A minimum of $27 an hour is the wage needed in America for a modest one bedroom apartment.

What’s rare? That lower-income people who could get their entire A.A. degree paid for by taxpayers fail to take advantage of it? Probably true.
I probably could've typed that more better grammatically correcto with my degree and all.

tl;dr It's rare that I agree with you.
I’m a little older, and here in DC when I was a kid, people lived in 1100 sf houses, shared one shower for the whole family, had a party line telephone, no boats, one car, no central air conditioning, no dishwasher (well….that would have been ME), and dinner in a restaurant was at most once a month, and a modest one at that. And that was a middle-class lifestyle, and we were happy with it!

The point is that kids today have all sorts of high expectations, and don’t think they should have to lower their standard of living when moving out of their parents’ house - and feel entitled to their own apartment with a dishwasher and washer-dryer, and iPhones, and cable, and flat screen TVs, and still be able to go to L&N Seafood and Morton’s every week, go to bars, erc., etc.

Nothing wrong with sharing an apartment and limiting yourself to Big Boy (or the equivalent once a week).
I’m a little older, and here in DC when I was a kid, people lived in 1100 sf houses, shared one shower for the whole family, had a party line telephone, no boats, one car, no central air conditioning, no dishwasher (well….that would have been ME), and dinner in a restaurant was at most once a month, and a modest one at that. And that was a middle-class lifestyle, and we were happy with it!

The point is that kids today have all sorts of high expectations, and don’t think they should have to lower their standard of living when moving out of their parents’ house - and feel entitled to their own apartment with a dishwasher and washer-dryer, and iPhones, and cable, and flat screen TVs, and still be able to go to L&N Seafood and Morton’s every week, go to bars, erc., etc.

Nothing wrong with sharing an apartment and limiting yourself to Big Boy (or the equivalent once a week).
You had a shower? We got one when I was 17. Daddy installed it. It was nice.
You had a shower? We got one when I was 17. Daddy installed it. It was nice.
So from birth until 17, you took baths only? Or did you have no indoor plumbing at all, and you were just a filthy kid?

Also, I thought you were a guy. Men don’t refer to their fathers as “Daddy,” do they? I can’t even stand when grown women do that!
I rented a very small cottage(700 sq ft) for $500.00 a month. The property was sold and the new landlord said "I could fit 3 families of illegals in there and each would pay me $500.00 a month. So your rent is now $1,500.00 a month.

Which is why there is a housing crisis now. Compounding this "crisis" is that even stuffing more bodies in theses rentals than the rentals can hold there isn't enough housing for the illegals. That's why housing is the way it is.
That number goes up to over $32 an hour being necessary as a wage for a two bedroom apartment. Now a lot of new families in America that are starting to have children cannot afford to buy a house. It’s out of the realm of possibility because of the price of homes and 3x mortgage rates under Biden compared to Trump. So if they can afford to they are left with renting. Others have to live with their parents or in laws.

As I’ve said many times this is the greatest issue in this country. The general cost-of-living including food, housing, clothing, automobiles, etc. Especially for the America first people they know this I think they accept it, but the Democrats seem to be either unaware of it or they don’t care about it. They are busy calling Trump a white supremacist or a sexist. Saying we need to “save democracy” by voting for Harris without knowing her policies. Or The foreign wars which have no effect on America and our funding of them.

This issue needs to be front and center for Republicans and Democrats. They can talk about the foreign wars. And other issues, but this certainly is the number one issue. Simply put a weaker America would lead to a weaker world.

The Democrat Party plan is for people to not own anything.
Used to be many enforced housing laws restricting number of unrelateds living under the same roof
But then the lib loons got all sappy and decided that did not match well with illegals and the underclass so most of those beneficial laws were set aside or are ignored.
Result-Million dollar neighborhoods now diminished with 12 people to a house, 9 cars of which 3 are on blocks . Ain’t diversity Grand??
Houses only cost 40k and there was no cable internet cell phones

And yes, most Americans vould afford 2 cars, a boat etc..
I bought my first house in 1986. It was a small 3-bedroom ranch. It was nearly $80,000 in North Charleston, SC. I sold it a year later at nearly the same price. I was making $17,000 a year in the Navy. I even had my father-in-law living with us though he did not pay any on the mortgage.
Used to be many enforced housing laws restricting number of unrelateds living under the same roof
But then the lib loons got all sappy and decided that did not match well with illegals and the underclass so most of those beneficial laws were set aside or are ignored.
Result-Million dollar neighborhoods now diminished with 12 people to a house, 9 cars of which 3 are on blocks . Ain’t diversity Grand??
There was a murder in a house near my parents some years ago - a 4-bedroom colonial. Turned out 15 illegals were living there. Well, then 14 if you count the dead person.

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