Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Yea, stop teaching transgenderism to children.

Start teaching them about God.

More security at schools.

Democrats push atheism, defund the police, race hate, and transgenderism. Then they act surprised that the schools systems are a hellscape with kids going insane and committing mass murders.
I'll bite.
I've been indie the Public School Classroom for 40+ years.
You haven't, yet YOU offer the perfect solutions. Go Figure.

1). Public Schools don't teach transgenderism to children.
It's NOT in the Curriculum, but you will (And HAVE) contend that it is taught to ALL public school children. NOPE.....simply NOT true. ***I'm sure you can gather up some example from some wacko from Eastern Kentucky.

2). Not the Job of the Public School. Which GOD would you prefer? ALL of them, or just Your imaginary Sky God.

3). How is this economically feasible? At my school, you had to be buzzed in through the front door during school hours. ALL other exterior doors are LOCKED.
Is this ^^^^ good enough security? Or are you talking multiple ARMED Guards?

4). Teachers throughout the ENTIRE political spectrum teach in Public Schools. I know you've been trained )Indoctrinated???, to believe that public school problems are ALL (D) caused.
Atheism? When and where does this happen?
Race Hate.....(R) own this. RepubliKKKans. Conservatives are the Party of Racism and Division.
It's the trump platform/agenda.
yes they had rifled barrels just most didn't use them because they hadn't developed good bullets for them. Took too long to load and were very expensive.
Like cannons, they were too expensive for the common soldier/farmer. Hell, muskets were expensive too for those folks.
Yup, by taking these children away from parents and putting them in mental institutions.

Your floor, should we go back to this?
Children are being taken away when parents don't agree with their 'transitory' state. Why are you highlighting this terrible outcome? Then you have the VP running mate encouraging children with his "trans sanctuary" state?

Tell me .. how is that a good outcome? You support this?
Trump supported training teachers how to use guns to defend their students.
Just the usual "Empty Word Salad" full of promises.
Arming teachers is NOT the answer.

Do you really believe that arming and training teachers is the Solution?
Please share.
LOL deny this all you want Blind idiot it was a proven fact that is what happened.
Never did. It was hatched in AZ by ATF Agents. When they brought their evidence against the suspected straw buyers they were watching, the AZ DA's wouldn't press charges and the weapon walked on into Mexico time and time again because the buyers didn't break AZ's lax gun laws.

Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
You would have to the scrap the outdated 2nd Amendment and replace it with a decent system like the UK, New Zealand, Australia etc. al. have.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
Tell us how you stop them. Lock down schools like they are a prison? Take more firearms away from law abiding citizens?

The left’s idea of creating a symbolic Gun Free Zone is useless


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I'll bite.
I've been indie the Public School Classroom for 40+ years.
You haven't, yet YOU offer the perfect solutions. Go Figure.

1). Public Schools don't teach transgenderism to children.
It's NOT in the Curriculum, but you will (And HAVE) contend that it is taught to ALL public school children. NOPE.....simply NOT true. ***I'm sure you can gather up some example from some wacko from Eastern Kentucky.

2). Not the Job of the Public School. Which GOD would you prefer? ALL of them, or just Your imaginary Sky God.

3). How is this economically feasible? At my school, you had to be buzzed in through the front door during school hours. ALL other exterior doors are LOCKED.
Is this ^^^^ good enough security? Or are you talking multiple ARMED Guards?

4). Teachers throughout the ENTIRE political spectrum teach in Public Schools. I know you've been trained )Indoctrinated???, to believe that public school problems are ALL (D) caused.
Atheism? When and where does this happen?
Race Hate.....(R) own this. RepubliKKKans. Conservatives are the Party of Racism and Division.
It's the trump platform/agenda.
America’s ‘Teachers’ / indoctrinators are batshit fucking crazy. The profession deserves ZERO respect. ‘Teachers’ / indoctrinators have become a shit-stain on America…ask Unkotare

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