A minimum of $27 an hour is the wage needed in America for a modest one bedroom apartment.

It is a discussion that is needed, but coming up with some meaningless figure that people must have to afford an apartment does not help the discussion
the original post cited a left-wing working class type person. The group that conducted the study looks at the issues facing low income workers and low income housing. You don’t care about that or your simply ignoring in pursuit of politics.

You are way way off here. You don’t sound like a JFK Democrat.
Sure, other generations had to face economic ordeals. They had a better leadership structure in those days though. We have left radicalism today which is infecting our economy.

The average 25-year-old today is making about $40,000 a year compared to 40 years ago adjusted for inflation $75,000 a year. There’s your problem right there.
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Then they have to move out of San Diego. It’s no place for a minimum wage worker. I’m sure they can move an hour out and take the bus.
A lot of people can’t afford to move. You’re kicking the can down the road.
If that becomes the minimum wage inflation will increase the price of rental higher. It's a vicious cycle.

This is the end result of massive debt and injection of cash into the domestic market while corporations move jobs overseas. It's a lose/lose situation, It's crony capitalism and has been far worse since China seduced short term thinking, principle challenged leaders to change course in the fight against communism.

"Money, get away. Get a good job with more pay and you're ok"
There’s a misunderstanding here. The person sided in the original post is not for raising the minimum wage. Simply citing the facts of what is the high cost of living and Biden’s 2024 America.
A lot of people can’t afford to move. You’re kicking the can down the road.
Why not? My dad and uncle both did, with $50 in their pocket.

What is your solution? You certainly aren’t implying we need to punish landlords or redistribute more money from those who took the steps to develop marketable skills to those who didn’t bother?
There is no average wage needed for a one bedroom apartment in America.

There cannot be as prices vary too much from place to place.

How can this be confusing for you?

You can create an average from any set of numbers. Whether it's of any value to determine policy is another matter. The math still maths no matter what.
Looking at Zillow for my zip code there are 2 bedroom apartments starting at $650 a month.
It’s a lie throwing out $4,500 for a one bedroom in a below average area
Most of this is yet another feelings hoax that puts cart before the horse
Sure, other generations had to face economic ordeals. They had a better leadership structure in those days though. We have left radicalism today which is infecting our economy.

The average 25-year-old today is making about $40,000 a year compared to 40 years ago adjusted for inflation $75,000 a year. There’s your problem right there.
Sorry, but the average 25-year-old was NOT making $75k, adjusted for inflation. I just did a calculation, and at 25 I was earning $55k, adjusted, and I was well above average (Phi Beta Kappa, top of class).
Sorry, but the average 25-year-old was NOT making $75k, adjusted for inflation. I just did a calculation, and at 25 I was earning $55k, adjusted, and I was well above average (Phi Beta Kappa, top of class).
That aint nothing to brag about, being the smartest on the short bus
That aint nothing to brag about, being the smartest on the short bus
View attachment 1006938
Who says I was on the short bus? The very fact that my university even HAD a Phi Beta Kappa chapter (most do not) tells you I wasn’t on the short bus.

What I did know, because my parents taught me, was that I was not entitled to anything by virtue of breathing and that I would have to work my way up to being able to afford a nice plan to live. Why should a high school grad, who never even got job training, expect to live better than a new college grad with a marketable major?
See? THIS is the problem. Libs think that poorly educated, unskilled people are entitled to rent their own place, and if they can’t afford it, someone else should just give them money, be it via redistribution of wealth or forcing a small business owner to overpay them.

Here are the living arrangements of those in my family, upon graduating from college, AND NOBODY COMPLAINED:

Dad - rented room in basement in someone’s rowhouse
Uncle - rented small, mediocre, two-bedroom tenement style railroad apartment with another new college kid
Mom and Aunt - stayed at home with their parents (it’s what good girls did back then until they married, early 20s)
Brother - shared three-bedroom townhouse with two other guys
Sister - rented a bedroom in a four-bedroom house
me - rented a studio apartment in a neighborhood so bad I couldn’t come home after dark

The point is….these are all educated, skilled people with real market value, and they were all willing to share or rent dumps when they first started out. So in what world is a C-student with a high school diploma entitled to better?
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, folks, like I did.

