Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Grooming kids to homosexuality is sure to drive some boys insane
The cross sex drugs they give children, even adults, are having an effect. Hormones act on the brain. The recent spate of mass shootings are trans driven insane by what drugs they are given.
Homosexuality is a mental defect

Driving boys to accept unnatural acts is warping their minds
You have a mental defect. Your brain has rotted by internet and TV. Your mind is warped by bigots, racists and assholes.
Yep. We should have never adopted that second amendment 30 years ago. This school shooting shit would have never started.
As I said, you have no real arguments. Just letting your emotions run you. Like a 12 year old girl.
30 years ago, gun culture began changing.

No one is embracing people with homicidal tendencies.

But we are giving them easy access to high powered rifles and high capacity magazines.
You're changing the narrative .. democrats embrace and accept the mental illness (especially with LGBT alphabet minority) and that's just a fact.

There is no easy access to high-powered rifles, and your knowledge on the topic is laughable. In this case, like many others, there were no actions or limited actions on preventive measures to address the underlying problem proactively.
Yeah. They have schools for emotionally disturbed kids.

You really should pull your head out of your ass and learn something.
So you want to send a whole bunch of kids into specialized schools with limited resources because they said something stupid one time.

I don’t think you thought that out too far, Grandpa.
Nope, I don't have a problem with any inanimate objects. Why do you?

So you actively tell bullied people to solve their problems with guns? Sounds like the problem is grooming kids to violence and degeneracy.
So the weapons the walked into Mexico under the ATF's Fast and Furious program didn't get up and murder anyone all by themselves did they? But the GOP damn sure said those inanimate objects did just that when they tried to blame Obama and Holder, didn't they?
It is a means to maintain power. For the people. Thats literally why we have the second amendment.
No, it’s not. Lunatic gun culture rewrote history and the second amendment.

It wasn’t until Heller that the courts said there was an individual right to guns. The lunatics totally ignored the militia part of the second amendment.

Fuck Scalia.

So you want to send a whole bunch of kids into specialized schools with limited resources because they said something stupid one time.

I don’t think you thought that out too far, Grandpa.
Yes, if they threaten to shoot up schools?

You betcha.

Only a true dumbass let's violent thugs into schools filled with normals.

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