Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

You sure did. You said they are the same, for this discussion. Just because you think so, doesn't mean anyone else does. That's your weird fetish.

You guys always look.over the fact that your little gotcha and tu quoques cut both ways.
You think online violence is ok because it is snot responsible for actual violence. So using your example online animated or fake CP would be allowed online since, under your logic, it wouldn't cause CP in RL.
You think online violence is ok because it is snot responsible for actual violence. So using your example online animated or fake CP would be allowed online since, under your logic, it wouldn't cause CP in RL.
Right, you see them as the same, for this. Like I said.

That's your bizarre fetish, nobody else's
More guns. Guns to protect us from the guns. Guns guns guns. That’s the solution.

If I were a teacher, I’d want to not be a teacher.
Every mass shooter has been stopped by good guys with a gun. When the good guys show up the shooter either kills himself, gets killed by the good guys, or gives up.
So the weapons the walked into Mexico under the ATF's Fast and Furious program didn't get up and murder anyone all by themselves did they? But the GOP damn sure said those inanimate objects did just that when they tried to blame Obama and Holder, didn't they?
Who said that? I didn't. Bring some proof of these wild accusations or kindly move along to some rube that will buy your nonsense.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
/——/ Does Commie Harris have a plan to stop armed Venezuelan gangs from taking over apartment buildings?
While Vice President Kamala Harris was quick to call for action against gun violence after Wednesday's school shooting in Georgia that killed four and injured several others, she has remained silent on alarming incidents involving armed Venezuelan migrant gangs overtaking apartment buildings, critics charge.
No, it doesn’t. Thinking like that leads to tragedy.
Might make right. In order for civilizations, like ours, to protect thee meek, we use the might of Police and the Military to enforce Law and Order. It is because of the might of Police and the Military that you can have the illusion that might doesn't make right.
No, it’s not. Lunatic gun culture rewrote history and the second amendment.

It wasn’t until Heller that the courts said there was an individual right to guns. The lunatics totally ignored the militia part of the second amendment.

Fuck Scalia.

Liar, history proved the individual right to bear arms. Hamilton was killed by a privately owned pistol. You folks keep pretending you understand the Constitution better than those who signed it. It makes you look more foolish than usual.
Bringing up your hatred of gay people in a thread about school shootings is bizarre and delusional.
I dont hate homosexuals unless they endanger children

But I dont accept or condone their perverted lifestyle under any conditions
/——/ Does Commie Harris have a plan to stop armed Venezuelan gangs from taking over apartment buildings?
While Vice President Kamala Harris was quick to call for action against gun violence after Wednesday's school shooting in Georgia that killed four and injured several others, she has remained silent on alarming incidents involving armed Venezuelan migrant gangs overtaking apartment buildings, critics charge.
Never happened.
You brought it up you sick pervert.

I’m glad.

But in 2019, it wasn’t “trans kids” being blamed by your was violent video games.

Suddenly’s trans kids being blamed. Was your blob wrong?
I had a blob? What is a blob?

I was 100% against the Gay agenda. The normalization of gays in civilization. I was forced to accept the fact that they're out of the closet, and they're not going to be forced back in. I warned everybody that they wanted more than that, that the foot in the door I.E. "what happens in the bedroom is nobody's business" wasn't where they were going to stop at. Nobody believed me. But I have decided that my belief that "everyone should have the right to do anything they want to do as long as it doesn't step on the same right for other people" approach to freedom should apply to people doing stuff I don't like, dressing like women, gay PDA, etc.
I had a blob? What is a blob?

I was 100% against the Gay agenda. The normalization of gays in civilization. I was forced to accept the fact that they're out of the closet, and they're not going to be forced back in. I warned everybody that they wanted more than that, that the foot in the door I.E. "what happens in the bedroom is nobody's business" wasn't where they were going to stop at. Nobody believed me. But I have decided that my belief that "everyone should have the right to do anything they want to do as long as it doesn't step on the same right for other people" approach to freedom should apply to people doing stuff I don't like, dressing like women, gay PDA, etc.

You don’t seem to have a coherent thought in your head.

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