A minimum of $27 an hour is the wage needed in America for a modest one bedroom apartment.

50 bucks back in that day was worth a lot more.

And Because they just don’t have the money. Some people literally don’t have a dollar to their name. You’re kicking the can down the road in every one of your responses. And you’re ignoring the horrendous leadership by the political class. They jacked up inflation with the stimulus checks. And all those $2000 stimulus checks, you know where they went to ???low wage workers bought air Nikes and Jordans. All that money went to the ultra wealthy.

And you’re not acknowledging the left-wing insanity that did not exist in your fathers age or your age. You grew up with a much different political system
I have no clue what you’re talking about. What’s so bad about having to live very modestly if that’s what you can afford, rather than expect other people to hand you money?

All you’re doing is saying I’m wrong and not giving what YOU think the solution is? What should we do with undisciplined people who give no thought to their future, and get no job training (even with Pell Grants)?

Shouldn’t people be responsible for their own choices?
That number goes up to over $32 an hour being necessary as a wage for a two bedroom apartment. Now a lot of new families in America that are starting to have children cannot afford to buy a house. It’s out of the realm of possibility because of the price of homes and 3x mortgage rates under Biden compared to Trump. So if they can afford to they are left with renting. Others have to live with their parents or in laws.

As I’ve said many times this is the greatest issue in this country. The general cost-of-living including food, housing, clothing, automobiles, etc. Especially for the America first people they know this I think they accept it, but the Democrats seem to be either unaware of it or they don’t care about it. They are busy calling Trump a white supremacist or a sexist. Saying we need to “save democracy” by voting for Harris without knowing her policies. Or The foreign wars which have no effect on America and our funding of them.

This issue needs to be front and center for Republicans and Democrats. They can talk about the foreign wars. And other issues, but this certainly is the number one issue. Simply put a weaker America would lead to a weaker world.
Your 1sf apartment is with roommates and you share the costs. As you make more it becomes easier.
You take none of this into account.
Sounds like communism are my friend. Sharing?

Here’s the point that you simply don’t understand or don’t care about. And I’m saying this respectfully because I do agree with a lot of your viewpoints. But this point has been made many times and it seems like you’re not responding to it.

Point is The average wage of the 25-year-old in America today is half of what it was compared to 40 years ago. So even if they share an apartment with a friend that they might not even have…… they are constantly fighting an uphill battle …the poor economy and social setting that America is today compared to back in your day.
So what do you propose they do? Sounds like you’re hinting that successful people, who made sacrifices to get career training and/or start a small business give money to kids who feel they’re too above it all to deign to share an apartment.

And no idea what your smack against my Jewish values was all about. There is nothing contrary to Jewish values in expecting able-bodied young adults to share an apartment or rooms in a house if that is what they can afford. My father was a religious Jew and found nothing wrong with renting a room in a basement until he could afford better. Neither did his parents, who were very old-fashioned religious Jews.

Expectimg handouts is NOT a Jewish value. What IS a Jewish value is helping people support themselves, and that is why I am glad we have Pell Grants for lower-income people - so they can learn a trade, or work toward a degree, and be able to earn more than minimum wage.
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Who says I was on the short bus? The very fact that my university even HAD a Phi Beta Kappa chapter (most do not) tells you I wasn’t on the short bus.

What I did know, because my parents taught me, was that I was not entitled to anything by virtue of breathing and that I would have to work my way up to being able to afford a nice plan to live. Why should a high school grad, who never even got job training, expect to live better than a new college grad with a marketable major?
Why would a college grad think anyone deserves less than you?

Thanks for sharing. The short bus thing might of been over the line but look what you told me. Unless I ring that wet rag out I dont get that last drop of information.

We just fired a youngster for not working hard. No initiative. So many people dont seem to know how to work.

Thanks for the info about you
Your 1sf apartment is with roommates and you share the costs. As you make more it becomes easier.
You take none of this into account.
That’s what I have been saying! What’s so terrible? You should have seen the first place I could afford after college - roaches galore, so much so that I taped roach tape around the legs of my bed frame so they couldn’t crawl up. Yick. But that’s all part of starting out. As you say, after a few years, I moved beyond my “poor girl start” and got a nice place.
Why would a college grad think anyone deserves less than you?

Thanks for sharing. The short bus thing might of been over the line but look what you told me. Unless I ring that wet rag out I dont get that last drop of information.

We just fired a youngster for not working hard. No initiative. So many people dont seem to know how to work.

Thanks for the info about you
Sounds like communism are my friend. Sharing?

Here’s the point that you simply don’t understand or don’t care about. And I’m saying this respectfully because I do agree with a lot of your viewpoints. But this point has been made many times and it seems like you’re not responding to it.

Point is The average wage of the 25-year-old in America today is half of what it was compared to 40 years ago. So even if they share an apartment with a friend that they might not even have…… they are constantly fighting an uphill battle …the poor economy and social setting that America is today compared to back in your day.

Mortgage interest rates were TRIPLE back in 1984 ... 14.7% {Citation} ... reap them and wheat ...

The average family couldn't afford cable, internet, cell phones, two cars ... phaw ... it wasn't easier back then, just simpler ...

25-year-olds of both times who faithful served their nation's military get special sweetheart deals ...
Mortgage interest rates were TRIPLE back in 1984 ... 14.7% {Citation} ... reap them and wheat ...

The average family couldn't afford cable, internet, cell phones, two cars ... phaw ... it wasn't easier back then, just simpler ...

