Right-Wing Influencer Network Tenet Media Spread PUTIN Disinformation

Let’s face it many Trumpists on this and other forums and outlets are full of Putin’s useful idiots or fifth columnists working in conjunction with Putin’s propaganda assault on this nation.
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The indictment lays out how RT officials — in the wake of sanctions imposed after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 — created an “entire empire of covert projects” meant to shape the public opinions of “Western audiences,” in this case using U.S. citizens who acted as intermediaries to pro-Trump political commentators, communicating with them about strategy, payment negotiations and video distribution.

The indictment includes allegations that some Tenet commentators drove a hard bargain. In one exchange, company officials in internal communications said that “Commentator-1” — likely Rubin — said “it would need to be closer to 5 million yearly for him to be interested,” while “Commentator-2” — likely Pool — said “it would take 100k per weekly episode to make it worth his while.” That led one of the company’s founders to allegedly say that it would be “very hard” for the company to “recoup the costs” based on ad revenue from web traffic or sponsors alone, but that they decided to move forward anyway.

The indictment also alleges that the two defendants and the two “founders” told two of the commentators that the company was sponsored by a private investor named “Eduard Grigoriann,” a fictional persona they described as an “accomplished financial professional” who held positions at a multinational bank in both Brussels and France. The founders, according to the indictment, referenced Grigoriann as their investor with Commentators-1 & 2, but privately acknowledged to each other in online communications that their real investors were “the Russians.”
This above method is what created Trump and MAGA, it seems?
In a way, yes. Not how you might perceive it, but Americans that LOVE our Constitution and Country are being demonized by the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie brigade of contaminated Marxist IDIOTS that were TAUGHT to HATE their own country as founded.
Just as Uncle Yuri described, generation after generation are TAUGHT that AMERICA BAD, and as the DECADES go by this SICKNESS spreads exponentially to the point of where we are TODAY.

That the notion of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is causing gag reflexes to the demented LEFT is astonishingly EVEDENT that yes, Russia Russia Russia was the ROOT of this calamity, but not quite as they claim.

I'm sorry for you, princess. You seem like a good person at times here, but clearly you've been misguided along your way.
It's sad, actually.
Undo the mute on video

Is that the video he was paid $100,000 for?

I support Ukraine so I have not seen much if any of Tom Pool’s video’s

But America does have dug-in-at-the-heels isolationists who are against any US involvement anywhere in the world
Seriously who cares. 90% of our politicians are on Israel's payroll and nobody seems to notice,
Is that the video he was paid $100,000 for?

I support Ukraine so I have not seen much if any of Tom Pool’s video’s

But America does have dug-in-at-the-heels isolationists who are against any US involvement anywhere in the world
But they weren’t saying that. They were saying that Ukraine is the enemy.

man , are you working from Omsk ?
its just RT CRAP.



Is that the video he was paid $100,000 for?

I support Ukraine so I have not seen much if any of Tom Pool’s video’s

But America does have dug-in-at-the-heels isolationists who are against any US involvement anywhere in the world
He and 5 other influencers were paid to create videos each week....for one of them I just read, he had to create 4 videos a week for $400,000 a month. Each had their own contract with this Trumper leaning media group....

This isn't even the tip of the iceberg imo.....this is only 1 of the many, media groups the Russians State Agents are paying....to do their propaganda spreading jobs....

And it is not new......in 2016, the Russians funneled money to the NRA to run pro trump type ads....
Just in the last couple of days, we've had Trump admit that he lost and we've learned that Russia is (predictably) in bed with MAGA media.

Will it matter to the flock? Of course not. They'll continue to deny and attack. After everything that has happened, and everything that could still happen.
You forgot to mention Putin likes Biden and thinks Harris will be a good president.
He and 5 other influencers were paid to create videos each week....for one of them I just read, he had to create 4 videos a week for $400,000 a month. Each had their own contract with this Trumper leaning media group....

This isn't even the tip of the iceberg imo.....this is only 1 of the many, media groups the Russians State Agents are paying....to do their propaganda spreading jobs....

And it is not new......in 2016, the Russians funneled money to the NRA to run pro trump type ads....

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