Vance refers to the Georgia shooting as a "fact of life."

It is also a fact of life that you are MUCH more likely to be killed in a car accident than you are to be killed by a deranged mass shooter. Yet we all still drive.
Except we have seatbelts and safety crumple zones for cars to reduce that.
In a free society., there will always be acts like this. But as Vance noted, what is needed is armed security and armed teachers.
This is a clear indication that MAGA is okay with the trade off. They want guns everywhere and even in classrooms, even if it mean some dead children. It is the "collateral damage" and is a "fact of life." MAGA is okay with it.....
This is a clear indication that MAGA is okay with the trade off. They want guns everywhere and even in classrooms, even if it mean some dead children. It is the "collateral damage" and is a "fact of life." MAGA is okay with it.....

^^^The abortionist is pretending to care about "dead children". smh
and yet those laws get ignored. And those caught with those guns get pled down and released.

The Constitution allows commitment via Due Process.
The constitution requires people to be a clear and present imminent threat in order to be committed.
In a country of at least 350 million fukkers, there will ALWAYS be at least a few crazy homicidal bastards who will be triggered by who-knows-what, and we will have what have been labeled "mass shootings."

There is no law that can be passed that will prevent them, and particularly no law that is consistent with our Second Amendment. Everything that can logically be tried has been tried, but the phenomenon is UNAVOIDABLE. If they don't have firearms, they will use something else. Knives, explosives, cars and trucks, fire.

It's a fact of life. Leftists who go around wringing their hands, saying "What we need is more gun control," are either idiots or simply pandering to their stupid constituents. If anyone can formulate a law that would prevent this, and be consistent with our other Constitutional rights, please step forward.

It is a fact of life.
Just "collateral damage"...right? In MAGA world, that is an even trade off. The lives of a couple kids for the right to allow everyone to carry guns. Even better...if the dead kids are Black. Then MAGA is even more sold on their "Fact of Life" conclusion.
Its a precursor for the proposed Trump/Bowman administration. They have no solutions or desire to fix problems...they just want you to accept these tragedies are a fact of life that you can do nothing about.
Yup, such collateral damage is acceptable in MAGA world...well...unless one of the dead kids is one of theirs. Then there may be some serious hang wringing.
It's true. We must adapt. Kevlar School Uniforms for every school. Do it for the Children. What's wrong, don't you love the children enough give them the best protection? The fact that these shooting will be more frequent and probably more deadly in the future. Support mandatory Kevlar School Uniforms.
Kevlar Manufacturers of America

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