You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

You’re really digging deep into the archives, huh? 'It was in all the papers', great genius. Let me guess, you also think the U.S. should have to pay for what happened to the Native Americans, Black slaves, and countless others because 'it was in all the papers' back in the day, right? Moron.

For you, history is a buffet where you pick and choose what to be outraged about. Let’s drag out the ghosts of 1945 and scream ‘enslavement!’ when it comes to Eastern Europe, but we’ll conveniently ignore the fact that modern-day Russia isn’t the USSR. Newsflash: Putin isn’t Stalin. But I guess subtlety and nuance are lost on someone who sees the world through a Cold War kaleidoscope.

You justify NATO expansion because… what? Russia isn’t marauding across Europe like it’s 1941? How generous of you to point out that none of the NATO members have been invaded by Putin. That’s like congratulating the U.S. for not invading Canada lately, great job, gold star! You fucking idiot.

Except, you completely miss the point that Russia’s actions have been provoked by NATO’s constant expansion, a relic of the Cold War that should’ve been buried over thirty years ago.

Chechnya? Really? That’s your shining example of ‘non-NATO countries being invaded’? You do realize Chechnya is within Russia’s own borders, right? That’s like me saying the U.S. invaded Texas during the Civil War, utterly nonsensical.

And Georgia? Oh yes, Georgia, where NATO had its grubby fingers meddling, and Russia stepped in during a land dispute. But that’s 'enslavement' to you, right? Sure. Asshole.

And let’s not even talk about Ukraine. You conveniently gloss over that messy little 2014 coup, funded and encouraged by the West, which turned Ukraine into a pawn in NATO's game of checkers.

Crimea voted to rejoin Russia, don’t like democracy now? Or is it just 'enslavement' when the people vote in a way you don't approve of?

Meanwhile, while you rant about so-called ‘enslavement’ under the USSR, a significant chunk of people who lived under that system don’t share your selective outrage. They miss it. Why? Because despite its flaws, they had jobs, healthcare, housing, and a sense of purpose. Go ahead, Todd, show me one poll where a group of Black Americans are nostalgic for slavery or Native Americans miss the good old days of their land being stolen. Spoiler alert: you won’t find one, because those were actual cases of enslavement. Your comparison falls flat on its face, cheese dick.

You throw around words like 'enslavement' because it fits your narrative. But I’ll tell you what’s really happening here: NATO is expanding because it’s a profit machine. The military industrial complex sees Eastern Europe as its next playground, with American and European weapons companies raking in the cash. But yeah, sure, let’s keep pretending this is about 'freedom' and 'protection' from the big, bad bear.

At the end of the day, Todd, your worldview is just as outdated as your references. Get out of the Cold War. The world has moved on, even if you haven’t.

You’re really digging deep into the archives, huh? 'It was in all the papers', great genius.

Yes, the Soviets had troops in Eastern Europe, it was in all the papers, moron.

That’s like congratulating the U.S. for not invading Canada lately

Or like congratulating Russia for not invading Georgia or Ukraine lately. Oops.
I am starting to lose interest in communicating with you. I don't waste time talking to blind-by-choice people that only want to orate and not debate.

Can't say that I blame you.

Every time you do, you end up exposed as a massive idiot.

Now, don't you have some toilets to scrub at the bank?
Can't say that I blame you.

Every time you do, you end up exposed as a massive idiot.

Now, don't you have some toilets to scrub at the bank?
You win, and given that you have exposed me as a massive idiot and as such, I have no idea why you would even want to talk to me, especially when I am scrubbing toilets at the bank, I will do you a favor and stop our communication from here on in.

You are now #16 on my ignore list. One thing that I have stated before, I do not allow insults and debasing as a part of communication with me. With your idiot insult and debasing comment about me scrubbing the toilet. you have made my list. Good bye
You win, and given that you have exposed me as a massive idiot and as such, I have no idea why you would even want to talk to me, especially when I am scrubbing toilets at the bank, I will do you a favor and stop our communication from here on in.

You are now #16 on my ignore list. One thing that I have stated before, I do not allow insults and debasing as a part of communication with me. With your idiot insult and debasing comment about me scrubbing the toilet. you have made my list. Good bye

Telling the truth about your idiocy isn't an insult, it's just the truth.

Now run away, pussy.
You’re really digging deep into the archives, huh? 'It was in all the papers', great genius.

Yes, the Soviets had troops in Eastern Europe, it was in all the papers, moron.

That’s like congratulating the U.S. for not invading Canada lately

Or like congratulating Russia for not invading Georgia or Ukraine lately. Oops.
You ignored every talking point in that post. So what if the Soviets had troops in Eastern Europe back then. None of that justifies what NATO is doing in Eastern Europe. Should America be punished by other nations for what it did to Blacks, Native Americans and many others around the world, through its warmongering and meddling? That was also "in all of the papers", you shithead.

No Oops, idiot, because those conflicts are due to NATO expansion and meddling, in those countries. Dumbass.
You win, and given that you have exposed me as a massive idiot and as such, I have no idea why you would even want to talk to me, especially when I am scrubbing toilets at the bank, I will do you a favor and stop our communication from here on in.

You are now #16 on my ignore list. One thing that I have stated before, I do not allow insults and debasing as a part of communication with me. With your idiot insult and debasing comment about me scrubbing the toilet. you have made my list. Good bye
He's the most disingenuous asshole on the forum. A complete hypocrite, a real "piece of work".
So what if the Soviet had troops in Eastern Europe back then.

