Harris / Trump Election Polls

Having the government write potentially $hundreds of millions of dollars in checks is insane. The potential for fraud could approach the fraud that occurred during the China virus. When $Billions were lost to fraud.
You should check out the Medicare fraud.
Yep. Too much risk involved. Ultimately, what lender is going to underwrite a mortgage for these buyers?
Exactly. That’s the reason a downpayment is required in the first place!

This is the type of leftist thinking that brought on the housing crisis and the subsequent recession: thinking everyone should get a house, whether they were really capable of affording one or not.
On the first time home owner credit, I think if the money given, had to be used by buying points, to reduce their interest rate on a long term mortgage would be more beneficial to new home buyers than simply $10k towards the price of the home....which potentially, just causing sellers to raise prices....so to get them some of that free money....
Isn't the "credit" more or less just helping with FHA down payment requirements?

"FHA loans have a low minimum credit score and down payment requirement, which makes them especially popular with first-time homebuyers. You can get an FHA loan with a credit score as low as 580 if you have 3.5 percent of the home’s purchase price to put down, or as low as 500 with 10 percent down. These flexible underwriting standards are designed to help more borrowers become homeowners.

You can’t buy just any home with an FHA loan, however. You can’t use this loan to buy an investment property or vacation home. Based on your credit and finances, the lender determines how much mortgage you’d qualify for within the FHA loan limits for your area."

I remember than when we initially bought our home, we didn't qualify for a conventional loan. Ultimately we refinanced (more than once!!), paid for the child's education, and hopefully will pay off the sucker before I retire. LOL
I think the endless importation of third worlders living on the backs of taxpayers is a lovely idea. The Harris bussing plan is a great idea to worsen housing prices and boost inflation.

Who pays for the "building tons of new homes or condos to hit the market"?
Probably some tax incentive for home builders to spur it....

What the flying in program is suppose to eventually do, when working correctly.... is prescreening citizens of foreign countries that we have pegged in dire distress that are seeking asylum, under stricter asylum qualifying rules, and health and vaccine requirements, with a sponsor in the USA that will be housing or helping them, work through the ropes of seeking asylum.

What you do not realize it seems, is that under the immigration and naturalization act, it is REQUIRED to take in those asylum seekers meeting preliminary qualifications, and give them their day in immigration court to see if under the law, the Judge agrees they qualify. The real problem, is how backed up the Immigration courts are....

Even President Trump could not turn away asylum seekers...under law, existing law, he had to give these seekers their day in court.....

Who do you think all those people were that he created the Wait in Mexico program for...? They were the legally seeking Asylum seekers that he eventually had to let in, under the existing Immigration laws, to give them their day in court.

Once this program functions properly, then any asylum seeker trying to get in to the USA outside of legal border crossings or via the air, program, will be turned down and not be given their so called, Day in Court.

This will free up Border Patrol of the Asylum seekers and allow them to focus better on catching the illegals, coyote, gang members, drug dealers, sex traffickers, criminals, terrorists etc
Probably some tax incentive for home builders to spur it....

What the flying in program is suppose to eventually do, when working correctly.... is prescreening citizens of foreign countries that we have pegged in dire distress that are seeking asylum, under stricter asylum qualifying rules, and health and vaccine requirements, with a sponsor in the USA that will be housing or helping them, work through the ropes of seeking asylum.

What you do not realize it seems, is that under the immigration and naturalization act, it is REQUIRED to take in those asylum seekers meeting preliminary qualifications, and give them their day in immigration court to see if under the law, the Judge agrees they qualify. The real problem, is how backed up the Immigration courts are....

Even President Trump could not turn away asylum seekers...under law, existing law, he had to give these seekers their day in court.....

Who do you think all those people were that he created the Wait in Mexico program for...? They were the legally seeking Asylum seekers that he eventually had to let in, under the existing Immigration laws, to give them their day in court.

Once this program functions properly, then any asylum seeker trying to get in to the USA outside of legal border crossings or via the air, program, will be turned down and not be given their so called, Day in Court.

This will free up Border Patrol of the Asylum seekers and allow them to focus better on catching the illegals, coyote, gang members, drug dealers, sex traffickers, criminals, terrorists etc

Asylum is a bit of a bad joke. Did you not know the CPB app doesn’t ask a single question about asylum? That is the app to be used by Harris as a part of her illegal alien bussing program to dump more illegals into the US.
Isn't the "credit" more or less just helping with FHA down payment requirements?

"FHA loans have a low minimum credit score and down payment requirement, which makes them especially popular with first-time homebuyers. You can get an FHA loan with a credit score as low as 580 if you have 3.5 percent of the home’s purchase price to put down, or as low as 500 with 10 percent down. These flexible underwriting standards are designed to help more borrowers become homeowners.

