Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

You think drug treatment doesn’t already exist in this country? WTF?
Of course it does. And the border can be secured and we can go after the cartels and we can go after China, and the Mexican govt. But Harris clearly won't. But you'll gladly vote for her. Because she, like you, really really really really cares for the children
their 'transitory' state.
I will NEVER understand the young child that wants to 'transition'
I just don't get it.

I will also NEVER understand the far right wacko conservative that wants to push their agenda on everyone else.

You hate people 'Pushing their Agenda'. right?
Of course it does. And the border can be secured and we can go after the cartels and we can go after China, and the Mexican govt. But Harris clearly won't. But you'll gladly vote for her. Because she, like you, really really really really cares for the children
Isn’t that was Trump did when he was president?
The Democrats created the homeless problem.
Tax breaks for the RICH, it always just 'trickles down' and supports all Americans.

What happened to this flawless (R) plan?
Apparently the homeless are being left out of the trickle down from the Massive Tax Breaks.
Tax breaks for the RICH, it always just 'trickles down' and supports all Americans.

What happened to this flawless (R) plan?
Apparently the homeless are being left out of the trickle down from the Massive Tax Breaks.
Show us where trickle up economics is working?
Has a homeless man ever hired you?
I will NEVER understand the young child that wants to 'transition'
I just don't get it.

I will also NEVER understand the far right wacko conservative that wants to push their agenda on everyone else.

You hate people 'Pushing their Agenda'. right?
The agenda being pushed is the acceptance of 'feelings' as a reality. We are expected to address transitory individuals by whatever pronouns they have and how they 'identify,' even with the threat of loss of employment because of 'offensive' interactions -- all the product of the democrat party.
English please.
Trump closes the border and fentanyl deaths skyrocketed. Fentanyl doesn’t come in through border crossing illegals. It comes smuggled in through ports and shipping, usually by citizens.

You don’t give a shit about fentanyl. You just want to keep the brown people out.

Like I said, you’re transparent.

None of your “solutions” show any actual intent to fix anything.

Wash your hands. Thoughts and prayers. Fact of life.
The agenda being pushed is the acceptance of 'feelings' as a reality. We are expected to address transitory individuals by whatever pronouns they have and how they 'identify,' even with the threat of loss of employment because of 'offensive' interactions -- all the product of the democrat party.
Honestly, How often are you in communication with a "Trans Person"?
When have you ever been forced to call someone "He, or She, or They"?
Tax breaks for the RICH, it always just 'trickles down' and supports all Americans.

What happened to this flawless (R) plan?
Apparently the homeless are being left out of the trickle down from the Massive Tax Breaks.
85% of Americans payed less taxes with Trump's tax cuts. Are 85% of Americans wealthy?
Trump closes the border and fentanyl deaths skyrocketed. Fentanyl doesn’t come in through border crossing illegals. It comes smuggled in through ports and shipping, usually by citizens.

Argument by stamping your feets again. LOL
You don’t give a shit about fentanyl. You just want to keep the brown people out.

Like I said, you’re transparent.

None of your “solutions” show any actual intent to fix anything.

Wash your hands. Thoughts and prayers. Fact of life.
Yup. It's all about me. How about this, you don't want to discuss the topic like and adult and support your arguments with data and facts, you can take your faux concern about children and shove it where the sun don't shine. We're done.

Have a blessed day.
Honestly, How often are you in communication with a "Trans Person"?
Weekly ..
When have you ever been forced to call someone "He, or She, or They"?
Daily at my current employer

That's not the point .. we shouldn't be expected to accept a fantasy as reality, and that's exactly what Democrats have crafted, embraced and expected. In the end, many of these mental ill individuals in transitory states have been committing mass shootings. That's just a fact.

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