Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Fact .. therein lies the problem. It's not. Men can't be women even when their mentally ill state tells them so.

but it still doesn't affect you. ok, so it makes you feel icky. live your life - let them live theirs. YOU trying to dictate how they should live is the antithesis of freedom.

why do you hate freedom?
It's not my world .. it's the reality of the outcome that democrats have established and you support.
You just can't STOP saying what "I" support.
Trans shit is weird, I'll never understand it, but I can IGNORE it.

When I go to the checkout, I don't care if the clerk is "Any Race" "Any Gender" short fat or Ugly, my 10 second conversation goes the same way every time.
If "THEY" choose to engage with me about RACE, Religion, Gender, Politics, etc.
I just IGNORE them.

I don't say to the old bearded white guy with his stupid MAGA hat......"Hey, why the FUCK are you pushing your politics upon me". I don't say that.
I just walk away thinking, what a stupid racist MF'er.

But you, you admitted you had to say "Yes Sir" just to fulfill your personal pleasures.
but it still doesn't affect you. ok, so it makes you feel icky. live your life - let them live theirs. YOU trying to dictate how they should live is the antithesis of freedom.

why do you hate freedom?
It does affect me .. and all the other citizens as men continue to dominate women where they lose on opportunities, awards, recognition, sponsorships, etc. not to mention the outcomes of showering an exposure to minors. It's not me dictating anything outside of reality, which Democrats continue to ignore and expect citizens to comply with.

How is that freedom?
It does affect me .. and all the other citizens as men continue to dominate women where they lose on opportunities, awards, recognition, sponsorships, etc. not to mention the outcomes of showering an exposure to minors. It's not me dictating anything outside of reality, which Democrats continue to ignore and expect citizens to comply with.

How is that freedom?

uh-huh. do you vote (R)?
Why do you hate conventional principles, a moral order, normalities and the like?

i believe that as long as it's not criminal, then it really is none of my biz'nez & i don't care.

Can’t you see the monsters you’re manifesting and fostering with your anything goes no boundaries bullshit?

but that isn't true. no boundaries = criminality.

anyhoo ... why do you feel so threatened?
You just can't STOP saying what "I" support.
Trans shit is weird, I'll never understand it, but I can IGNORE it.

When I go to the checkout, I don't care if the clerk is "Any Race" "Any Gender" short fat or Ugly, my 10 second conversation goes the same way every time.
If "THEY" choose to engage with me about RACE, Religion, Gender, Politics, etc.
I just IGNORE them.

I don't say to the old bearded white guy with his stupid MAGA hat......"Hey, why the FUCK are you pushing your politics upon me". I don't say that.
I just walk away thinking, what a stupid racist MF'er.

But you, you admitted you had to say "Yes Sir" just to fulfill your personal pleasures.
American society creates its own social norms…What was wrong with the established social norms that built and pillared this once great, once homogeneous nation?
You have a mental defect. Your brain has rotted by internet and TV. Your mind is warped by bigots, racists and assholes.
You are an embittered old lib who has to excuse sexual disfunction of homosexuals
They couldn’t confirm that he even made them. It was an anonymous report.

But hypothetically speaking, suppose they were able to confirm he said it. They charge him. Then what? How does that prevent the school shooting?
They traced it to him
Trans groups should be broken up and made to stop lying to children... they have been telling young people that the nation wants to kill them all... Trump is under indictment for less...
American society creates its own social norms…What was wrong with the established social norms that built and pillared this once great, once homogeneous nation?

the only time this nation was homogeneous, was b4 christopher columbus.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
guns don't kill people .. people kill people .. the youth in this country are suffering from mental illness .. notice the mas School shootings skyrocketed of the internet and social media became the dominate form of activity that kids participate in . suicides in teens have also skyrocketed since the advent of the internet and social media ..

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