McDonald's Burgers

Because you're taking an innocent life who has as much right to the life God gave them as you do?

Yeah well we have differing opinions on that one. Look I love your politics but you really got to stop this preaching when you and buttercup are currently the only ones in this thread who give a hoot. If it bothers you so much then just don't eat meat and let it go.
Let’s see… do I want to eat a ground up cadaver of a cow who was sick, abused, living in overcrowded unnatural conditions, literally standing ankle-deep in shit, fed an unnatural diet of cheap crap and pumped with antibiotics?

Hmm, that’s a toughie. :eusa_think: (NOT!)

Sorry, Road Runner. I know that's probably not what you or most people want to hear, lol.
Hierarchy Hating Healthy Human Habits

You primitive and mindless animal-worshippers are inflicted with the same bossy and self-righteous wackiness as the Fundies who oppose abortion.

Meat-eating creates courage. That's a scientific discovery that has been suppressed in these Yellow Ages. What birth-class wants us to be cowards because it's the only way such a tiny clique can push us around?
I mean what does meat have with abortion? Absolutely nothing.

Yeah, I'm not sure why they're so obsessed with our diet choices as it doesn't affect them whatsoever. They have every right in this country to choose not to eat as we do to choose to eat it.
I'm not sure what that is.
I thought you are in the Midwest, sorry...

It is a popular burger chain in the Midwest.

I thought you are in the Midwest, sorry...

It is a popular burger chain in the Midwest.

Nope, I live in the eastern part of the country.
Nope, I live in the eastern part of the country.
Back in the early 1980's, it was my first job working at a McDonal'd's. We were allowed free food back then as part of working there. I ate a lot there.

Fast-forward to now, I don't eat there anymore. It hasn't been the same. And I prefer Culver's over McDonald's now.

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