At what point does a thread get kicked down to Badlands?

It's tough to adjudicate though. When is something just wrong headed which is allowed under free speech criteria vs personal attacks which should not be okay? Who decides what so called 'disinformation' is protected free speech and what is not?

It can be dangerous to give powerful people, most especially dishonest/unethical ones, ability to dictate what is disinformation and what is not.

You see I think racist or antisemitic speech or so-called 'hate speech' is protected speech under the First Amendment even as it exposes those who utter it as the hateful, ignorant, unpleasant, wrong headed judgmental people that they are. At least we know that about them which at times could be useful.

Does anybody really pay any attention to or give any credence to the blatant racists and antisemitic types here for instance? Does anybody really think they have any credibility for intelligence, common sense, knowledge? Or does anybody with a brain pretty much see them as the mean spirited vacuous people that they are?

Of course being one of the majority race in this country and not being a Jew could disqualify me from saying what should and should not be hurtful to a person of color or a Jewish person. I am conscious that it may be easier for me to say that their insults and hateful disinformation should not be given any credibility at all.

But unkind, insensitive, mean spirited, dishonest, cruel people seem to enjoy being what they are. They don't care how accusing somebody of being a drunk and therefore worthless might sound to a recovering alcoholic. Or how saying somebody is a fat pig might sound to a person struggling with a weight problem. Or how it sounds when they say nobody beyond a certain age should be allowed to work or serve in office to a healthy, energetic, fully cognizant senior citizen etc.

I deal with it by offering good information. I can't honestly tell others how they should deal with it though.

And the First Amendment also allows people to believe what isn't true no matter how indefensible or stupid or wrong.
As a Jew, I’m actually in shock by how freely people are about expressing the most vicious antisemitic comments - both here and IRL - and absolutely appalled by the blatant abuse of Jewish students on college campuses nationwide, especially among the most prestigious, Ivy level ones.

As far as free speech, what you say is true, but it seems the mods want to clamp down on the “Stormfront*” like content on certain threads and maintain some semblance of decency, rather than allow USMB to become a platform to spread hateful propaganda. I just wonder where they want to draw the line.

*ftr, I never even heard of Stromfront until this site
to answer your query--"Does anyone pay attention...." ? the answer is
Yes, and this is the damage that is done when an antisemite is allowed to poison a thread with virrulent Jew-hate. He is advancing antisemitism at a point where it is at its most extreme since the 1930s, and thus the question is: does USMB want to provide a platform for that?
A thread will be move to the Badlands after a sufficient number of alt-right howler monkeys have deliberately trashed the thread with trolling and insults.

That's not the only reason, but it's a common one. It rewards the bad behavior, thus guaranteeing more bad behavior will follow.
As a Jew, I’m actually in shock by how freely people are about expressing the most vicious antisemitic comments - both here and IRL - and absolutely appalled by the blatant abuse of Jewish students on college campuses nationwide, especially among the most prestigious, Ivy level ones.

As far as free speech, what you say is true, but it seems the mods want to clamp down on the “Stormfront*” like content on certain threads and maintain some semblance of decency, rather than allow USMB to become a platform to spread hateful propaganda. I just wonder where they want to draw the line.

*ftr, I never even heard of Stromfront until this site
I agree that rules should be common sense and should be applied impartially and without prejudice if they are going to have them. And my remarks are directed strictly at people's opinions and not actions. Remarks or actions with ability to materially or physically harm somebody apart from just offending them should never be okay.

The old maxim of sticks and stones vs words and all that.
I'm not sure what you are babbling about. Ever since Vatican 2, the Catholic Church has denied the Jews killed Jesus (even the Bible clearly says they did.)
actually O' great jelly bean valedictorian. ---
what Vatican II said was --DAT DA JOOOS OF
TODAY BEAR NO GUILT FOR THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS---<<< and that's it. As to the NT--read it again---the Romans did it. ---BUT THE
sophistry of the church of constantine holds dat DA JOOOOS FORCED THEM TO DO IT. If
John had simply declared "THE JEWS DIDN'T
DO IT AND HAD NOTHIN' TO DO WITH IT---he would have been right. JOOOS NEVAH CRUCIFIED ANYONE---da pharisees were dead
set against it. Barbaric execution is a Greek and Roman thing and the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE EMBRACED IT EAGERLY
actually O' great jelly bean valedictorian. ---
what Vatican II said was --DAT DA JOOOS OF
TODAY BEAR NO GUILT FOR THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS---<<< and that's it. As to the NT--read it again---the Romans did it. ---BUT THE
sophistry of the church of constantine holds dat DA JOOOOS FORCED THEM TO DO IT. If
John had simply declared "THE JEWS DIDN'T
DO IT AND HAD NOTHIN' TO DO WITH IT---he would have been right. JOOOS NEVAH CRUCIFIED ANYONE---da pharisees were dead
set against it. Barbaric execution is a Greek and Roman thing and the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE EMBRACED IT EAGERLY

