The irony of the abortion issue.

Taking my money for what amounts to infanticide for convenience is certainly a harm. Let them pay for killing their offspring out of their own pockets. I might be for a tax-paid 1-time abortion for convenience followed by sterilization though.
How about DONT EVER conceive? Why is this not pushed?
Those critical of young adults living with their parents are way off base. Way way way off. One can work, save Luke crazy, and become debt free before age 35. Then think about moving on.
My tax dollars going to pay Planned Parenthood to the tune of 43% ($500 million or so every year) is harm, IMO.

How about some specifics.,

3% of Planned Parenthood services are for abortions, which I understand therefore it funds services to save the life of the low income mothers with a catastrophic pregnancy or after rape or incest.

Title X grants pay for family planning services including contraception, pregnancy tests, STI screening and treatment, and basic infertility treatment. Organizations receiving these grants cannot use the funds to pay for abortion services. In 2022, HHS disbursed $265 milliontotal in Title X grants, including $16 million to Planned Parenthood regional groups.​
So what I’m hearing you say is that you are being harmed because Planned Parenthood saves the lives of low income women who might die during livery​
You are a cruel, selfish unrepentant weird ghoul Saint_Leo123. How do you live with yourself?
How about DONT EVER conceive? Why is this not pushed?
Well, at least don't conceive until ready. That USED to be 'pushed' and condoned by religion, government and families. Unfortunately government has usurped family values.
Well, at least don't conceive until ready. That USED to be 'pushed' and condoned by religion, government and families. Unfortunately government has usurped family values.
A couple should wait until mid 30s at the earliest.
How about some specifics.,

3% of Planned Parenthood services are for abortions, which I understand therefore it funds services to save the life of the low income mothers with a catastrophic pregnancy or after rape or incest.

Title X grants pay for family planning services including contraception, pregnancy tests, STI screening and treatment, and basic infertility treatment. Organizations receiving these grants cannot use the funds to pay for abortion services. In 2022, HHS disbursed $265 milliontotal in Title X grants, including $16 million to Planned Parenthood regional groups.​
So what I’m hearing you say is that you are being harmed because Planned Parenthood saves the lives of low income women who might die during livery​
You are a cruel, selfish unrepentant weird ghoul Saint_Leo123. How do you live with yourself?
Bullshit. PP doesn't need our money to provide their 'services.' Low income folks are not stupid you know. You seem to like to denigrate them like a bunch of rutting animals that can't help themselves. Like I said, I have no problem providing sterilization services for women who get their 1st abortion for convenience. Contraception is cheap and readily available at the drug store and condoms can be purchased almost everywhere these days. Why do we have to pay for idiots over and over again?
It's only a failure when government pushes infanticide as a way out of responsibility.
Which government is doing that?

If you know of someone committing infanticide, you need to report it to law inforcement. If you don't, you'd be an accessory to murder.

Are you indeed admitting to not reporting cases of the murder of human infants that you know about?

I know that if I knew about infants being murdered, I'd report it. I wouldn't just cry on a message board. But then, I'm not gutless and evil.
It's a failure in totality. Waiting until 35 is wise. And it should be the societal push.
Agreed, the societal 'push' should be toward becoming a mature adult before having children and not toward relying on some government supported abortion-on-demand baby-killing mill that brainwashes our young and sells dead pieces of fetuses for medical research.
Agreed, the societal 'push' should be toward becoming a mature adult before having children and not toward relying on some government supported abortion-on-demand baby-killing mill that brainwashes our young and sells dead pieces of fetuses for medical research.
The societal push should also be we don't need you to have kids. Then all issues go away.
Contraceptive failure rates alone result in far, far more pregnancies than the number of abortions.

Thus, the "Derp, why don't they just use contraception!" argument fails badly.
So then let's have a push for not having kids. Solves everything.
The societal push should also be we don't need you to have kids. Then all issues go away.
Sexual drive will never go away though. Objective morality kept that drive in check but, now we have relative morality which is really no morals at all.
Well everyone knows that never works. Having kids much much later in life is what works.
You will need to convince doctors that say a pregnancy in a woman's 30's is risky. The AMA is part of the problem as well as the the 'mental health' field.

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