ingredient of plausibility – however wildly far-fetched.

The Rothschild family was pivotal to the emergence of finance capitalism in 19th-century Europe. The family firm had branches in Germany, France, Austria, Italy and England, which lent credence to the charge of “cosmopolitanism” during an era of rising nationalism. The boom-and-bust oscillations of the economy generated not only misery but also grievances against financiers who seemed to benefit from such uncertainties.

Today, Soros, a Hungarian-born, British-educated American Jew, has become an especially hated figure for the far-right. Among the world’s canniest investors, he has spent billions of dollars promoting progressive causes. He seems to personify what Ford called “the international Jew.”

Venom against minorities other than Jews has not resulted in any equivalent to the Protocols. Judeophobia produced a specious documentation that bigotry against no other minority has ever elicited. Perhaps the very explicitness of the Protocols helps strengthen the suspicion that majority beliefs and interests are under attack, and keeps this dangerous form of anti-Semitism alive.
The communist terror 1917-2022 in Russia is carried out by anyone except ethnically Russians
Even 'priests' of Putin's 'Church' are to 80% Ukrainians or another non-Russians
The Russian People is the biggest victim of the Regime of Putin now and the Lenin/Stalin then
So Ukrainians are NOT Russians? That means Russia has invaded a foreign country, not unlike Hitler's invasion of Russia.
The Holodomor is mostly propaganda.
There were 2 main causes of the mass starvation.
One was a rare drought.
Two was Stalin being duped by Lysenko.

Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысенковщина, romanized: Lysenkovshchina, IPA: [lɨˈsɛnkəfɕːʲɪnə]; Ukrainian: лисенківщина, romanized: lysenkivščyna, IPA: [lɪˈsɛnkiu̯ʃtʃɪnɐ]) was a political campaign led by Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko against genetics and science-based agriculture in the mid-20th century, rejecting natural selection in favour of a form of Lamarckism, as well as expanding upon the techniques of vernalization and grafting. In time, the term has come to be identified as any deliberate distortion of scientific facts or theories for purposes that are deemed politically, religiously or socially desirable.

More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the Soviet campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Soviet Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had been Lysenko's mentor, but later denounced him, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.

The government of the Soviet Union (USSR) supported the campaign, and Joseph Stalin personally edited a speech by Lysenko in a way that reflected his support for what would come to be known as Lysenkoism, despite his skepticism toward Lysenko's assertion that all science is class-oriented in nature.[1] Lysenko served as the director of the USSR's Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Other countries of the Eastern Bloc including the People's Republic of Poland, the Republic of Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic accepted Lysenkoism as the official "new biology", to varying degrees, as did the People's Republic of China for some years.

Three was the Kulaks who had been given ALL the farm land after 1916, deliberately burned all the crops in a protest.
Not true.

The Holodomor was a deliberately engineered famine. There was no draught.

It was war with famine as a weapon waged on innocent people killing millions.

This fact was recorded in soviet archives which were accessed after the fall of the USSR.

Your spin is revisionist FICTION and that is a historic fact.

your denial is as vile and dishonest as any punk denying the holocaust
All organizers of Holodomor were non-Russians, almost 99% were Jews
BTW Holodomor was not in Ukraine only but also in Russia too where were starved more as 2m

Holodomor was made from Stalin and his atheistic Soviets, anti-Semite, who still favors a new fake-Soviet empire after this bullshit had died on exahaustion decades ago a short time after the Nazis also had died. What about to try to become real before a third world war will wipe out everyone on this planet?

Russia has first of all now to respect the right of self-determination of the Ukraine. So take your soldiers and bring them home, Russian. They are dying for nothing except the empty phrases from Putin and his criminal gang.
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But everywhere knows both Protocols and Mein Kamp are the favorite reading of Ukrainian Nazis who can exactly quote all of them

Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf" (my fight) also known under "Mein Krampf" (my nonsense) but not known under "my camp". And nearly no one ever read this book also when nearly everyone had it. Reason: Everyone got it for free (instead of a family bible) to read it during their honeymoon to do their "job" to produce baby-soldiers "for Hitler". If you should think tryants are clever - they are not. They are stupid! Extremely stupid! But they force everyone else to be more stupid.
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Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf" (my fight) also known under "Mein Krampf" (my nonsense) but not known under "my camp". And nearly no one ever read this book also when nearly everyone had it. Reason: Everyone got it for free (instead of a family bible) to read it during their honeymoon to do their "job" to produce baby-soldiers "for Hitler". If you should think tryants are clever - they are not. They are stupid! Extremely stupid! But they force everyone else to be more stupid.

Why do yo never condemn Ukrainian Nazis who admire Hitler, SS, Bandera, concentration camps, Holocaust and instead you blame Russians for saving the world from the Nazi scum
Holodomor was made from Stalin and his atheistic Soviets,

Among your f..... communist trash Russians were only small minority, not more as 0,5% according to Solzhenitsyn.
Neither Putin himself nor everyone around him are ethnically Russians
No Russians are to blame for Communism ( Leninism, Stalinism, Gorbachevism, Putinism ) 1917-2022

not in 1943-44, by koba ?

The 'Church' was created by KGB in 1927

Declaration of Loyalty to the Soviet Union, 1927​

Metropolitan Sergiy now sought ways by which he might convince Soviet authorities to stop the campaign of terror and persecution against the Church, and to find ways of peaceful reconciliation with the government. It is not without significance that the next major step took place 4 months after his release from prison.

On 29 July, 1927, he issued his famous “Declaration”, in which he professed the firm loyalty of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Soviet Union. This statement was not his alone : it was the statement of the bishops of the Interim Holy Synod which had been legally established with the permission of the state in May, 1927. Metropolitan Sergiy further stated that it had been the unfulfilled desire of Patriarch Tikhon to achieve legal status for the Orthodox Church under the new Soviet Union government. Regardless, although it may have been well-intended, the “Declaration” caused an immediate controversy amongst the Russian churchmen, both within the USSR and abroad. Many clerics (including many notable and respected bishops in prisons and exile) broke communion with Metropolitan Sergiy. Later, some of these bishops reconciled with the metropolitan ; but many continued in their opposition to the "official Church" until the election of Patriarch Alexei I (Simansky) in 1945.

One of the reasons why the reaction was so negative is the apparent change in stance of the metropolitan in his words. In the declaration, there was nothing about the clear and evident contradictions between the intentions and way of life of the Church and of the state. Instead of working to dissociate Church from the government, he now affirmed close co-operation.

So Ukrainians are NOT Russians? That means Russia has invaded a foreign country, not unlike Hitler's invasion of Russia.

After 1991 Ukrainians ( thanks God ) leaved Russia, unfortunately with many Russian territorials
Ukrainians always hated Russians and were their enemies
Why do yo never condemn Ukrainian Nazis who admire Hitler, SS, Bandera, concentration camps, Holocaust and instead you blame Russians for saving the world from the Nazi scum

Russia started this totally stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine without any need to have to do so. And who tries to call me a supporter of Nazis or supporter of anti-Semites is from a totally wrong unreal planet. And I am by the way also very sad together with all the Russian mothers and fathers who have to suffer this Christmas because one or more or all of their children died in the Ukraine because they had to be in the wrong time on the wrong place where they also became victims of the stupid and wrong decisions of Putin and his criminal gang.
Russia started this totally stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine without any need to have to do so.

Not Russia started the war, but Ukraine in 1992 when it began persecution of Russians in Crimea

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