Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

No, it’s not. Lunatic gun culture rewrote history and the second amendment.

It wasn’t until Heller that the courts said there was an individual right to guns. The lunatics totally ignored the militia part of the second amendment.

Fuck Scalia.

The militia has always been the people. Always.
So the weapons the walked into Mexico under the ATF's Fast and Furious program didn't get up and murder anyone all by themselves did they? But the GOP damn sure said those inanimate objects did just that when they tried to blame Obama and Holder, didn't they?

So the weapons the walked into Mexico under the ATF's Fast and Furious program didn't get up and murder anyone all by themselves did they? But the GOP damn sure said those inanimate objects did just that when they tried to blame Obama and Holder, didn't they?
the weapons were sold by order of the Government KNOWING they were going to criminal gangs in Mexico.
Keep putting more pressure on the parents.

If your teenage child has access to your guns, and he shoots up the school with them, then the parents are legally responsible for the consequences.

This dad purchased the gun for his 14-year-old after being visited by the FBI regarding his son’s online threats of violence. The dad is in big trouble.

I agree. Any minor who shoots someone needs to go on trial alongside their parents.
Yes, if they threaten to shoot up schools?

You betcha.

Only a true dumbass lets violent thugs into schools filled with normals.
You haven’t considered the numbers, Grandpa.

Back in your day, when television didn’t even exist, children didn’t have access to social media. Now they do. They all have phones with internet access and they all say really stupid things online. All the time.
You haven’t considered the numbers, Grandpa.

Back in your day, when television didn’t even exist, children didn’t have access to social media. Now they do. They all have phones with internet access and they all say really stupid things online. All the time.
Sure I have, junior.
LOL So we didn't have a "gun culture" 250 years ago? The second amendment was just a whim they threw in? LOL
They had single shot muzzle loaders, and the word Gun or Rifle was not used in the Second Amendment
It is a means to maintain power. For the people. Thats literally why we have the second amendment.
You’re rewriting history. It was because needed an army. You know, to put down rebellions. Thr power of the people was maintained (badly at first) by the republic.

You’re repeating the same broken gun culture line. If you have a gun, you have the power.

That’s the thinking that leads to these shootings.
the weapons were sold by order of the Government KNOWING they were going to criminal gangs in Mexico.

In boo boo's world the government can do no wrong.

And just like that the Neo-GOPer's blame the Guns, not the Criminal gang that killed Brian Terry, or the lax gun laws in AZ that make it the Straw buyer's paradise and number on state in the union for suppling the drug cartels in Mexico. No blame for the rouge ATF agents who restarted a failed surveillance program. It's the Gubment........
They had single shot muzzle loaders, and the word Gun or Rifle was not used in the Second Amendment
They had guns. Gun ownership was important enough to them that they included it as the second right in the Bill of Rights.
there were automatic weapons back then and they had one for like 50 years by then.
And just like that the Neo-GOPer's blame the Guns, not the Criminal gang that killed Brian Terry, or the lax gun laws in AZ that make it the Straw buyer's paradise and number on state in the union for suppling the drug cartels in Mexico. No blame for the rouge ATF agents who restarted a failed surveillance program. It's the Gubment........
Wrong, we blame the GOVERNMENT, for placing those guns in the hands of violent gang members INTENTIONALLY.

You really aren't very smart....are you.
You’re rewriting history. It was because needed an army. You know, to put down rebellions. Thr power of the people was maintained (badly at first) by the republic.

You’re repeating the same broken gun culture line. If you have a gun, you have the power.

That’s the thinking that leads to these shootings.
There are 400,000,000 guns in the hands of Americans. Less than 20,000 murders by guns per year. Even gun banners such as yourself can do that math.
More than double # of Americans die in car crashes than die from murder by a gun. "Car culture" is out of control.
Given the growing size of American trucks and the massive blind spots in front of them, I’m inclined to agree with you.
There are 400,000,000 guns in the hands of Americans. Less than 20,000 murders by guns per year. Even gun banners such as yourself can do that math.
Whatever math to think you’re doing, it’s irrelevant.

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