Latest school shooter was.....

You MAGAs are just so weird.
Says the guy who thinks chicks can have dicks and men can have periods. Go chug some stallion milk with your pal Tampon Tim

Maybe his family life wasen't that great condidering his braindead old man bought him an AR a few months after law enforcement met with him & braindead dad about previous threats that he made.

Know how this happened? Kemp & the Georgia legistlature allow 14 yr olds to own weapons of mass destruction with no oversight.

So take your trans, fags & other moronic insults & you know what you can do with them. Get my drift, MAGA disciple?

Btw, the braindead dad is cooling his heels in a cell after he was charged with murder for his stupidity.
If the kid is a fag your personal insults against MAGAs change nothing
Nobody should be allowed to own an AR & I don't give a shit what you or MAGA dupes think.

Apparently schoolkids being murdered with them doesn't bother you one bit so you can play GI Joe.
Nobody should have to live in a society with you trannys see I can play this game too

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