Israel Rescues Another Hostage

The UN votes on all resolutions, one member state gets one vote. The UN has the general assembly and the security council, the security council has 15 members and some of those are "permanent" members who never rotate and have veto powers - the US is a permanent member and has veto power, Israel benefits strongly from US support in the UN.

Member states agreed to abide by the rules, they chose to become members and can leave at any time.

I don't see any what this structure can be described as not democratic other than the privileges granted the permanent members and as I said Israel benefits hugely from this.

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel

The General Assembly passed ~184 resolutions concerning Israel, 1947-2023. Looks like only the first 6 benefited Israel.

The UN Security Council passed 229 resolutions, 1948-2024. Looks like most were designed to hamstring Israel defending herself.

It really looks like the only reason the UN officially created Israel was so the Jews would be easier to kill.

Fuck the UN.

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