When Vegans Attack

Is it considered trolling if you innocently post a thread about McDonald's burgers and the vegans attack it? I'm asking because I didn't know if it was qualified for making a report about but it should be and there also should be a complaint department for these PETA promoters.
There are political vegans & then there are vegans that harbor moral considerations on the subject. It's like that with the subject of firearms. There are folks that do not want to be around firearms for whatever reason(s). Then there are the political individuals that will attack folks for shooting trap/clay pigeons, obviously politically oriented. It's the politically driven power & control activists that one must be aware of.
Is it considered trolling if you innocently post a thread about McDonald's burgers and the vegans attack it? I'm asking because I didn't know if it was qualified for making a report about but it should be and there also should be a complaint department for these PETA promoters.
Trolling here is nothing like on other forums. Most people are nice enough. Just use the ignore feature.

Im a former vegan who still mostly is vegetarian leaning. I did have a beef burger last week and its was great. Not at McDonald’s tho. 🤠 I couldn’t care less if people do or dont eat meat. Each to their own.
That's because you're normal.
This meme i posted on another thread last week.

Vegans are worse than locusts....They eat disproportionally more crops than regular folks and then you have to listen to how virtuous they are.....At least locusts eat and STFU.

It could be worse though; you could have a vegan who got into CrossFit then got religion. ;)
Vegans are worse than locusts....They eat disproportionally more crops than regular folks and then you have to listen to how virtuous they are.....At least locusts eat and STFU.

It could be worse though; you could have a vegan who got into CrossFit then got religion. ;)

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