Did the creation of the universe violate the laws of conservation?

the next stage is a very dense hot mixture of elementary particles that in a few seconds congealed to isotopes of hydrogen, helium, and a small amount of other light elements there was no more mechanism for gamma production so it abated. Further cooling allowed those light nuclei to capture electrons and become atoms.
How did this produce radiation? How was matter being converted into radiation?
Remember, this is all just a simulation.

If it were a reality for release to the general public, you would have received the operating manual when you arrived

Thank you,

The Management
And to elaborate just a little- when the electrons bind to the nuclei and form the atoms, they are in a high energy state. The first thing they do is move to their lowest energy state. When an electron drops to a lower shell, a photon is emitted.

The universe is now cool enough to be transparent, and the photons are free to go on their merry way. Those photons are what make up the CMB.
That got me thinking. In solids the black body radiation formula comes from a statistical analysis of harmonic oscillators. But a gas has no bound atomic states. The movement between shells alone is the characteristic spectrum of the hydrogen, helium, etc. My thought is that Compton scattering on the looser bound outer atomic shells is what smooths the spectrum and a statistical analysis of that gives the BB curve. (Maybe)

This of course is not limited to CMB but what happens in all hot gasses. It should be easy to look up. But I'm too lazy.
And to elaborate just a little- when the electrons bind to the nuclei and form the atoms, they are in a high energy state. The first thing they do is move to their lowest energy state. When an electron drops to a lower shell, a photon is emitted.

The universe is now cool enough to be transparent, and the photons are free to go on their merry way. Those photons are what make up the CMB.
Again... you are confusing the decoupling of radiation from matter with the creation of radiation. Two different things. What created the radiation?
No. He didn't. Feel free to provide a link. He is confusing the decoupling of radiation from matter with the creation of radiation. Two different things. What created the radiation?
I add to his link in post #43. Read my last paragraph.
I add to his link in post #43. Read my last paragraph.
You can't explain it because there is no other way to create that radiation other than matter antimatter annihilation. e=mc^2. You are arguing against mainstream science and have provided no explanation or links.
I would have though that nobel laureate George Wald's discussion on the CMB would have been enough but the science denying is strong in some.
You can't explain it because there is no other way to create that radiation other than matter antimatter annihilation. e=mc^2. You are arguing against mainstream science and have provided no explanation or links.
It was already clearly explained. Oops. You are turning into a troll again.
Has your crybabying ever gotten you anywhere?
I think it's criminal the way you idiots ass fuck science. You are agreeing with that idiot that the CMB is due to radiation decoupling from matter. What a bunch of ass raping idiots you guys are. Go Darwinize your dumb ignorant ass out of existence.

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