Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter'


It all started with the Republican party in 2009 when a Black man (Obama) was elected president, Republicans hated that and showed it clearly from the get go.
Please stop this perpetuation of a lie that all US Republicans hated Obama because he was Black and became President. Or, is this what Liberal Democrats want and need in order to be successful?

Tell you what. Conservatives need to treat Obama with the same level of respect and decorum that Leftists treat Ben Carson.

Will that work?
Please stop this perpetuation of a lie that all US Republicans hated Obama because he was Black and became President. Or, is this what Liberal Democrats want and need in order to be successful?

Tell you what. Conservatives need to treat Obama with the same level of respect and decorum that Leftists treat Ben Carson.

Will that work?
Prove your conclusions. Show me exactly the facts about the left treating Ben Carson the same as the Republicans treated Obama. Give me the comparisons.............don't just talk about it. Prove it
The "fight against tyranny" means squat if your kids are dead.
What will you do when the children die from tyranny?

And yet, the VAST majority of shootings in our country are from criminal gang bangers that need to be locked up for a very, very long time. But, you don't care about the below carnage that occurs on the regular in Chicago, and other big cities as it doesn't fit the propaganda machine of the left. The vast majority of gun owner ARE responsible owners, and are the one who, if ever the gov't does go tits up, will fight for YOUR freedoms. Unfortunately politicians are great at appealing to the illogical fallacy of emotion, because posters like you, are ignorant and lack logical reasoning.

Chicago shootings: At least 109 shot, 19 fatally, in citywide holiday weekend gun violence, CPD says

When pressed to address what adjustments need to be made to keep the community safe, Mayor Brandon Johnson's response was simply that the city needs more support.​​

Chicago shootings: At least 33 shot, 6 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say​

Chicago shootings: At least 33 shot, 6 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say

At least 33 people have been shot, six fatally, in shootings across Chicago so far this weekend, police said.​​

Gun control is a euphamism for allowing criminals to kill law abiding people who will be prevented from defending themselves.
In your tenderized brain.

But thanks for the demonstration. You guys wag your chins a lot to stifle and obfuscate discussion, but the truth always comes out, once the cards are on the table.

Just admit you don't want to do shit about any of this, because gunlove.
Please cite other countries where this happens.
The data doesn't lie. The U.S. outnumbers other countries in population, gun ownership, and the number of guns in the country. With the 2nd Amendment, it is of course, inevitable that gun crimes will occur.

The question that still remains, regardless of the country, do you trust any gov't enough to allow them to disarm or disarm enough that you and the remainder of populace have no power to fight against tyranny? And if you say YES that you trust gov't, when that gov't then goes beyond the freedoms and liberties becomes become oppressive or tyrannical (which isn't always physical or militant), how will you fight back against that tyranny?

I'll wait for the answer from any anti 2A poster.
And if those countries gov't ever go tits up, those people have no way to fight against that tyranny. UK is now banning the right to carry a pocket knife because of stabbings.

The founding fathers protected our right to bear arms as they understood the means by which the people needed to protect themselves and toss out a gov't that has become tyrannical. Hell, if our founding fathers were still around, they probably would have tossed out the gov't A LONG TIME ago because of the mass taxes and overreach of the legislative branch.

We have to ask ourselves, do we trust the gov't? If you say no, then by what means are we to protect our freedoms and rights outlined by the Constitution? Be honest with the answer, but I will assume most anti gunners will shy away from the question as they won't be brave enough to answer it.
Your assertion is that our founding fathers would approve of 14-year-old kids shooting up schools with military style weapons?
Textbook confirmation bias.

Gee, you found SIX out of HUNDREDS. Do you think you are clever? Do you actually think it means something?

What do the voices planted in your head tell you?
Go find the others then, smarty pants. I already know that gang violence accounts for the vast majority of the “hundreds” of “mass shootings”.

Like I said, it’s the mentally ill homos and the blacks. Change my mind.
Your assertion is that our founding fathers would approve of 14-year-old kids shooting up schools with military style weapons?
In the days of our founding fathers, by age 11, a boy was hunting and putting food on the family table. Instruction in firearms started at 8 or 9.
In the days of our founding fathers, by age 11, a boy was hunting and putting food on the family table. Instruction in firearms started at 8 or 9.
It's your assertion that boys of 8 or 9 in 1790 could walk into government buildings and open fire because the founding fathers would approve of their hunting skills?
Is it true…is this kid another one of yours?
So it appears it is white leftists and dark Democrats conducting all the mass shootings.
Leftism and dark culture = Major liabilities for society.

Never miss an opportunity to use a horrific event to deflect attention from it to demonize trans people...

Nice loser. Always fight for the white.

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