Guy, if you read the bible, especially the Gospel of John (Written when Christians had become a distinct religion) it clearly shows that Pontius Pilate wanted to spare Jesus. Pretty much tried everything he could do calm the angry crowd, including giving them the option to execute Barabas instead.

Now, I don't put a lot of credence in the Gospel. The Gospels were written at a time when the Christian Church as trying to gain Roman acceptance, and resented the Jews not accepting Jesus as Messiah. I also don't think Jesus actually existed, but that's neither here nor there.
Guy, if you read the bible, especially the Gospel of John (Written when Christians had become a distinct religion) it clearly shows that Pontius Pilate wanted to spare Jesus. Pretty much tried everything he could do calm the angry crowd, including giving them the option to execute Barabas instead.

Now, I don't put a lot of credence in the Gospel. The Gospels were written at a time when the Christian Church as trying to gain Roman acceptance, and resented the Jews not accepting Jesus as Messiah. I also don't think Jesus actually existed, but that's neither here nor there.
almost----the "Pilate did not want to do it..." BS is, indeed, a cover-up based on
Constantine's ambitions----unify his
imperialist regime under ONE FLAG and get
rid of DA JOOOOS. JohnXXIII probably
knew that but he really COULD NOT SAY IT
almost----the "Pilate did not want to do it..." BS is, indeed, a cover-up based on
Constantine's ambitions----unify his
imperialist regime under ONE FLAG and get
rid of DA JOOOOS. JohnXXIII probably
knew that but he really COULD NOT SAY IT

Um, what's in the Gospels is in the Gospels, and the Gospels were written long before Constantine.

Now, if you want to argue that Constantine picked Gospels that reflected his own point of view, you could say that.

I think that if you want to have a beef with someone, it's St. Paul, who took Christianity from just being a sect of Judiaism to a more universal religion.

You see, Jesus wasn't challenging Rome's authority. He was challenging the Authority of the high priests and Pharisees and Saducees.
I agree that rules should be common sense and should be applied impartially and without prejudice if they are going to have them. And my remarks are directed strictly at people's opinions and not actions. Remarks or actions with ability to materially or physically harm somebody apart from just offending them should never be okay.

The old maxim of sticks and stones vs words and all that.
Actually, sticks and stones vs words is not true in the case of the antisemitic propaganda - lies about apartheid, genocide, blaming Israel when HAMAS terrorists murder hostages, etc., - in that it convinces gullible and ignorant people (like today’s college students) to develop hostilities toward Jews and essentially normalizes antisemitism.

Hitler did not just wake up one day and tell Germans to round up Jews for extermination. It was a decade-long propaganda campaign during which previously normal people came to believe it made sense for Jews to be forbidden to walk on the sidewalk or enter stores or cafes.

And that is what is starting to happen, coming from the libs. While they do not say it is “normal” for Jews to be spit on and assaulted, and deprived the right to walk across campus, they ARE downplaying it. On another thread, just a few minutes ago, a liberal said that it wasn’t like they need the National Guard for protection, like blacks did 60 years ago. That is a way of saying “well, others have had it worse” and minimizing the appalling anti-Jew behavior now being tolerated, or excused, on liberal campuses.

And then it’s a downward slide from there. We need political leaders to step up and take firm action against those inciting violence against Jews via their hateful rhetoric, rather than remain silent for fear of offending Muslim voters. Words, when used to say that Jews should be killed, or that they otherwise are horrible people, DO matter when they result in the type of abuse being heaped on them now.
Um, what's in the Gospels is in the Gospels, and the Gospels were written long before Constantine.

Now, if you want to argue that Constantine picked Gospels that reflected his own point of view, you could say that.

I think that if you want to have a beef with someone, it's St. Paul, who took Christianity from just being a sect of Judiaism to a more universal religion.

