Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

So the website is lying but you are not?

The evidence is overwhelming that Clinton was the architect of the financial disaster that wiped out trillions of dollars in household wealth. Under his National Homeownership Strategy, Clinton took more than 100 executive actions to pry bank lending windows wide open.

Nope, the overwealming evidence is that Bush's lack of supervision of the banking industry led to the collapse.

In fact, the Federal REserve Review determined the CRA had no role in the 2008 Financial collapse.

Nope, the overwealming evidence is that Bush's lack of supervision of the banking industry led to the collapse.

In fact, the Federal REserve Review determined the CRA had no role in the 2008 Financial collapse.

You know I do understand your confusion. After all you are a Democrat and these kind of Concepts are only used by you to point fingers. Major responsibility for that crash belong in the Clinton camp. I am truly sorry they did that to you but you really do have to be stupid to be a Democrat

Under enormous pressure from these groups, the Clinton administration decided to expand federal government servicing of low-income and minority borrowers through various “affordable-housing goals.” Imposed in 1992, the different goals created a quota system requiring a certain percentage of the loans that the GSEs acquired each year to have been made to borrowers in financially isolated

You know I do understand your confusion. After all you are a Democrat and these kind of Concepts are only used by you to point fingers. Major responsibility for that crash belong in the Clinton camp. I am truly sorry they did that to you but you really do have to be stupid to be a Democrat

Uh, no, guy, during the Clinton years you had people at the SEC, FSLIC, and other agencies that kept an eye on the banks, as opposed to the Bush Years, when you had Chris Cox and his staff who watched hours of online porn instead of the banks.

The problem wasn't the poor people buying houses, it was the banks taking those garbage loans, mixing them in with good loans, and selling them as investments. Which is why the 2008 meltdown started with Madoff and Merrill Lynch and all the other sleazy operators.

Under enormous pressure from these groups, the Clinton administration decided to expand federal government servicing of low-income and minority borrowers through various “affordable-housing goals.” Imposed in 1992, the different goals created a quota system requiring a certain percentage of the loans that the GSEs acquired each year to have been made to borrowers in financially isolated

Except= again - THEY WEREN"T THE PROBLEM. The problem was all those middle class white folks buying McMansions,

Blisterfinger does not have nor will accept a clue. He is clueless. That is his problem.
He seems to get all his thinking listening to Hate Radio. I don't know what he did when Limbaugh took that well-deserved dirt nap.

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