You can’t buy just any home with an FHA loan, however. You can’t use this loan to buy an investment property or vacation home. Based on your credit and finances, the lender determines how much mortgage you’d qualify for within the FHA loan limits for your area."

I remember than when we initially bought our home, we didn't qualify for a conventional loan. Ultimately we refinanced (more than once!!), paid for the child's education, and hopefully will pay off the sucker before I retire. LOL
It helps with down payment to qualify, but how is that really helping the housing prices being too high and hard to afford, and the immediate shortage of housing? It only makes builders charge more in the long run. The problem the govt is trying to fix from my understanding, is higher mortgage interest rates, that make it more difficult to pay the higher interest mortgage.

To me, if that's the problem, then address the problem head on, and pay to lower their interest rate, over the 30 years is a lot more money than this credit upfront....in the long run. Though I understand on how hard the acquiring the 10% is.... We could not have done it, without family help.

Yeah our first mortgage was during Reagan, we had no credit rating of any kind, but we did have 10% to put down, thanks to my parent's and his parent's help....but the interest rate we were given was a WHOPPING 13.5%!!!! That was a killer!!!
It helps with down payment to qualify, but how is that really helping the housing prices being too high and hard to afford, and the immediate shortage of housing? It only makes builders charge more in the long run. The problem the govt is trying to fix from my understanding, is higher mortgage interest rates, that make it more difficult to pay the higher interest mortgage.

To me, if that's the problem, then address the problem head on, and pay to lower their interest rate, over the 30 years is a lot more money than this credit upfront....in the long run. Though I understand on how hard the acquiring the 10% is.... We could not have done it, without family help.

Yeah our first mortgage was during Reagan, we had no credit rating of any kind, but we did have 10% to put down, thanks to my parent's and his parent's help....but the interest rate we were given was a WHOPPING 13.5%!!!! That was a killer!!!
This was the 80s, correct? Same with me.

The advantage, that I came to realize, was that the high interest rate kept the price down, so that when I refinanced later, the first down to 10%, and the second time down to 7%, I had a VERY low mortgage payment.
Probably some tax incentive for home builders to spur it....

What the flying in program is suppose to eventually do, when working correctly.... is prescreening citizens of foreign countries that we have pegged in dire distress that are seeking asylum, under stricter asylum qualifying rules, and health and vaccine requirements, with a sponsor in the USA that will be housing or helping them, work through the ropes of seeking asylum.

What you do not realize it seems, is that under the immigration and naturalization act, it is REQUIRED to take in those asylum seekers meeting preliminary qualifications, and give them their day in immigration court to see if under the law, the Judge agrees they qualify. The real problem, is how backed up the Immigration courts are....

Even President Trump could not turn away asylum seekers...under law, existing law, he had to give these seekers their day in court.....

Who do you think all those people were that he created the Wait in Mexico program for...? They were the legally seeking Asylum seekers that he eventually had to let in, under the existing Immigration laws, to give them their day in court.

Once this program functions properly, then any asylum seeker trying to get in to the USA outside of legal border crossings or via the air, program, will be turned down and not be given their so called, Day in Court.

This will free up Border Patrol of the Asylum seekers and allow them to focus better on catching the illegals, coyote, gang members, drug dealers, sex traffickers, criminals, terrorists etc
The law doesn't require Asylum seekers to get to freely stay here pending their case resolution. We could detain them. That was Biden's second first screw up. Then he let the progs send billions to people who had jobs if they wanted them. That was the second screw up. It'll be a miracle if Biden's screwups don' t land Trump back in the WH.
It helps with down payment to qualify, but how is that really helping the housing prices being too high and hard to afford, and the immediate shortage of housing? It only makes builders charge more in the long run. The problem the govt is trying to fix from my understanding, is higher mortgage interest rates, that make it more difficult to pay the higher interest mortgage.

To me, if that's the problem, then address the problem head on, and pay to lower their interest rate, over the 30 years is a lot more money than this credit upfront....in the long run. Though I understand on how hard the acquiring the 10% is.... We could not have done it, without family help.

Yeah our first mortgage was during Reagan, we had no credit rating of any kind, but we did have 10% to put down, thanks to my parent's and his parent's help....but the interest rate we were given was a WHOPPING 13.5%!!!! That was a killer!!!
Interest rates are coming down. And the federal govt has no power to tell the fed what rates should be. (and I pray Trump and AOC will not change that) Housing prices are high because the FED doesn't want people spending money they don't have in their pockets.

HUD loans traditionally have lower interest rates. That goes hat and hand with having to have a larger down payment. We want these people to stay in those houses and make their payments. If they don't, they'll lose their down payment and possibly even face a foreclosure judgment requiring them to pay money or have their credit further destroyed.