25-year-olds of both times who faithful served their nation's military get special sweetheart deals ...
Houses only cost 40k and there was no cable internet cell phones

And yes, most Americans vould afford 2 cars, a boat etc..
Mortgage interest rates were TRIPLE back in 1984 ... 14.7% {Citation} ... reap them and wheat ...

The average family couldn't afford cable, internet, cell phones, two cars ... phaw ... it wasn't easier back then, just simpler ...

25-year-olds of both times who faithful served their nation's military get special sweetheart deals ...
Yes. What these people complaining about overlook are all the expectations yoing people have these days - iPhones, cable, of course an apartment with a dishwasher, flat screen color TVs, their own car, being able to eat out at nice restaurants for dinner, etc.

When I started out, I couldn’t even splurge for the LIMITLESS phone plan! I went with the one that gave you 50 calls per month. I washed dishes by hand, took a little black and white TV from my parents’ house, and my weekly “treat” was a hamburger at Big Boy’s!
Houses only cost 40k and there was no cable internet cell phones

And yes, most Americans vould afford 2 cars, a boat etc..
And the average house was 1100 square feet, with one bathroom. And most people did NOT have two cars. They had carpools to work, or took public transport. And I knew nobody who had a boat!

The problem is expectations for what a decent life is have expanded so much that the way people used to live is now viewed as downtrodden.
$27 x 160 hr = $4,320 per month gross ...

One bedroom rents for $4,500 a month in San Diego ... in a lower middle class neighborhood ... that exact same unit rents for $150 in rural Alabama ...

Plenty of housing for the Rich ... loser tenants don't matter ... worthless serfs ...
Not quite true:



So what do you propose they do? Sounds like you’re hinting that successful people, who made sacrifices to get career training and/or start a small business give money to kids who feel they’re too above it all to deign to share an apartment.

And no idea what your smack against my Jewish values was all about. There is nothing contrary to Jewish values in expecting able-bodied young adults to share an apartment or rooms in a house if that is what they can afford. My father was a religious Jew and found nothing wrong with renting a room in a basement until he could afford better. Neither did his parents, who were very old-fashioned religious Jews.

Expectimg handouts is NOT a Jewish value. What IS a Jewish value is helping people support themselves, and that is why I am glad we have Pell Grants for lower-income people - so they can learn a trade, or work toward a degree, and be able to earn more than minimum wage.
I remember Pell Grants being the right amount to cover my bills at the bookstore. I appreciated that. I had an overachiever's class load at the time.
Trump believed the lies Fauci was peddling, and the warning that 2 million could die if the economy didn’t come to a crashing halt. This was the Dems’ intent to bring the economy to its knees and knock Trump out of office.

What can be done now is to lower prices, and we can start with energy - as that affects the prices of everything. Trump is the better choice for this.

Secondarily, we could seal the border. All the illegals are having the effect of increasing costs, as more people compete for lower-end housing. Trump is also the better choice for this.
Poor Donald...always a victim.

Its incredible. No...not you. You suck.

If Trump were to win a 2nd term, the office of the presidency will once again, be somewhere below the ran of kindergarten teacher in terms of power. It will have to be because nothing that goes wrong can be his fault and he’ll have to play the victim of everyone who is, somehow, more powerful.

If the blob loses...the presidency will be the most powerful position in the universe!!!! Any failure will be solely the responsibility of the woman who beat him!

Your blob sucked at the job. That is why he lost. Get over it.
I remember Pell Grants being the right amount to cover my bills at the bookstore. I appreciated that. I had an overachiever's class load at the time.
Pell Grants will cover the tuition at community college. That means anyone can get a 2-year degree, at the expense of taxpayers. No excuse why they can’t at least do that.
Pell Grants will cover the tuition at community college. That means anyone can get a 2-year degree, at the expense of taxpayers. No excuse why they can’t at least do that.
I agree. Rare, but yeah. Most folks don't realize that all you have to do is walk into the college, say you want to be a student, and they'll take care of the rest.
And the average house was 1100 square feet, with one bathroom. And most people did NOT have two cars. They had carpools to work, or took public transport. And I knew nobody who had a boat!

The problem is expectations for what a decent life is have expanded so much that the way people used to live is now viewed as downtrodden.
I lived in Detroit. More boats per capita. Mixed on the one bathroom thing. Most had one in the older suburbs. We never heard of carpools. We never used public transportation

Same in California when I moved there. No carpools, no using public transportation.

Cell phones is all people need now
Pell Grants will cover the tuition at community college. That means anyone can get a 2-year degree, at the expense of taxpayers. No excuse why they can’t at least do that.

Of course what you don’t know (amazing since you’re pretending to have some sort of advanced degree yourself) is that Pell grants are needs based. The amount your parents made determines if you’re poor enough to get a grant. If they make too much, you have to take out a loan or pay out of pocket. Or not go to college.

Its a crazy system to ask 18 y/o to make this calculation. A better idea would be to let everyone get 60 hours of trade school or college (the equivalent to an associate’s degree on the public dime then, deduct the money from their paychecks as they start their earnings. So you don’t have $50,000 in debt before you’ve ever worked a full time job. Essentially you reverse the Social Security model. You get the benefit at first and then it’s deducted as you go forward instead of paying all your life and then getting the benefit.
I lived in Detroit. More boats per capita. Mixed on the one bathroom thing. Most had one in the older suburbs. We never heard of carpools. We never used public transportation

Same in California when I moved there. No carpools, no using public transportation.

Cell phones is all people need now
How old are you?

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