Stop waiting on Trump to solve your problems, he don't care about you, and he never did.
How about we have better politicians. No more politicians to keep printing trillions of dollars jacking up inflation. Bringing in millions of illegals to lower the wage of workers in this country.

The Democrat vice president nominee wants tampons in boys bathroom, that cuck weakling. I don’t see him talking about improving the middle class. Bunch of nonsense about race and gender to distract from our horrible economy.
Why not? My dad and uncle both did, with $50 in their pocket.

What is your solution? You certainly aren’t implying we need to punish landlords or redistribute more money from those who took the steps to develop marketable skills to those who didn’t bother?
50 bucks back in that day was worth a lot more.

And Because they just don’t have the money. Some people literally don’t have a dollar to their name. You’re kicking the can down the road in every one of your responses. And you’re ignoring the horrendous leadership by the political class. They jacked up inflation with the stimulus checks. And all those $2000 stimulus checks, you know where they went to ???low wage workers bought air Nikes and Jordans. All that money went to the ultra wealthy.

And you’re not acknowledging the left-wing insanity that did not exist in your fathers age or your age. You grew up with a much different political system
See? THIS is the problem. Libs think that poorly educated, unskilled people are entitled to rent their own place, and if they can’t afford it, someone else should just give them money, be it via redistribution of wealth or forcing a small business owner to overpay them.

Here are the living arrangements of those in my family, upon graduating from college, AND NOBODY COMPLAINED:

Dad - rented room in basement in someone’s rowhouse
Uncle - rented small, mediocre, two-bedroom tenement style railroad apartment with another new college kid
Mom and Aunt - stayed at home with their parents (it’s what good girls did back then until they married, early 20s)
Brother - shared three-bedroom townhouse with two other guys
Sister - rented a bedroom in a four-bedroom house
me - rented a studio apartment in a neighborhood so bad I couldn’t come home after dark

The point is….these are all educated, skilled people with real market value, and they were all willing to share or rent dumps when they first started out. So in what world is a C-student with a high school diploma entitled to better?
This is an unbelievable response by you. Where is your Jewish values.

Nobody’s bringing up raising the minimum wage or wealth redistribution. You’re just throwing up red herrings.

The average wage of the 25 year-old in America today is $40,000. 40 years ago it was $75,000 adjusted for inflation. The writing is on the wall you’re just ignoring it my friend.
As I’ve said many times this is the greatest issue in this country. The general cost-of-living including food, housing, clothing, automobiles, etc. Especially for the America first people they know this I think they accept it, but the Democrats seem to be either unaware of it or they don’t care about it.

Inflation has normalized since post-covid surge and supply chains mostly stabalized.

Wage growth has been outstripping cost inflation since early 2023. Rent price growth is negative for the past year.

What exactly do you want Democrats or Republicans to do? Fiddle with deflation and increased unemployment by keeping interest rates up or other contractionary policies?
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What’s wrong with two minimum wage workers sharing a 2-bedroom? That’s what plenty of COLLEGE GRADS do when they start out. Why do libs think an uneducated worker with no valuable market skills is entitled to rent their own apartment?

Here’s one for $1200 - 2 bedrooms, perfect for sharing.
Sounds like communism are my friend. Sharing?

Here’s the point that you simply don’t understand or don’t care about. And I’m saying this respectfully because I do agree with a lot of your viewpoints. But this point has been made many times and it seems like you’re not responding to it.

Point is The average wage of the 25-year-old in America today is half of what it was compared to 40 years ago. So even if they share an apartment with a friend that they might not even have…… they are constantly fighting an uphill battle …the poor economy and social setting that America is today compared to back in your day.
Then they have to move out of San Diego. It’s no place for a minimum wage worker. I’m sure they can move an hour out and take the bus.

An hour commute is only ten miles in Southern California ... two families have to share a one bedroom apartment ... like the old Soviet Union ... the good news is they're non-whites and thankful to have a job at all ...

Townies call it the Sun Tax ... all the Super-Rich have estates there, drives the prices up for everything ... the price to be paid if we want beach weather 345 days a year ... and stay within the contiguous United States ... there no finer climate than at UCLA's School of Climatology ...

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