Vance refers to the Georgia shooting as a "fact of life."

Ahh, xenophobia is now the cause. I thought you guys said it was violent video games--at least when Kleibold and Harris (members of the well regulated militia) shot up Columbine...that is what you guys blamed. Now it’s muslims.

Was the shooter in Georgia a muslim?

Muslims are not a race. get your words right.

I never said that.

You brought up other countries, by which most gun grabbers mean Western Europe, and I retorted that that situation will not continue as those countries lose out on the birth race, and continue to not control their immigration.
As opposed to the leftist one of encouraging crime by not punishing it?
More MAGA brain disease, deflecting from the topic with unrelated nonsense.

JD Vance knows this is a fact of life. Dead kids is the cost of the second amendment. It’s one or the other now.
More MAGA brain disease, deflecting from the topic with unrelated nonsense.

JD Vance knows this is a fact of life. Dead kids is the cost of the second amendment. It’s one or the other now.

He said he doesn't like that it's a fact of life. My God, you are lying to the person who pointed out the original lie.

Are you that fucking gone?
Schools can’t afford to pay art teachers anymore and are ending their programs but we can afford to hire a small police force for every school.

Sure guys.

Well, this may surprise you coming from me.

If your first call when a school shooting starts is to the cops, doesn’t it make more sense to have the cops there already?

So I’m all for having more police at the schools. It’s a band-aid approach to a problem whose cause is vivid and easily solved if we are adult enough as a nation to solve it. Currently...clearly we are not. It isn’t a solution.

The solution isn’t to get into an arms race with the general public; its to limit the avenues that shooters have to guns. Every other advanced nation on the planet has done it and doesn’t have these massacres.... Surely we could too.
Well, this may surprise you coming from me.

If your first call when a school shooting starts is to the cops, doesn’t it make more sense to have the cops there already?

So I’m all for having more police at the schools. It’s a band-aid approach to a problem whose cause is vivid and easily solved if we are adult enough as a nation to solve it. Currently...clearly we are not. It isn’t a solution.

The solution isn’t to get into an arms race with the general public; its to limit the avenues that shooters have to guns. Every other advanced nation on the planet has done it and doesn’t have these massacres.... Surely we could too.

Then repeal the 2nd amendment.

Good luck with that.
He was engaged pretty quickly by the school resource officer, but when you have a high powered rifle, it only takes a few seconds to kill 4 people.

Probably handgun or shotgun would do the task just as well. 12Gauge pump action was around long long ago.

Really, school shooting now can be dismissed as a "fact of life" like these shooting are to expected and we just need to accept them as what they are...."Fact of Life." Vance needs to tell than to all the mothers and fathers who have seen their children shot up like pieces of meat, so badly, that it took DNA evidence to identify them. Vance is just another MAGA tool who is following the lead of the man called trump. Really....a "Fact of Life?"
Most fucking fake of FAKE NEWS!

Prosecute people who actually commit gun crimes.
Try to fix our mental health issues in this country.
Accept that soft targets need security until the 2nd issue is fixed.
The kid is being prosecuted for gun crimes, dope.

Repeating “fix mental health issues” isn’t actually fixing any mental health issues.

There isn’t enough money or security to protect “soft targets”.

Accept that hundreds of millions of guns and a society obsessed with clinging to them is going to result in kids and young adults going on random shooting sprees.
JD Vance: Its a fact of life.

Also JD Vance behind bullet proof glass and secret service protection:
So the solution is more security at every location...all the time?

Ideas to help reduce the situation have been posted. Yet you snarkily roam your black-tounged evil Witch arse from board to board spewing your same “nothing can be done” implying (eliminate guns)?

Like slowjoe or PeeKkk this is entertainment for your desperate existence and you always want more shootings. Ideas are posted but you do-nothings say thats illegal! Change the laws then you mental midget. Protect the kids. FBI had this sap.

You really are a worthless American.
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