Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter'

”If people like you (people with a ballsack) would just stop being so retaliatory, stop defending America and concede to leftist demands we could all get along just fine.”

All those angry white baginas...
Blue cities. Blue school districts. Blue shooters.
I knew it!


Democrats huh? LOL
Prove your conclusions. Show me exactly the facts about the left treating Ben Carson the same as the Republicans treated Obama. Give me the comparisons.............don't just talk about it. Prove it

You don’t need to agree with Carson’s politics but one can dispense with the personal offensive attacks.

So, should Conservatives treat Obama with the same level of respect that Liberals treat Carson? Yes or No?

You don’t need to agree with Carson’s politics but one can dispense with the personal offensive attacks.

So, should Conservatives treat Obama with the same level of respect that Liberals treat Carson? Yes or No?

Crooked Ben Carson? Bird Brain Ben Carson? Idiot Savant Ben Carson? Uncle Tom Carson?

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon and Waters was saying he knows nothing about Housing, given that Trump put him in charge of housing though Carson has no experience in that area. Waters was right in criticizing him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center criticized Carson for his views on Gay people not honoring what a marriage is about, which should be man and woman. That was not a political criticism but a specific criticism on the man itself.

Could not read this one as it requires subscription

Carson being criticized for his views on immigration. Nonetheless, this was an opinion piece and did have some political points, but it was 90% all about the man and not the party.

this last one is pure BS. This was a "caller" that made the derogatory statement. It was not the media or any person in power. It was just a citizen stating her views.
You don’t need to agree with Carson’s politics but one can dispense with the personal offensive attacks.

So, should Conservatives treat Obama with the same level of respect that Liberals treat Carson? Yes or No?
Carson was a pick by Trump simply to fulfill the visual and TOKEN requirement of not being racist. Nonetheless, Carson had zero experience in the housing market and should never have been picked for that job. In addition, how can YOU compare Carson (a nobody in the political arena) with Obama who was president of the United States? Hating Obama was racism by the right. Hating Carson was none of that as he was not criticized for being a Republican, he was criticized for not doing his job and for him degrading immigrants and gays.

Your proof is no proof. You did not win the debate. In fact, you lost the debate because you tried to debate but failed to prove your point.
Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon and Waters was saying he knows nothing about Housing, given that Trump put him in charge of housing though Carson has no experience in that area. Waters was right in criticizing him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center criticized Carson for his views on Gay people not honoring what a marriage is about, which should be man and woman. That was not a political criticism but a specific criticism on the man itself.

Could not read this one as it requires subscription

Carson being criticized for his views on immigration. Nonetheless, this was an opinion piece and did have some political points, but it was 90% all about the man and not the party.

this last one is pure BS. This was a "caller" that made the derogatory statement. It was not the media or any person in power. It was just a citizen stating her views.

Carson was a pick by Trump simply to fulfill the visual and TOKEN requirement of not being racist. Nonetheless, Carson had zero experience in the housing market and should never have been picked for that job. In addition, how can YOU compare Carson (a nobody in the political arena) with Obama who was president of the United States? Hating Obama was racism by the right. Hating Carson was none of that as he was not criticized for being a Republican, he was criticized for not doing his job and for him degrading immigrants and gays.

Your proof is no proof. You did not win the debate. In fact, you lost the debate because you tried to debate but failed to prove your point.
You glossed over the violent rhetoric from Waters and the Uncle Tom references so you are in no position to say I lost the debate. All of the counter views on Carson could have been said without the violent rhetoric, the Uncle Tom references, and your own “TOKEN” reference. Where has it been deemed a fact that Carson was a “Token” pick? That’s an opinion just like it’s an opinion that Kamala Harris was a token pick as a VP by Biden.

Collect all of the smears on Carson you chose to ignore in the articles and see how you would react when they are hurled at Obama.

You are full of shit.
You glossed over the violent rhetoric from Waters and the Uncle Tom references so you are in no position to say I lost the debate. All of the counter views on Carson could have been said without the violent rhetoric, the Uncle Tom references, and your own “TOKEN” reference. Where has it been deemed a fact that Carson was a “Token” pick? That’s an opinion just like it’s an opinion that Kamala Harris was a token pick as a VP by Biden.

Collect all of the smears on Carson you chose to ignore in the articles and see how you would react when they are hurled at Obama.

You are full of shit.
Ben Carson is an uncle Tom. He has sold out his people if he's siding with Republicans.

A part of me feels like people like Bruce Jenner stick with the GOP because they believe or hope one day the GOP will stop using them as a social political wedge issue. If it weren't for Republicans hating gays, a lot of gays would vote Republican. Same with Hispanics. They overlook it. Ben Carson overlooks the racism in the Republican party. He denies how social programs help poor people. They helped his family. So for him to deny social programs to blacks, makes him a hypocrite and uncle tom.

It's just easier to say Uncle Tom. It's as if you don't know the meaning. Ben Carson is an uncle Tom. So is this guy


But it's not racist to say this. It's like the N word. If blacks can use it, why can't we?

And if whites didn't have all the money, Trump would be a sellout to his people.

You don’t need to agree with Carson’s politics but one can dispense with the personal offensive attacks.

So, should Conservatives treat Obama with the same level of respect that Liberals treat Carson? Yes or No?
Shouldn't we all be treating each other like Fat Elvis does.

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