You see, Jesus wasn't challenging Rome's authority. He was challenging the Authority of the high priests and Pharisees and Saducees.
your entire little essay is all BS---but you can prove your point---just come up with some of
those ORIGINAL gospels. AS to "jesus was challenging the Authority of the high priests and the pharisees and the Sadducees"----your level of confusion is beyond hope. Of course--that's why DA JOOOOS FORCED PILATE TO CRUCIFY HIM----right? BTW---what was the challenge?
Actually, sticks and stones vs words is not true in the case of the antisemitic propaganda - lies about apartheid, genocide, blaming Israel when HAMAS terrorists murder hostages, etc., - in that it convinces gullible and ignorant people (like today’s college students) to develop hostilities toward Jews and essentially normalizes antisemitism.
Um, not really.

The problem is, Zionism is essentially apartheid colonialism. it's a philosophy that evolved in Europe when white folks thought they could go anywhere they desired and take whatever they wanted. We now know that was wrong, whether it's Europe apologizing for Imperialism or America apologizing for Manifest Destiny.

You really can't justify what they are doing, so you don't want anyone actually discussing it.

Hitler did not just wake up one day and tell Germans to round up Jews for extermination. It was a decade-long propaganda campaign during which previously normal people came to believe it made sense for Jews to be forbidden to walk on the sidewalk or enter stores or cafes.

German anti-Semitism long predated Hitler. What really made Germans go over the edge when Jewish socialists overthrew the Kaiser and Germany got reamed after WWI. Yes, you do lose some of your humanity after you've eaten one of your neighbors to avoid starvation.

And that is what is starting to happen, coming from the libs. While they do not say it is “normal” for Jews to be spit on and assaulted, and deprived the right to walk across campus, they ARE downplaying it. On another thread, just a few minutes ago, a liberal said that it wasn’t like they need the National Guard for protection, like blacks did 60 years ago. That is a way of saying “well, others have had it worse” and minimizing the appalling anti-Jew behavior now being tolerated, or excused, on liberal campuses.

Your hurt feelings aren't the same as black children being lynched and bombed and shot. Sorry, it just isn't.

And then it’s a downward slide from there. We need political leaders to step up and take firm action against those inciting violence against Jews via their hateful rhetoric, rather than remain silent for fear of offending Muslim voters. Words, when used to say that Jews should be killed, or that they otherwise are horrible people, DO matter when they result in the type of abuse being heaped on them now.
So how many Jews have been killed in this country because of protests? The only person I know of who was killed was a little Arab boy by a Christian fanatic.
Jesus trashed the temple tables of the money lenders. That was his beef, and his crime. Should he return, he'd best not come here, or go to any other capitalist nation. Our whole system relies upon lending money, and charging interest.

Oddly, today Jews can only lend money to non-Jews. Muslims aren't supposed to at all, but apparently there are loopholes aplenty. Our whole economy is based upon usury. Jesus would not like that at all.
P.S. I note that @Aye Can’t See You posted a note that blatant antisemitism will not be tolerated, so I believe what is happening in recent days is against the new guidance.
Yet I see no enforcement. There are people here saying that Israelis are Nazis. The people of Israel are Jewish.
Yet I see no enforcement. There are people here saying that Israelis are Nazis. The people of Israel are Jewish.
But they act like Nazis, that's kind of the point.

They are like abused children repeating the cycle of abuse.

Also I see that people make antisemitic comments all the time and I hardly see them removed. Also I am not seeing any actions taken against antisemitics like Glastnost and Gipper.

I disagree with them all the time, and what I see are two guys who criticize Israeli policy.
Jesus trashed the temple tables of the money lenders. That was his beef, and his crime. Should he return, he'd best not come here, or go to any other capitalist nation. Our whole system relies upon lending money, and charging interest.

Oddly, today Jews can only lend money to non-Jews. Muslims aren't supposed to at all, but apparently there are loopholes aplenty. Our whole economy is based upon usury. Jesus would not like that at all.
Jesus drove out the moneychangers who were using God's place of worship to cheat people. It was not because it is wrong to charge interest but it is wrong to cheat people with interest or anything else. He had no beef with capitalism but in fact defended it.
Jesus drove out the moneychangers who were using God's place of worship to cheat people. It was not because it is wrong to charge interest but it is wrong to cheat people with interest or anything else. He had no beef with capitalism but in fact defended it.
Explain to me why Jews cannot charge interest on loans to other Jews; Today. Jesus didn't have a beef with capitalism because it hadn't been invented yet.

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