Israeli Torture And Rape

Everything that starts with "The Zionist state..."
What leads you to believe these are all false? have you checked any, looked into any of these claims?

(Note to self: I'm not sure if the Nazis stooped as low as to rape male Jewish prisoners, must be careful not to accuse without evidence).
May I see the evidence you have that Al-Jazeera is paying people to assault Jews in the United States? If you do please share it, I will condemn it without hesitation.

If this is just another desperate conspiracy theory though, then you must expect to be condemned for making the unfounded claim.

I'm not paid, I do this as a free service to educate those ignorant of the true nature of Zionism.
Several Al Jazeera journalists have been murdered by the IDF in Gaza and the West bank, remember the one some time ago shot dead by a Israeli sniper? but that was not enough for the psychos they attacked the funeral they tried to drag the coffin out of the hearse and attacked mourners depravity at it's worst.
So you'll naturally agree that this recently added bullet point is not fake then:

  • The Zionist state uses rape of male Palestinian prisoners as form of punishment
OF course it is fake. I am aware of the recent assault to which I assume you refer. Those ten (now reduced to eight) were arrested, charged with crimes, and are being investigated by the State of Israel. If the charges are found to be true, those charged will face suitable consequences.

This is definitive proof that the State does not condone, let alone approve of, let alone systematically pursue, sexual assault against prisoners.

Further, surveys of Israelis indicate that most Israelis feel the consequences should be delivered through the military, while a smaller percentage would want a criminal trial.
Several Al Jazeera journalists have been murdered by the IDF in Gaza and the West bank, remember the one some time ago shot dead by a Israeli sniper? but that was not enough for the psychos they attacked the funeral they tried to drag the coffin out of the hearse and attacked mourners depravity at it's worst.
It's truly sickening, I was naive enough to somehow believe when I was younger, that the world is gradually getting better, the opposite is the truth.
OF course it is fake. I am aware of the recent assault to which I assume you refer. Those ten (now reduced to eight) were arrested, charged with crimes, and are being investigated by the State of Israel. If the charges are found to be true, those charged will face suitable consequences.

This is definitive proof that the State does not condone, let alone approve of, let alone systematically pursue, sexual assault against prisoners.

Further, surveys of Israelis indicate that most Israelis feel the consequences should be delivered through the military, while a smaller percentage would want a criminal trial.
When a poster uses the word “Jew” as an adjective, such as “Jew supremacist state,” that right there reeks of antisemitism.

(And that’s leaving alone the ridiculous “supremacist” word that follows.)
OF course it is fake. I am aware of the recent assault to which I assume you refer. Those ten (now reduced to eight) were arrested, charged with crimes, and are being investigated by the State of Israel. If the charges are found to be true, those charged will face suitable consequences.

This is definitive proof that the State does not condone, let alone approve of, let alone systematically pursue, sexual assault against prisoners.
So discovering that it is happening serves as "definitive proof" that it isn't happening. The Zionist disease is such that even those depraved enough to call for the men to be released, they do so, not on the basis of their presumed innocence but on the basis that they do not deserve to be charged as criminals but be "punished" instead by the army.

I wonder how these men's wives and girlfriends feel about the men in their lives sticking their pe***es in the rear ends of other men, prisoners who likely aren't in the cleanest of states; maybe they feel proud of them, anything's possible in that hellhole of a country where evil is good and wrong is right and lies are truth.

The eagerness with which Israeli citizens and political leaders condemned the arrests, even storming the court house, serves as proof, proof that the Zionist regime and society is inherently unhinged, perverse and approving of the most vile acts but only when carried out by Jews.
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When a poster uses the word “Jew” as an adjective, such as “Jew supremacist state,” that right there reeks of antisemitism.

(And that’s leaving alone the ridiculous “supremacist” word that follows.)
Another ultrasemitic hysterical rant from the resident entitled neo-Nazi, let me ask, would you be proud or seeking divorce, if your husband fu**ed a male prisoner in his rectum while restrained by his colleagues?
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So discovering that it is happening serves as "definitive proof" that it isn't happening. The Zionist disease is such that even those depraved enough to call for the men to be released, they do so, not on the basis of their presumed innocence but on the basis that they do not deserve to be charged as criminals but be "punished" instead by the army.

The eagerness with which Israeli citizens and political leaders condemned the arrests, even storming the court house, serves as proof, proof that the Zionist regime and society is inherently unhinged, perverse and approving of the most vile acts but only when carried out by Jews.
Sigh. The claim you made was NOT: "Some members of the Israeli military forces commit crimes against prisoners." Your claim was: "The Zionist state uses rape of male Palestinian prisoners as form of punishment".

The fact that the perpetrators were arrested and charged with crimes and will be made to suffer consequences is proof that the State of Israel does NOT:
  • condone sexual assault
  • approve of sexual assault
  • pursue a systematic program of sexual assault
Your claim is false. Fake news.

This is an issue of facts. Your emotional rant has no business in this discussion.
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Sigh. The fact that the perpetrators were arrested and charged with crimes and will be made to suffer consequences is proof that the State of Israel does NOT:
  • condone sexual assault
  • approve of sexual assault
  • purse a systematic program of sexual assault
Your claim is false. Fake news.

This is an issue of facts. Your emotional rant has no business in this discussion.
He’s completely unhinged.
So you'll naturally agree that this recently added bullet point is not fake then:

  • The Zionist state uses rape of male Palestinian prisoners as a form of punishment
Still more bullshit from the king of bullshit. One Palestinian prisoner was raped and his attackers have been arrested. Altogether about a dozen Israeli guards have been arrested and will stand trial for their crimes. Clearly there is no state policy to punish prisoners in this way.
Sigh. The fact that the perpetrators were arrested and charged with crimes and will be made to suffer consequences is proof that the State of Israel does NOT:
  • condone sexual assault
  • approve of sexual assault
  • purse a systematic program of sexual assault

Far from it, I have no idea if this is an isolated case or not, and the IDF are hardly going to be an impartial source of information. Rape in Israel is a curious one too, 75% of offenders are released before their sentence ends.

But take a look at this report from 2015: Sexual torture of Palestinian men by Israeli authorities

This study is based on the PCATI database during 2005-2012, which contains 60 cases-- 4% of all files in this period--with testimonies of alleged sexual torture or ill-treatment. It is a first in the investigation of torture and ill-treatment of a sexual nature, allegedly carried out by Israeli security authorities on Palestinian men.

Findings show that sexual ill-treatment is systemic, with 36 reports of verbal sexual harassment, either directed toward Palestinian men and boys or toward family members, and 35 reports of forced nudity. Moreover, there are six testimonies of Israeli officials involved in physical sexual assault of arrested or imprisoned Palestinian men. Physical assault in most cases concerned pressing and/or kicking the genitals, while one testimony pertained to simulated rape, and another described an actual rape by means of a blunt object.

So if this has been going on since at least 2005 then how can you say it isn't systemic?

Rather than claiming the event itself is a rarity, it is the arrest of the perpetrators that is the true rarity, why this "went public" on this specific occasion I can't say but it's unwarranted to conclude that the event is a rarity or even one-off as you seem to think.

Your claim is false. Fake news.
Not so, I mean there's quite a lot of information out there about this and the reports go back decades, it's very obviously true, a serious problem, systemic torture even sexual torture.
Still more bullshit from the king of bullshit. One Palestinian prisoner was raped and his attackers have been arrested. Altogether about a dozen Israeli guards have been arrested and will stand trial for their crimes. Clearly there is no state policy to punish prisoners in this way.

No, it's not a one-off. You Zionists just barge in all the time without doing due diligence, you make this too easy for me.


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