Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter'

Ben Carson is an uncle Tom. He has sold out his people if he's siding with Republicans.

A part of me feels like people like Bruce Jenner stick with the GOP because they believe or hope one day the GOP will stop using them as a social political wedge issue. If it weren't for Republicans hating gays, a lot of gays would vote Republican. Same with Hispanics. They overlook it. Ben Carson overlooks the racism in the Republican party. He denies how social programs help poor people. They helped his family. So for him to deny social programs to blacks, makes him a hypocrite and uncle tom.

It's just easier to say Uncle Tom. It's as if you don't know the meaning. Ben Carson is an uncle Tom. So is this guy

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But it's not racist to say this. It's like the N word. If blacks can use it, why can't we?

And if whites didn't have all the money, Trump would be a sellout to his people.
More bullshit justification to use an offensive term
All of these attempts to pin Hate on Republicans is all Bullshit. The Left is full of intolerance. In addition to smearing and calling Blacks who don’t agree with them offensive names, the Left burns, loots, and maims innocents whether they agree with them or not. How is infringing on other people’s rights a sign of tolerance?
More bullshit justification to use an offensive term

I notice yesterday I wanted to bet it was going to be a white boy who did the shooting and Republicans thought it would be a "DEI" person. It was yet another angry young uneducated white man. I think Capitalism is failing uneducated whites.
I notice yesterday I wanted to bet it was going to be a white boy who did the shooting and Republicans thought it would be a "DEI" person. It was yet another angry young uneducated white man. I think Capitalism is failing uneducated whites.
Human prejudice is just that. Most of the school shootings are committed by single whites. True to form and likelihood, it was a white male.

Using that same human prejudice and probability, when you see the following crimes committed, are you betting that it is a white male?

  • Looting a Walgreens
  • Randomly hitting someone as part of “the knockout game”
  • Assaults on Random Asians including, pushing them onto NYC subway tracks
You glossed over the violent rhetoric from Waters and the Uncle Tom references so you are in no position to say I lost the debate. All of the counter views on Carson could have been said without the violent rhetoric, the Uncle Tom references, and your own “TOKEN” reference. Where has it been deemed a fact that Carson was a “Token” pick? That’s an opinion just like it’s an opinion that Kamala Harris was a token pick as a VP by Biden.

Collect all of the smears on Carson you chose to ignore in the articles and see how you would react when they are hurled at Obama.

You are full of shit.
Once again and throwing your shit back at ya, Obama was a president and ALL republicans worked to bring him down. Carlson is a nobody and a COUPLE of people worked to bring him down.

Take your shit and lie on it. You smell (even through the computer) and you are too smelly to be anywhere near you.
Oh look....
Sure a mistake was made....

But we can tell when you are are typing.
It's not a mistake. Republicans are notorious for spreading misinformation. It's why you are misinformed. Notice I didn't say uninformed. You're informed alright. With MISinformation

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