I have mixed feelings. People in NOLA after Katrina lost their houses and all their equity. But housing projects are full of crime and drugs.
Interest rates are coming down. And the federal govt has no power to tell the fed what rates should be. (and I pray Trump and AOC will not change that) Housing prices are high because the FED doesn't want people spending money they don't have in their pockets.

HUD loans traditionally have lower interest rates. That goes hat and hand with having to have a larger down payment. We want these people to stay in those houses and make their payments. If they don't, they'll lose their down payment and possibly even face a foreclosure judgment requiring them to pay money or have their credit further destroyed.

I have mixed feelings. People in NOLA after Katrina lost their houses and all their equity. But housing projects are full of crime and drugs.
They were living in NOLA without hurricane insurance?
The law doesn't require Asylum seekers to get to freely stay here pending their case resolution. We could detain them. That was Biden's second first screw up. Then he let the progs send billions to people who had jobs if they wanted them. That was the second screw up. It'll be a miracle if Biden's screwups don' t land Trump back in the WH.
Well, we are suppose to have detention centers to hold them until trial in immigration court....but the courts are now running about 5 years behind....they were cut and slowed even more during the Trump admin....intentionally....

And we will never catch up as it is now, without funding immigration courts to the max,

when catching up and having court dates within weeks or a month of a seeker's arrival is the key to immigration working....the sooner the ones not meeting asylum are deported and sent home from arrival date, the sooner word gets around in their home countries....maybe it is not worth the long trip and selling all they own to come here and be rejected and sent back home within weeks.

NOW they have years to get lost in the country, waiting court date.

The new President of Mexico refuses to do the Wait in Mexico.

The Senate Immigration bill addressed most all of this...

Funding immigration courts to the hilt, to eliminate back logs, funding building the detention centers needed, funding parts of the wall in high traffic zones, funding more border patrol, funding more agents in legal border crossings, funding more electronic surveillance, setting up the asylum seeker program with more restrictions, changing legal immigration quotas for work visas and others...

It really touched on all....except what the democrats wanted to be included, a pathway for Dreamers to get their citizenship....

It was a well thought out bill, addresses most all of our problems at the border imo.
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Interest rates are coming down. And the federal govt has no power to tell the fed what rates should be. (and I pray Trump and AOC will not change that) Housing prices are high because the FED doesn't want people spending money they don't have in their pockets.

HUD loans traditionally have lower interest rates. That goes hat and hand with having to have a larger down payment. We want these people to stay in those houses and make their payments. If they don't, they'll lose their down payment and possibly even face a foreclosure judgment requiring them to pay money or have their credit further destroyed.

I have mixed feelings. People in NOLA after Katrina lost their houses and all their equity. But housing projects are full of crime and drugs.
FYI- I didn't say the govt should dictate interest rates. Customers can get a better interest rate if they pay points to get it, upfront... With a few thousand dollars paid upfront, the interest rate of your mortgage can be bought down, to a lower interest rate...

AND as you said, looks like interest rates will be coming down on their own now....so that may not be needed!
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Well, we are suppose to have detention centers to hold them until trial in immigration court....but the courts are now running about 5 years behind....they were cut and slowed even more during the Trump admin....intentionally....

And we will never catch up as it is now, without funding immigration courts to the max,

when catching up and having court dates within weeks or a month of a seeker's arrival is the key to immigration working....the sooner the ones not meeting asylum are deported and sent home from arrival date, the sooner word gets around in their home countries....maybe it is not worth the long trip and selling all they own to come here and be rejected and sent back home within weeks.

NOW they have years to get lost in the country, waiting court date.

The new President of Mexico refuses to do the Wait in Mexico.

The Senate Immigration bill addressed most all of this...

Funding immigration courts to the hilt, to eliminate back logs, funding building the detention centers needed, funding parts of the wall in high traffic zones, funding more border patrol, funding more agents in legal border crossings, funding more electronic surveillance, setting up the asylum seeker program with more restrictions, changing legal immigration quotas for work visas and others...

It really touched on all....except what the democrats wanted to be included, a pathway for Dreamers to get their citizenship....

It was a well thought out bill, address all of our problems at the border imo.

Just ask for their proof of residency

They can't produce it
Exactly. That’s the reason a downpayment is required in the first place!

This is the type of leftist thinking that brought on the housing crisis and the subsequent recession: thinking everyone should get a house, whether they were really capable of affording one or not.
You don't understand banking and reality, either. I had no idea how ignorant you can be.
You don't understand banking and reality, either. I had no idea how ignorant you can be.
You think a bank doesn’t require a downpayment? If you see a house for $433,000, they will lend you $433,000?

You really shouldn’t call other people ignorant when you are this clueless.

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