Israeli Torture And Rape

Pallywood propaganda.

Britain will be an Islamic state about the time they reach about a third of the population and are supported by self-hating Brits like Deadstick (if not a Muslim, himself).

I find it very disturbing that a culture proudly based on religious experiences dating back several thousand years, and one that rewards homosexual acts with execution in Leviticus, sits back in silence about male Israeli soldiers who insert their p*****s in the a****s of non-Jewish male prisoners.

It beggars belief that Zionists are willing to crawl so low as to not be willing to condemn such conduct, perhaps the ideal male role model in Zionist life is one who loves to f**k restrained Palestinian men, we already know that Israel is a haven for Jewish child molesters, looks like things are even worse than I thought.

CBS News - How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

JCW says the majority of its cases originate from modern Orthodox to Ultra-orthodox Jewish enclaves in the U.S., but that it happens across the wider Jewish community. Because perpetrators can't be held accountable unless victims come forward, many cases are believed to go unreported. To try to get them out into the light, JCW holds awareness events across the U.S., and offers victims of sexual abuse advice and emotional support.

This is yet another foul smelling fruit from the tree that is Zionism, depraved bastards.
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This is the Fascism that is taking place in Europe we have had three Journalists arrested under anti terror laws for reporting on Gaza one Women Journalist had her home raided early morning by what can only be called masked thugs who were armed police, they ransacked her home even stole some money and scattered her dead husbands ashes all over the room, not reported in the MSM.
It’s appalling what’s happening. The West is becoming more like the Soviet Union every day and many support this tyranny.
You probably don't even know who the Nazis were.
Well i have a better idea than you, my late father fought them in WW2 he was at the liberation of Belsen one Uncle of mine was a POW captured after a battle on the Greek Island of Leros, another Uncle killed in action 12 days after landing in Normandy on D-Day, so i think i know something about Nazis and could educate you on the subject.
I thought it was Arabs who hated Jews? you sure it was the Nazis? I though the Arabs herded millions of Jews into camps, then gassed them and burned the corpses, are you saying that wasn't the Arabs?
I am sorry that the Madrassas you attended while being a little terrorist to be failed you so.

Nazis are responsible for the Holocaust. The Arabs who now call themselves Palestinian collaborated with the Nazis and learned various propaganda techniques from them.

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