I know! They obviously didn't care about Russian troops.
That's why they joined NATO at their first chance. DURR.

None of that justifies what NATO is doing in Eastern Europe.

I know! Protecting the Eastern Europeans from Russia. It's a travesty!!!
Bill Clinton stated this evening that since 1989, 51 million new jobs have been created and under the Democrats, of those 51, 49 million were created under Democratic presidents and only 2 million were created under Republican presidents.

Clinton said he had to check it 3 times but that it was confirmed.

Here is a link to one of the articles that confirms that information:

“Since 1989 and a new age of globalization began, 51 million jobs have been created in America. 49 million, 96%, have been created under Democratic presidents.”

This means that more Americans were working under Democratic rule than under Republican presidents. More people working means a better economy, better lives, and better life for all.

This is also something that is true and that has been confirmed 100%

View attachment 999299
Not true: you just found out that the 1)Dems have been cooking the numbers and using word games to make a false narrative on Jobs, including using population migration tricks like counting jobs created by a biz that closed in one state moving to another state (due to crime & taxes in Dem run cities), that's not job creation, that's job migration, yet they count those numbers and you are the dupe that buys the scam.
2) you don't have any clue how bad the Kamala plan to tax unrealized cap gains will be for Businesses and properties and how that will close up many businesses thus take jobs from us not add jobs like keeping Trump tax structure that's expiring creates as Business use their tax savings to invest in their company including employees that reaped the benefits.
Think McFly, don't be so gullible.
I know! They obviously didn't care about Russian troops.
That's why they joined NATO at their first chance. DURR.

None of that justifies what NATO is doing in Eastern Europe.

I know! Protecting the Eastern Europeans from Russia. It's a travesty!!!
They joined NATO, to join the EU, you dumbass. Many of those Eastern European countries have a significant % of their populations regretting the demise of the USSR. They see the benefit of joining the EU, hence if that requires becoming a client state of the US and its NATO Cold War dinosaur, they will do it.

Again, no justification, for deploying American troops and hardware on Russia's border. Deploying a bunch of asshole-Todds, on Russia's border is just asking for trouble. War. You're an idiot for destabilizing Eastern Europe, when Russia had no intentions of invading it, before NATO started deploying its troops. You failed to provide any evidence that Russia was threatening Eastern Europe, beyond the context of NATO expansion.

You're a warmongering, imperialist piece of shit. People like you are going to start WW3 with Russia, for no reason. Completely unnecessary, but because your capitalist buddies want to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ they push their NATO cashcow right up to Russia's border. Creating unnecessary strife. If Russia or China were deploying their troops and hardware on our border with Mexico or Canada, we would be at war. You're a delusional hypocrite.
Not true: you just found out that the 1)Dems have been cooking the numbers and using word games to make a false narrative on Jobs, including using population migration tricks like counting jobs created by a biz that closed in one state moving to another state (due to crime & taxes in Dem run cities), that's not job creation, that's job migration, yet they count those numbers and you are the dupe that buys the scam.
2) you don't have any clue how bad the Kamala plan to tax unrealized cap gains will be for Businesses and properties and how that will close up many businesses thus take jobs from us not add jobs like keeping Trump tax structure that's expiring creates as Business use their tax savings to invest in their company including employees that reaped the benefits.
Think McFly, don't be so gullible.
So you do not believe statistics and data are correct, right? or that all these numbers for the past 50 years have been cooked by the Democrats and the Republicans have incompetently not been able to fix it, prove it wrong, or come up with their own?

Or perhaps the most simple and common sense reason is that you are the one that is deluded and believe a conman who is a convicted felon that has been proven to be a liar on over 40,000 occasions.

Okay, I believe you. You know more than anyone! My idol.
So you do not believe statistics and data are correct, right? or that all these numbers for the past 50 years have been cooked by the Democrats and the Republicans have incompetently not been able to fix it, prove it wrong, or come up with their own?

Or perhaps the most simple and common sense reason is that you are the one that is deluded and believe a conman who is a convicted felon that has been proven to be a liar on over 40,000 occasions.

Okay, I believe you. You know more than anyone! My idol.
I've been right about everything while your news and info sources have been wrong and purposely manipulating you.
Don't believe me, but that's what your pupeteers want you to believe, to distrust & disbelieve me, otherwise they don't survive and you break free from your mental slavery.
They joined NATO, to join the EU, you dumbass. Many of those Eastern European countries have a significant % of their populations regretting the demise of the USSR. They see the benefit of joining the EU, hence if that requires becoming a client state of the US and its NATO Cold War dinosaur, they will do it.

Again, no justification, for deploying American troops and hardware on Russia's border. Deploying a bunch of asshole-Todds, on Russia's border is just asking for trouble. War. You're an idiot for destabilizing Eastern Europe, when Russia had no intentions of invading it, before NATO started deploying its troops. You failed to provide any evidence that Russia was threatening Eastern Europe, beyond the context of NATO expansion.

You're a warmongering, imperialist piece of shit. People like you are going to start WW3 with Russia, for no reason. Completely unnecessary, but because your capitalist buddies want to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ they push their NATO cashcow right up to Russia's border. Creating unnecessary strife. If Russia or China were deploying their troops and hardware on our border with Mexico or Canada, we would be at war. You're a delusional hypocrite.

They joined NATO, to join the EU,

Post your evidence, moron.

Again, no justification, for deploying American troops and hardware on Russia's border.

Deploying American troops and hardware on the border of member states to protect them from Russia.

You failed to provide any evidence that Russia was threatening Eastern Europe,

They threaten all their neighbors.

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